Sentences with phrase «than one's white counterparts»

The results show that, after adjusting for differences in family background, black students at any class level are more likely than their white counterparts to attend a four - year university.
Young black men between the age of 15 and 24 are killed by a gun at a rate that is 4.5 times higher than their white counterparts.
Black teachers were paid salaries of about 40 % lower than their white counterparts, despite being on average better educated.
But those educators tend to leave the profession at much higher rates than their white counterparts.
Factor in that poor black children are almost three times more likely to be held back in school than their white counterparts.
His own research has found that it takes people of color longer than their white counterparts to transition into their first managerial job.
In all industries combined, blacks working in professional or management positions were more likely to experience short sleep than their white counterparts (42 % vs. 26 %).
The report includes the fact that African American men live 15 fewer years than their white counterparts, and are 3.5 times more likely to die of prostate cancer.
These starchy orange root vegetables actually have many more health benefits than their white counterparts, and in my opinion, pack much more flavor.
I really enjoy this brand, particularly because it is less processed than the white counterparts.
For one, minority women are more likely to die in pregnancy than their white counterparts.
Many more African - American and Latino students are failing than their white counterparts, however.
Also, more American black students — irrespective of their class or background — will set off on this education path than their white counterparts.
Not only did African - American study participants report more than 60 % more stressful events than their white counterparts, but each individual experience was also linked to worse cognitive results.
African - American and Latino students are much more likely to have inexperienced teachers than their white counterparts.
Indeed, minority teachers tend to have lower rates of retention than their white counterparts.
African American men also receive longer sentences than their white counterparts.
All smart bulbs carry premium price tags, with color variants more expensive than their white counterparts.
Despite rising college attendance, black students are still less likely than their white counterparts to attend prestigious schools that may give them connections or a leg up in the career world.
Similarly, studies based on observations from actual classrooms often find that black students with white teachers receive less attention, are praised less, and are scolded more often than their white counterparts.
Studies show a familiar pattern: middle - income black and Latino students faring worse than their white counterparts with respect to grades, enrollment in advanced courses, and performance on standardized tests.
The analysis is part of Reveal's ongoing coverage of modern - day redlining in America, which found 61 metro area s, from Jacksonville, Florida to Tacoma, Washington, where people of color were significantly more likely to be denied a conventional home loan than their white counterparts.
However, those families who do have the material resources associated with middle - class status tend to invest in their children's education at similar or higher levels than their white counterparts,» says Merolla.
Consistent with prior research, the study found that black young adults have more student loan debt than their white counterparts.
Female AI / AN adolescents have higher risks than their white counterparts of needing but not getting medical care and of perpetrating violence (Table 4).
But to meet this need, firms lower their standards and hire minority lawyers with, on average, much lower grades than their white counterparts.
Male AI / AN adolescents have a higher risk than their white counterparts of skipping breakfast, having poor / fair health status, and perpetrating violence.
Black Americans tend to pay more for cars than their white counterparts.
Women of color are also more likely to be employed as involuntary part - time workers than their white counterparts.
Previous Pew Research Center studies found that Hispanic Christians attend church more regularly than their white counterparts, and black Protestants are retaining young churchgoers at higher rates than any other group.
Surveys show that across pretty much all demographics they are viewed as less intelligent and less trustworthy than their white counterparts.
Why, when I'm in these situations, I always reach for my black chickpeas, which are tinier and meatier than their white counterpart.
Brown rice is less processed and more nutritious than its white counterpart.
Brown rice — higher in fiber and other nutrients than its white counterpart — is the perfect vehicle for this quick, protein - heavy lunch.
James said that while there is a 99 percent survival rate if breast cancer is detected early, black women are 42 percent more likely to die from breast cancer than their white counterparts and Hispanic women have significantly higher rates of being diagnosed with advanced breast cancer than either white or black women.
According to the latest study, however, many fetuses of minority mothers may be developing normally, but because of hereditary and environmental factors, they are smaller than their white counterparts.
The authors suggest that wealthy black parents are less able to transfer wealth to their kids than their white counterparts, perhaps, due in part to having fewer liquid assets such as stocks, bonds and savings, which can be passed down more easily to the next generation.
African - American women are equally, if not more, likely to experience infertility than their white counterparts, but they often cope with this traumatic issue in silence and isolation, according to a new University of Michigan study.
Additionally, a smaller proportion of African American men had health insurance, identified as current drinkers and reported heart disease than their white counterparts, while a larger proportion of African American men in the national sample were physically inactive, obese, and reported fair / poor health, hypertension and diabetes.
The study is one of two NIH - funded projects — the other strips previous applications of all identifying characteristics before subjecting them to a new round of reviews — now underway that were spawned by a 2011 finding that black scientists have a much lower chance of receiving an NIH grant than their white counterparts.
Blacks are less likely to think their cancer is aggressive and are more worried about the cost than their white counterparts
Blacks were more likely to think their cancer was not aggressive and were more likely to worry about the treatment's cost and side effects than their white counterparts.
If you need one more reason to ditch the white variety, think of the added health benefits of sweet potatoes, which are one of the richest sources of beta - carotene (a precursor of vitamin A) plus more potassium and dietary fiber than their white counterparts.
For a long time, there have always been a number of white women whose preference of partners lies more on the charming black men than their white counterparts, with a wide range of reasons, most being facts others fictitious but still hold water with many white women.
The United States, after all, elected Barack Obama as its head of state twice and has seen a highly - privileged section of African - Americans — no less reactionary than their white counterparts — in some of the highest offices of the state (Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice, Eric Holder, etc.).
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