Sentences with phrase «than ordinary ones»

Calving glaciers are more challenging than ordinary ones when it comes to documenting change.
By looting treasure chests, player may unlock power ups: wings that let him fly around the stage, additional arrows which may be even deadly than the ordinary ones, or a magnificent shield which protects from coming enemy attacks.
Quantum computers should be faster than ordinary ones because their bits occupy multiple states at once, not just a 1 or a 0.
After nine generations, the transgenic mosquitoes made up 70 percent of the population, meaning they survived better and laid more eggs than the ordinary ones.
In government departments, the clocks run faster than ordinary ones and endless decisions are required - with little opportunity for discussion - all the time.
But he's not fully convinced those abundances signify a pair - instability supernova rather than an ordinary one.

Not exact matches

According to new research from Harvard University and the University of Virginia, when people seek out extraordinary experiences like vacationing in exotic locales, those who had the experience enjoyed that their adventures were superior to ones their peers had, but during subsequent social interactions the adventurer ultimately felt excluded and worse off than they would have felt if they had an ordinary experience like everyone else.
Clinton responds by citing the now - famous research by Kenneth Rogoff and Carmen Reinhart that recessions created by financial crises take longer to recover from than ordinary recessions — five to 10 years, instead of one or two.
With competitors making lower - priced equipment, one interesting turn has been how VR tech has made its way into more ordinary products, rather than developing on a specialist - equipment trajectory.
Investors choose this as one of the ways to invest money because it offers higher returns than an ordinary CD or money market investment.
But it's one thing to establish a position that risks a major wipeout of capital, and another to pursue an investment disipline that maintains a lower tolerance for risk than ordinary buy - and - hold investors require over the course of a typical market cycle.
The earnings from an annuity, when withdrawn, are subject to the ordinary income tax rate, which for many is higher than the long - term capital gains rate that one incurs in owning a mutual fund, according to Daniel Kurt, writing in Investopedia.
I became convinced that one major reason for decline was that theology had become an academic discipline rather than the articulation of the faith of ordinary Christians.
My final say as a human to human, from brother to a brother derived from our father and mother Adam & Eve, kindly ask your American Nation to unite all races and faiths under one ceiling and not to Crash down otherwise it will go back to pieces and fragments of pieces which will surly to crash with you since we are still suffering the vibrations of 9/11 and of the Global Economy crises and we do not want those any more as much as you but nothing in hand we ordinary ones have other than we are doing now here!?
Corrections please,,, My say as a human to human, from brother to a brother derived from our father and mother Adam & Eve, kindly ask your American Nation to unite all races and faiths under one ceiling and not to Crash down otherwise it will go back to pieces and fragments of pieces, we are here with you on the Ship, Ark still can feel and suffer the results of the vibrations that has reached us since the 9/11 tragedy and the following Global Economy Crash and we do not want those any more as much as you do but nothing we ordinary ones can do other than be heard complaining and that what we are doing here right now where I am to Remind out of but have no Control Over.?!
So if Santayana is not an «event ontologist» like Whitehead, it is not because he thinks ordinary continuants or «primary substances» are ontologically more basic than events, which he does not, but because he speaks of the derivation of one event from another as the transmission of matter or substance, in the sense of ulh, from one to another.
My say as a human to human, from brother to a brother derived from our father and mother Adam & Eve, kindly ask your American Nation to unite all races and faiths under one ceiling and not to Crash down otherwise it will go back to pieces and fragments of pieces, we are here with you on the Ship, Ark still can feel and suffer the results of the vibrations that has reached us since the 9/11 tragedy and the following Global Economy Crash and we do not want those any more as much as you do but nothing we ordinary ones can do other than be heard complaining and that what we are doing here right now where I am to Remind out of but have no Control Over.?!
All the elements were in place for one of those larger than ordinary mortals» performances, but the gambit seems to have fallen flat.
The ordinary Christian in one of the mainline churches, more inclined to look to the Bible for directions for living than concerned with problems of textual criticism, is apt to draw from them only an injunction to fidelity and perhaps a warning to be ready to die, since death may overtake one at any moment.
James Davison Hunter and Alan Wolfe disagreed fiercely over the reach and power of the culture wars, but they agreed on one thing: These wars are fought by politicians and pundits far more than by ordinary Americans.
One is the scene in which Dolly is on her way to visit Anna at Vronsky's estate in the country; as she travels, the narrative takes us into her thoughts, which are perfectly ordinary: her anxieties as a mother, principally, and as a wife, and her moral uncertainties; but it is all rendered with such confident and seemingly omniscient artistry that one almost feels as if one has momentarily become this woman, and can think and feel as she does; and more than one female critic has called attention to how well Tolstoy succeeds here at imagining his way into the worries and regrets of a wife and mothOne is the scene in which Dolly is on her way to visit Anna at Vronsky's estate in the country; as she travels, the narrative takes us into her thoughts, which are perfectly ordinary: her anxieties as a mother, principally, and as a wife, and her moral uncertainties; but it is all rendered with such confident and seemingly omniscient artistry that one almost feels as if one has momentarily become this woman, and can think and feel as she does; and more than one female critic has called attention to how well Tolstoy succeeds here at imagining his way into the worries and regrets of a wife and mothone almost feels as if one has momentarily become this woman, and can think and feel as she does; and more than one female critic has called attention to how well Tolstoy succeeds here at imagining his way into the worries and regrets of a wife and mothone has momentarily become this woman, and can think and feel as she does; and more than one female critic has called attention to how well Tolstoy succeeds here at imagining his way into the worries and regrets of a wife and mothone female critic has called attention to how well Tolstoy succeeds here at imagining his way into the worries and regrets of a wife and mother.
This realisation was not one that human beings are able to reach of their own accord, anymore than they can distinguish, without revelation, ordinary bread from that which has been consecrated by a priest.
Finally, the credibility of science itself has been shown — once again, and as if we needed a reminder — to be subject to such ordinary human failings as ego defense, the willingness to bend the truth rather than admit error, and the temptation to disparage and insult one's opponents.
Before and since Moody the chief standard of success as an evangelist (and a minister) in American Protestantism has been evidence of such charisma, of power not possessed by ordinary folk — the ability to manifest in a convincing way that one represents more than himself, in short, that one is a man of God.
No one may touch him, whether relatives or friends, apart from the priests of the Nile, who must tend him with their own hands and treat him as one who is more than an ordinary being.
In the great crises of life, such as the anguish and dangers of war, separation from loved ones by death, illness that sweeps away all one's normal powers, it is sometimes easier to trust in God than during the ordinary tensions and strains of living.
«The Presbytery of Springfield, sitting at Cambridge, in the County of Bourbon, being through a gracious Providence in more than ordinary bodily health, growing in strength and size daily, and in perfect soundness and composure of mind; but knowing that it is appointed for all delegated bodies once to die, and considering that the life of every such body is very uncertain, do make, and ordain this our last Will and Testament... We will, that this body die, be dissolved, and sink into union with the Body of Christ at large; for there is but one Body and one Spirit, even as we are called in one hope of our calling.
The ordinary prisoner has more freedom than one in solitary confinement; democracy allows more freedom than tyranny; and so on.
x) Orthodox (Advaita) Vedanta realizes that substantial pluralism is at best less true than substantial monism; but it fails, in my opinion, to see that the radical pluralism of actual entities and the radical monism of God or Nirvana (however one distinguishes these) are the two poles of the real problem, not the ordinary substantial pluralism of common sense, a compromise which bars the path to the highest ethical and spiritual insight.
Since it seemed to absorb the liquid much more than ordinary flour I only used one cup and two teaspoons of gluten free baking powder.
If you're looking to up the ante on date night romance or turn an ordinary date into an extraordinary and memorable one, look no further than Pop Up Picnic.
Wine accounts for 85 percent of City Winery's total beverage sales and during one of its intimate concerts, selling 800 or even 900 glasses of wine from its collection of more than 400 SKUs is not out of the ordinary.
It turns out that while all bread is best kept to a minimum, whole wheat and sourdough breads are quite a bit less implicated than white ordinary ones.
Sweet potatoes however, are so much more flavorful than ordinary potatoes so I couldn't wait to try out one of the 4 versions of roast sweet potato, the Mexican variety.
«It is superior in flavor to, and cheaper than any similar preparation; one bottle being equal to a dozen of the ordinary kind.
Yes, I thought one day how it might be and it was great, used frozen fruit as usual for my smoothie and added flavored kombucha, love it more than ordinary smoothie.
No one ever suspects anything out of the ordinary, aside from proclaiming the food better than ever.
It's totally ordinary for the team that just lost to hustle off the court — and plenty of the Golden State Warriors did — but after a series that got pretty hostile at times, it was wonderful to see some Golden State players stick around amid the Cleveland Cavaliers» celebration to show love to the Cavs, none better than this one:
I think this one in particular would be great for children with SPD or Autism because they can feel when they are wet with these more so than with an ordinary pull - up.
You deserved the derision with which the ordinary working people in the north of England treated you, believe me it's far more than they actually think you are worth and unless you change the message to one they want to here then they will not be coming back.
Labour's electoral «college» is split into three sections — MPs and euro MPs, union - affiliated members and ordinary party members, all of whom can vote for more than one candidate in an order of preference.
«One thing that pleases me today is that Nigerians and the ordinary voter are more perceptive than we think they are.
«In an ordinary party congress, over a platoon of soldiers and more than 200 F - SARS personnel have been handed over to one man (referring to Amaechi).
At one of his public engagements President Mahama noted that events of the last few months had demonstrated more vividly and vindicated the assertion by the founder in 2008 that «Ghana is larger than all of us, and the NDC's victory is the victory of ordinary and truthful Ghanaians guided by the proven history and performance of a Social Democratic Party and Government.»
These events must be more common than ones in which two SIMPs annihilate each other to produce two ordinary particles.
Dark matter, the mystery mass that, according to data from the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe, outweighs ordinary atoms by more than five to one: That was Zwicky's.
A third (and most likely) possibility is that information escapes through a breakdown of locality — the notion that events at spatially separated points can influence one another only after light has had time to travel between them — that is more profound than ordinary quantum nonlocality.
The glow seemed consistent with the size and shape of the matter needed to make ngc 5907 spin the way it does, so astronomers hoped that this might be the first sign that the dark halos were made of ordinary stars and planets — albeit faint ones — rather than exotic, yet - to - be discovered particles.
Dark matter is theorized as one of the basic constituents of the universe, five times more abundant than ordinary matter.
«We are now fully confident that one of the most popular supernova remnants detected in our galaxy was produced by an ordinary type Ia supernova that was first detected more than 400 years ago,» write Andrea Pastorello of Queen's University Belfast and Ferdinando Patat of the European Southern Observatory in Germany in a commentary on the study.
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