Sentences with phrase «than murder because»

@BoldGeorge, Ra - pe is a terrible crime that in my opinion is worse than murder because the victim is forced to live with the aftermath (especially if, say, the victim becomes pregnant and is forced to deliver the child against her will).

Not exact matches

Yes because liberals and athiest Never rationalize anything like, abortion is stopping a beating heart but nobody wants to call it murder or republicans hate blacks yet under Obama and liberal aministration blacks are fairing worse than ever, or that scientist don't know how the world was created and that we came from slime but there's no proof.
Although the Nazis ultimately intended the destruction of a far larger segment of humankind than just the Jews, their murder of Jews was precisely because they were Jews, not undifferentiated «human beings.»
@Naomi — because «death rows» full of murders who were unwanted children are better than abortion clinics?
... I'm bitter and full of hatred because they murdered the one person who was dearer to me than my own life....
Actually in the last 150 years ATHEISTS have murdered more people because of faith than Religions have done in the whole past.
95000 mostly women are murdered in the USA by their partners because of extra marital affairs or affairs, they are murdered because they feel betrayed, i ask is this not honor killing than what is it?
Yes i know two counsellors i told one of them about this and i want to know why Jesus Christ without any mercy sends that person to hell forever to suffer and never ever forgives them even though they didn't commit any thing like murder and that also forever you can forgive that person went in minutes of that sin with in a snap of a finger then only why that sin why not give him another life in Earth after forgiving and punishing him for the rest of his sin it is said that god and Jesus Is very merciful then why he is giving such a life sentence that is much more worse than eternal nothingness and why doesn't he punish Satun with eternal nothingness because i think most of the sins in Earth are committed because of him only?
We, TRUE believers have lesser tendencies to commit murders and other unpardonable sins than atheists because, we believe that aside from it is logically, morally and lawfully wrong to harm our fellow beings, we also believe that they are abominable in the sight of God.
Jesus died for ALL sins, not just some, not the ones that we like to consider big because according to the Word of God all sin is equal, big or small, obviously murdering someone will have more of an impact than lying because the individuals family is affected among other things but in the eyes of God ALL sin is equal but Jesus died for ALL sins and I believe Paul's testimony shows that there are no sins that can't be forgiven, the power of sin has been taken away.
I would bet that the gay neighbor in the 1999 film American Beauty, who, it is implied, loves guns, collects Nazi trinkets, and turns to murder all because he represses his own urges, formed more people's views about how to regard homosexuals than did the entire decade's research into psychosexuality by the whole scientific community.
I do this... as a duty of brotherly love, so that if any misfortune or disaster comes out of this matter, it may not be attributed to me, nor will I be blamed before God and men because of my silence... We have no one on earth to thank for this disastrous rebellion except you princes and lords, and especially you blind bishops and mad priests and monks whose hearts are hardened... The murder - prophets [a reference to Karlstadt, Muntzer and all the Schwarmerei] who hate me as they hate you, have come among these people... for more than three years, and no one has resisted and fought against them except me... I beseech you not to make light of this rebellion... The peasants have just published twelve articles some of which are so fair and just as to take away your reputation in the eyes of God... Because you made light of my To The German Nobility you must now listen to and put up with these selfish arbecause of my silence... We have no one on earth to thank for this disastrous rebellion except you princes and lords, and especially you blind bishops and mad priests and monks whose hearts are hardened... The murder - prophets [a reference to Karlstadt, Muntzer and all the Schwarmerei] who hate me as they hate you, have come among these people... for more than three years, and no one has resisted and fought against them except me... I beseech you not to make light of this rebellion... The peasants have just published twelve articles some of which are so fair and just as to take away your reputation in the eyes of God... Because you made light of my To The German Nobility you must now listen to and put up with these selfish arBecause you made light of my To The German Nobility you must now listen to and put up with these selfish articles.
27 years ago they burned my grand father, father, and sister in a church outside luxor because Allah be mercifull (ha ha) DROVE THEM TO MURDER MOST OF MY FAMILY, they time has come for not only copts but all christians to stand up and destroy the evil of islam, I know that one day, the one true God (JESUS) WILL COME BACK AND SEND THEM TO HELL, but fellow christians do nt be afraid, they think that they are better than us but good always overcomes evil, salam issa masih.
Well, that's because the Supreme Court doesn't much like it, determining more than 100 years ago that polygamy was «an offence against society» (Reynolds v. U.S.) and compared it to «murders sanctified by religious belief, such as human sacrifice or the burning of women on their husbands» funeral pyres,» or so writes lawyer and social critic Wendy Kaminer.
Joshua Greene hypothesizes that people would be uncomfortable with pushing the large man into the path of the oncoming trolley because it would seem more like murder than flipping a switch.
Close's burnished enigma characterization works beautifully because Damages, which will spend its 13 - episode season detailing the six months that led to the opening shots of a blood - covered Ellen escaping a murder scene, is more a well - oiled genre exercise than the stuff of rigorous personality study.
The character, Tilda Johnson, a.k.a. the villain Nightshade, has, by my count, less than fifteen words to say in the movie, and is unceremoniously murdered by Killmonger because Klaue is using her as a shield and Killmonger just ain't got time for that.
I'm still dying to see it because musicals for life, don «cha know / Film Quentin Tarantino's next movie is about the year of 1969 rather than the Charles Manson murders as previously reported.
I hope the show works out better than this trailer is making it look, because the Versace story has everything — fashion, sex, celebrity, power, fin de siècle extravagance, and not just murder but SERIAL murder.
«Calvary» opens with a bang as an unknown parishioner in the confessional with Father James announces his plan to kill the priest in seven days not because he was the priest who sexually abused him many years earlier («I first tasted semen at the age of seven») but because he is innocent — and the murder of an innocent priest will afford greater publicity than revenge against the guilty.
So Rachel now has seven days to solve her own murder, and I couldn't help thinking of Edmond O'Brien getting quite a bit less than that to figure out who poisoned him in the great 1950 film D.O.A. Because she needs the help, she shows the tape to her ex, a video geek named Noah (Martin Henderson).
Because, as we know, this is way more offensive than teenager murdering each other for a government's entertainment.
It resulted in the deaths of more than 17 million soldiers and even more civilians who were killed during bombings, mass murders, and because of poverty and starvation.
It is the very unnatural act of ending a life, that forever echoes throughout our souls, because our soul was created by the very same hands that created the souls of the Animals that we wrongly murder, trying to hide our guilt with illusionary terms like «euthanize» and «humane», rather than factual terms like «kill» or «murder».
The app will send you notifications when Elusive Targets are released, an essential feature because you wouldn't want to delay your murdering for even one minute more than you have to...
It seems like a much more realistic experience than the 05» version because even if you place a ball within the strike zone your not assured a strike and if you murder the ball... you may not hit a homerun.
Promoting it through the education system is far more effective for control over people because insidious brainwashing rather than outright book burning and murder of teachers, which is more noticeable..
The court adopted Lord Hoffman's reasoning in Gray v Thames Trains [2009] UKHL 33, [2009] 4 All ER 81, which although not a joint enterprise case (Mr Gray sued for the consequences of a murder he had committed because of post-traumatic stress disorder arising from a train accident) nevertheless expounded policy rather than principles for cases of this type.
Realistically, either State A or State B could prosecute for conspiracy to murder as an additional charge, because the conspiracy clearly spanned more than one state, even if they can't prove where the crime was committed, although physical evidence (e.g. traces of camp sites, footprints, testimony about landmarks, evidence of poop with human DNA from the victim in it), would usually make it possible to show that some part of the crime was committed in the state.
Section 230 was found unconstitutional because first degree murder can not be less than objective foresight of death.
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