Sentences with phrase «than on external»

If Apple would be following the release pattern that it has implemented in the past several iPhone models, next year would be an «S» cycle for the smartphone, wherein the improvements would be focusing on the device's internal rather than on its external design.
Corporate law departments are spending more on internal budgets than on external law firms, according to research by the Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC), a global organisation of more than 40,000 in - house lawyers.
• 49 % of the students live with single parents or grandparents and uncles; • 55 % believe that their progress depends more on themselves than on external factors; • 79 % think the teachers are not worried about their progress;
Furthermore, all the various systems of theology seem to have their own rules for how to understand Scripture, which is not only confusing, but seems to suggest that theologians develop their rules of Bible study based on what they want the Bible to say rather than on some external, literary standard.

Not exact matches

According to Turkish dissidents, social media and external sources such as VICE are even more important than they would be elsewhere because local media outlets are unwilling to report on corruption or the behavior of Turkish police and armed forces.
Rather than zeroing in on a specific review, «we look at our overall data, including internal and external surveys on employee happiness, turnover rates, et cetera.»
It lies in your ability to stop, go inward, and reflect on the course of action that you know is the right one rather than succumbing to external pressures and circumstances.
His post goes on to list several techniques, including following your interests so that you enjoy the process not just the result of your efforts, focusing on self - improvement rather than external comparisons, and seeking empowering mentorship.
«Rather than send out a press release saying that we have a new business strategy, we did a fun video (that can found on Youtube) for internal employees and external stakeholders, where we took over Starbucks headquarters and turned it into Seattle's Best Coffee building for a day,» Gass explains.
As desktop use, traditional ads and virtual payments on apps and games like those published by Zynga slow down, many analysts say the company's mobile business, commerce features and new external ad network will more than make up for it.
It also includes a specific goal of winning more contracts for future core auto components based on profitability rather than external growth and thereby reducing the ratio of materials to 60 % or below.
Generally, external financial statements are prepared on the accrual basis of accounting, which means that assets and liabilities are recorded when they are committed to, and revenue and expenses are recorded when they are incurred (rather than when they are actually paid).
If you build links continuously on the same external site, you'll get far less value than you'll get by building links on other external sites.
As we tried to distinguish between good and bad reasons to worry about the euro area outlook, we concluded that some of those concerns look overdone, largely based on the view that the improvement in domestic demand should more than compensate for external weakness.
There are a handful of ways to increase your conversion rates, from using paid advertising to featuring your products on external eCommerce platforms, but for me, there's no better tool for achieving conversions than content.
One of the things I like the most about my deconversion is that I am not as dependent on external beings anymore, that I have more agency and potential than I previously assumed: it's a relief
So — it wasn't about me, it was about something other than me, external to me that I had a choice and a freedom over what I did on hearing.
Whiteheadians seem able to imagine such ecstatically spanned unities - across - time on the so - called «microscopic» scale of the «specious present,» but give up on the idea as the scope of the temporal disclosure space is widened to the scale of human lifetime and of generations.7 But worse than this from the point of view of Heidegger's temporal problematic, by submitting the ecstatic unities of their «specious presents» to the before / after ordering and metric properties of linear time, at least in terms of their mutually external relations and arrangements, they give back ontologically every advantage they gained from the use of an cc - static - temporal disclosure horizon in the first place, even though it was only the single horizon of presence.
Efforts should be made to encourage churches to maximize the utilization of indigenous / local resources to meet their mission priorities rather than depending on external resources.
On face value, W. E. Hocking's remark that when Whitehead arrived at Harvard «his speculative structure... was already well advanced in its main outlines» is a bit of external evidence against my hypothesis, but it may mean nothing more than that Whitehead was little influenced by the philosophical opinions and controversies of his American colleagues during these years, which seems very much to have been the case.
She's a blogger who fell in love with a Catholic guy and adopted his religion while still denouncing half all based on the flimsy idea that she had a predetermination that «morality» is «external» to man based on essentially nothing other than she believes it.
But these are discovered by him in the company of others, with whom relationship is sustained on a more than merely external level.
Still thinking of discipline in terms of child care, it becomes apparent, however, that the best prevention is education whenever it can be achieved that is, that the child who can learn to anticipate consequences for himself is in a much better position to avoid harmful misconduct than the child who relies wholly on external admonitions.
Not only are its people more polarized than ever over Puerto Rico's status question — whether to become a sovereign nation, become a state of the U.S. or stay as it is; it is the most impoverished North American territory, with an external debt of over $ 7 billion, an unemployment rate of more than 20 per cent, 65 per cent of its people on federal food stamps and 38 per cent who have an income below the poverty line.
The two modes of spatial extension discussed by Hartshorne as follows may be nothing more than two (external and internal) perspectives on one mode.
Prayer but a shortened version of meditation that having come over the many centuries / as the art of true prayer in meditation was lost / where the focus of reality had turned to the external based on ideas belief / rather than practical spiritual experience of one turning the senses inward / thus knowing / not believing.
The knowledge of faith, rather than relying on the outmoded theories of knowledge where the mind merely represents external objects, is participatory; the act of contemplating the things of God partakes in God's own Trinitarian activity.
This is why we must come to understand how and why God loves us so much, rather than based our love on external appearances and accomplishments in life.
This is presumptuous, says Origen, for it implies that the «truth of Christianity» is to be decided by a criterion external to itself; but, he continues, the «gospel has a proof which is peculiar to itself and which is more divine than a Greek proof based on dialectical arguments.»
And it matters to him in more than a superficial sense, as if he simply observed and knew in an external way what was going on in the world.
I lean towards the third view... but I admit it is the most difficult of the three views... Christ's priorities appear to be «love in motion» flowing in almost unpredictable directions as dictated by the greatest need: — He heals a slave rather than rebukes slavery; — He heals a man at a pool, then leads the man to belief, then says «cease from sinning»; — He heals many others and says «go and sin no more» to but a few; — He shares money with the poor but establishes no long - term aid; — He touches lepers; He converses with seeking Pharisees; He debates with other Pharisees; He lives with Samaritan outcasts for two days; — He acknowledges the five «marriages» of the Samaritan woman as «marriages»... and then remarks about her current co-habitation... but then moves to higher priorities; — He seems so very focused on internal holiness and not on external holiness; — He violates the Sabbath; He says He is Lord of the Sabbath; He even says that the Sabbath was created to assist man, rather than man created to serve the Sabbath... thus turning the entire concept of the Law into one of assistance rather than being chained to obedience; — He insists on impartiality in the way we bless others, even if we call them «evil» or «good».
However, Ford has never acknowledged that the basic hypothesis supporting the genetic approach is not only devoid of any external validation (i.e., validation other than its alleged explanatory value), but is m fact inconsistent with Whitehead's explicit pronouncements on the development of his thought, on mistakes and modifications of that thought, and on the mutual illumination of his books.
Rather than focusing on the Trinity as internal or external, as God as love in the Trinity or God as love requiring the world, he suggests recognizing the Trinity as expressing diversity in unity («Confessional» 117 - 18).
And it's more about the devil on our shoulder than it is about an external person who represents the devil.
It relies on ecological processes, biodiversity and nutrients, energy and water cycles adapted to local conditions, rather than on the use of external inputs with adverse effects.
On the driver name, Whiting said it should be «clearly legible on the external bodywork» and «no less than 150 mm high», with a minimum stroke thickness of 30 mOn the driver name, Whiting said it should be «clearly legible on the external bodywork» and «no less than 150 mm high», with a minimum stroke thickness of 30 mon the external bodywork» and «no less than 150 mm high», with a minimum stroke thickness of 30 mm.
But on paper, it might prove hard to do much better than this in terms of bringing in an external replacement for Griezmann — assuming he does go, the price is right and so on.
The fight doesn't go too well for the conscientious kid trying to do things the «right way» and he gets pummeled, but he remains smug in the fact that he can take the puritanical high road and can cock a snook at those who rely on external factors to win rather than doing things «the right way».
More than once I've said here «that there are few jobs on this planet harder than managing a district's school food program» and I've tried hard to explain to disgruntled parents the external forces which make the job so difficult.
If you're being the coach and encouraging your child along the way, rather than the judge with the reward or punishment at the other end, your child will definitely gain a sense of being capable and develop higher self esteem from the inside (as opposed to hanging their self esteem on external approvals).
Responses like these focus the accomplishment on the child's inner work, rather than on a parent's external evaluation.
Additionally, Szukala implemented the Erie County Waste, Fraud, and Abuse Tip Line, which has responded to more than 300 anonymous tips from taxpayers since 2008, and has acted as Secretary to the Erie County Audit Committee, the Charter - mandated board tasked with selecting the County's external auditor and reporting on the implementation of recommendations.
The total boost for 45 of the bureau's 61 positions would top more than $ 2 million, and comes after the Stringer got an external firm to review what similar positions pay on Wall Street, at city nonprofits and at other sizable public pension funds.
By modelling the atomic vibration of individual atoms in such clusters realistically, external atoms on the surface of the structure can be «seen'to vibrate more than internal atoms.
This suggests the lemmings» huge outbreaks are largely driven by their winter behaviour, rather than external factors like food supply or predators, which should have had a similar impact on vole populations.
«We no longer use the contract completions crews that used very small trace amounts of kerosene and a hydrocarbon distillate on five wells more than three years ago,» said John Christiansen, director of external communications at Anadarko Petroleum Corp., one of the companies listed in the report.
Runyon and his co-authors argue for a definition of «planet» that focuses on the intrinsic qualities of the body itself, rather than external factors such as its orbit or other objects around it.
There's just one catch: The material must be «in equilibrium,» meaning that any particle motions must be due to the effect of the material's temperature rather than any external forces acting on the particles.
The sneaker would be more than foam and rubber: You'd have an information processor that could react to the external world and alter itself based on feedback.
Reptiles depend on external sources of heat, and have a metabolic rate much slower than that of birds or mammals.
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