Sentences with phrase «than other religions with»

Islam is more given to fundamentalism than other religions with Semitic roots.

Not exact matches

That would be attracting people in the whole community with no agenda other than talking about religion and eating and meeting new people, etc..
Please, are the gods so stupid that just because an alive person claims a dead one is now a different religion said god would have to throw them out of their old religion heaven and send them to the other heaven??? Really, some of you are more obsessed with dead people than the ones living.
So how do you go from that reasoning to «Since it wasn't accidental then it must have been this ancient male diety named (fill in blank depending on religion) who loves me and knows me and cares for me and wants me to perform rituals that have nothing to do with morality like prayer, not eating certain things, sabaath and many more just because he said so, even though we have no record of him saying anything, just records of humans who wrote things down that they claim he said, but I want to believe it all so badly I will base my beliefs on no other evidence than «it just can't be accident».
If it's the matter of god, then you're dealing with something other than atheism considering atheism focuses on religion, not the matter of whether god exists or not.
many times i find myself having more in common with atheists and agnostics and those of other religions than i do with the more conservative brethren in my own faith.
Guiding Principles Religious and theological studies depend on and reinforce each other; A principled approach to religious values and faith demands the intellectual rigor and openness of quality academic work; A well - educated student of religion must have a deep and broad understanding of more than a single religious tradition; Studying religion requires that one understand one's own historical context as well as that of those whom one studies; An exemplary scholarly and teaching community requires respect for and critical engagement with difference and diversity of all kinds.
But it's it's a heck of a lot more likely that people raised with religion will leave it than the other way around.
Michael «As a gay man I appreciate there efforts and support, but I think putting up this sign isn't really the best way to get through to people, all it does is create more hate, intolerance, and separation, I am not a christian but I am very spiritual, and putting up this sign implies that all gay people are atheists which is the furthest thing from the truth, I have no problem with religion, I have a problem with those who use there religions to control and hate others, same applies with atheism, if you don't want to believe in anything than fine, just don't push your non beliefs on me.»
As a gay man I appreciate there efforts and support, but I think putting up this sign isn't really the best way to get through to people, all it does is create more hate, intolerance, and separation, I am not a christian but I am very spiritual, and putting up this sign implies that all gay people are atheists which is the furthest thing from the truth, I have no problem with religion, I have a problem with those who use there religions to control and hate others, same applies with atheism, if you don't want to believe in anything than fine, just don't push your non beliefs on me.
We will keep repeating it until you realize that there really is no evidence, that your religion has no more validity than any other religion, and that the only reason you believe is that you grew up with it and conformed, or your life bottomed out and you got desperate enough to believe anything, and conformed.
At some point they met reason and figured out it was all a bunch of hokum with no more reason to believe in it than any other god or religion.
Anytime I hear an atheist with anything other than disinterest in religion, I hear a liar, who believes he may be wrong and is lashing out from insecurity.
It is difficult to avoid the implication that what is authentic in Christianity is its «soul,» that is, the ways it agrees with other revealed religions, and that Christianity's «body»» all the ways it is distinct and particular» serve more to obscure than reveal the truth.
Almost 80 percent of Americans identify themselves as Christians, with, despite all the talk about growing religious pluralism, no more than 5 per cent claiming other religions.
True religion for Amos is a matter of high ethical seriousness, of dealing scrupulously with oneself and others, rather than disinheriting the poor of the land.
She's a blogger who fell in love with a Catholic guy and adopted his religion while still denouncing half all based on the flimsy idea that she had a predetermination that «morality» is «external» to man based on essentially nothing other than she believes it.
Then again, Jesus would probably be hanging out with the sinners, prostitutes and all the others who don't quite fit the mold of what a good Christian should be, rather than sitting in a booth at the mall debating religion and theology with the religious types.
«First we affirm that we desire to follow Scripture alone as a rule of faith and religion, without mixing it with any other things which might be devised by the opinion of men apart from the Word of God, and without wishing to accept for our spiritual government any other doctrine than what is conveyed to us by the same Word without addition to diminution, according to the command of our Lord.»
Atheism is a religion, whose god is mankind, self, and science, through the power of reason, logic, and intellect, whose prophets are Darwin, Dawkins, and Hitchens, and whose disciples zealously seek converts with more passion and fervor than other religions.
This is not quite the same as answer number 2, because it suggests that for a given person, one religion might be better than the others; but for different people with different histories and different needs, different religions might be more appropriate.
I am a Christian but avoid christian religions other than as a place of meditation, worship and intellectual debate, certainly not as a place for moral guidance as they change the rules with the politics of the age.
too true; you're right, we are holistic people in a holistic world living holistic lives and political theory, religion, ethics, behavior, psychology, these and many others are all so inextricably intertwined with each other that it may be better to think of them as different views of the same object rather than distinct objects that are inter-related (using «object» here, of course, metaphorically)
and Justin Topp with «If you could discuss one topic and one topic alone in a course on science and religion (other than evolution vs / and creation), what would you choose and why?»
On the other hand I love conversations about religion and spirituality with atheists more than with christians.
Before Christianity there were plenty of other religions, and with so many religions why does one religion get to claim itself as being better than the other?
That being said college kids are woefully unprepared for it and pretty much that's life, this has very little to do with a religion other than that religion creates some of the time cultural borders in my opinion.
Finally, for those dealing with a religion or a culture other than their own, there is the currently fashionable approach that might perhaps best be described as deferential.
Maybe, it is a kin to a fear in a Faithful if he or she has the relationship with God or Gods that is correct (religions)... but at least it is a Faith that something is out there so there is not the same level of fear we witness here from some Atheist and the ones that scream the most probably have more fear than the others.
Yes, there is colateral damage, and there are civilian casualties, but fewer than with other methods, and those hazards exists in all forms of war (hence why I would understand religion protesting war in general).
Off the cuff, I do think that religion has a lot to do with encouraging an elitist, critical, condemning attitude in some people, especially the type of religion that causes one group to speak and act as if they were closer to God than every other group.
The dumb christian rednecks in TN don't quite know what to do with religious freedom when they finally realize it protects religions other than theirs.
They just happen to have a belief structure that is more aligned with religions that are more popular in the US which means they are tolerated more than the other religious whack - jobs out there.
With the good news that the Catholic religion is in steep decline here and losing political and legal influence it never should have had, fairly soon those definitions, and the religion itself, won't matter as anything other than a sorry footnote in history.
Other than being a holy book for Christianity, the article has nothing to do with religion.
Think they might do well better than most as seen they are strict with religion practice and more belief than others... who knows they even might be the along waited Christ to return?
As for the athiest victims, they didn't have a symbol of religion or lack of religion so there is no need to display anything for them, other than the memorial site with the names carved in.
He contrasts Wright with James Cone, the 1960s proponent of black liberation theology who disparaged a focus on Jesus as Saviour as «Christofascism», along with others who contend that black folk should fnd their primary identity in race rather than religion.
The rest of this absorbing book deals with Therese's sisters in religion, some more endearing than others, but all described with understanding and compassion.
The problem is that organized religion is as much political animal as any other human convention involving more than 2 people, and spiritual, thinking individuals are intelligent enough to know that churches / mosques / community reprogramming centers actually have very little to do with what one actually believes...
We actually have a bit more experience with this than any other religion...
When applied to theology, the principle of positivity highlights those features of Christian faith and existence which are determinate transformations of generic characteristics, rather than to those which are shared with humanism or other religions.
(This is easier with some religions than it is with others.)
However, I am more spiritual than religions, as Spirituality is a relationship with a higher power, whereas Religion is a man made construct to tell others how to worship a specific version of God
Reason is the default position so until I can come up with tangible physical evidence that he can verify God or gods simply do not have meaning other than sociological implications of religion.
As with any edited collection, some chapters are better than others, but on balance, there is plenty here to reward readers who want a closer look at the role of religion in the particular places that make up this extremely varied nation.
NOT sorry to disapoint you but MY religion or spirituality is NONE of your business and suits me just fine, makes me a better person, more accepting of others, more kind to my fellow earthbound souls, more respectful to mankind and morther earth than all religions combined who unfortunately have over 2ooo years of evidence of horrors committed against each other ALL in the name of the religous organizations you want me to join??? I think I will stick with my smorgasborg of this and that spirituality.
Adherents of the new Christian sects, of which there were many competing ones, e.g., Ebonites, Gnostics, etc., would have been familiar with the Serapis and likely would not have wanted their godman to seem any less impressive than the gods of the Serapis and other religions of the time, so there would have been a need for a miraculous birth story and other miracle stories for their godman, as well.
Feuerbach agreed with his theological teacher, Schleiermacher, that «[t] he basis of religion is the feeling of dependency», but went on to assert that «that upon which human beings are fully dependent is originally, nothing other than Nature.
In «advanced» Judaism this God was identified with the «supreme God» of other religions, although there were special characteristics such as divine righteousness and loving - mercy (chesed) found in the Jewish picture more than in some of the others.
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