Sentences with phrase «than other new teachers»

While still leaving districts with the flexibility to determine their own pay scales, Virginia should encourage districts to incorporate mechanisms such as starting these teachers at a higher salary than other new teachers.
An independent study commissioned by SFUSD in 2012 found that new TFA teachers had higher ELA (English Language Arts) and Math acceleration scores than other new teachers, and similar acceleration to veteran teachers.
Two exceptions were in middle school math, where TFA teachers had much higher acceleration than both other new teachers and veteran teachers, and high school math, where TFA teachers did not differ from other new teachers and had lower acceleration than veteran teachers had.
It provides some evidence that these teachers are no more effective than other new teachers, and, in fact, they appear to be less effective at raising math scores of elementary and middle school students.
While still leaving local school districts with the flexibility to determine their own pay scales, the District of Columbia should encourage them to incorporate mechanisms such as starting these teachers at a higher salary than other new teachers.
I went through a typical teacher training program a long time ago, and I have no concerns about what I have seen with the level of TFA preparedness, which is on par (or better) than other new teachers I've seen in our school.
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