Sentences with phrase «than parts of»

I found some of the boss fights in the game easier than parts of the first level.
I think people want Other M and Federation Force feel more like moments in the franchise rather than parts of it.
The news gives Mexico such a bad rap — while there are definitely parts of the country I would never visit as long as the situation continues, places like Yucatan are safer than some parts of the US!
Be cautious with your use of the «replace» option, though: it can have unintended consequences unless you're very careful about only matching whole words rather than parts of words!
However, what is clear during the three months is that, despite the presence of Teach First in many London schools, the capital has seen a much higher rate of advertisements per school than parts of the north of England, especially the North West.
A number of Kelly's scenes play out like stand - alone sketches — some quite funny; not all of them essential — rather than parts of a whole.
Most parts of Mass, are much closer than parts of NH for m...
For the first time, researchers find that decisions based on unconscious learning, or knowledge we don't know we know, may rely on entirely different brain pathways than the parts of the brain we use when we make conscious, rational choices.
But that the bad news is, is that Erie County, especially in the City of Buffalo, has pregnancy rates higher than the rest of the state and also higher than some parts of the United States,» said Burstein.
I don't much believe in them as they are not better than parts of the Bible.
But it's worth asking: Has the company lost something by making innovation the province of an elite few, rather than a part of every engineer's weekly routine?
But for now, I would rather be part of a Christ - centered megachurch full of programs where people are coming to know Jesus as Savior, than part of a church of any size where they are not.
If we choose God, we will become part of the solution of the world's problems rather than part of the problem.
If we do so, we will be part of the solution to the world's problems rather than part of the problem.
But we also believe in the importance of the Church and want to be catalysts for change rather than part of the mass exodus of our generation leaving it.
However, the Twenty - third Psalm, probably known to more persons than any part of the Bible except the Lord's Prayer, is ideal for this purpose.
Creation consciousness is a needed attitude on the part of Christians if, in relation to the abuse of nature, Christians are to be part of the solution rather than part of the problem.
I begin this essay by sharing the assumption of Joranson and Butigan, namely that creation consciousness is a needed attitude on the part of Christians if, in relation to the abuse of nature, Christians are to be part of the solution rather than part of the problem.1
If you're going to do that, then you're nothing more than a part of the PC world that you complain about.
Thus some advocates of abortion on demand are now admitting that the fetus might very well be more than a part of the body of its mother but, nevertheless, because it is dependent on its mother for its life, she has the right to end that life if it interferes with the exercise of her own personal liberty.
«Job learns that his misfortunes are nothing more than part of his humanity.
The links, which state that the women were observers from a distance at both the crucifixion and the burial, appear to be editorial additions made by a literary editor, rather than part of an original narrative from oral tradition.
But the fact remains that for all these writers the life of Jesus is rather the preparation for His death and resurrection than itself a part of the decisive eschatological event.
Do you remember all He's delivered you from, all He's brought you through and the miraculous way in which He did it — no less awe - inspiring than the parting of the Red Sea?
It is far more part of the problem than part of the solution.
Or perhaps, as some exegetes have argued, Jesus is suggesting a more eschatological success: Simon and his mates will pull the nets for the great apocalyptic catch, they will sit to cull the bad from the good, they will be like the angels or the courtiers of God's kingdom rather than part of the teeming masses to be judged.
Measured by the churches» utopian aspirations for global justice, the work ethic is regarded as more a part of the problem than part of the solution.
I really prefer using whole fruits such as dates to sweeten my recipes rather than sweetener as it is so much better for you to eat the whole fruit rather than part of it, as it's fresher and has more nutrients.
But one's chances of getting a lion today are better in Botswana than any part of Africa.»
If Rivers misses more than part of even one game, this team will be a complete mess.
«We know that the Arewas are comfortable with the present system because it benefits them more than any part of Nigeria.
If you left out that sentence, which is more personal opinion than part of the answer, I think you would get more upvotes.
It is rather self - serving for Mr. Espada Jr. to proclaim he was part of the solution, rather than part of the problem.
There is a strong progressive argument to be made against membership of the EU by people like me who see it as contributing to the problem of political alienation, rather than part of the cure for it.
For too long the needs of pupils with SEN have been an afterthought, rather than part of a unified approach to the curriculum and assessment which strives to meet the needs of all pupils.»
He added: «Nottingham is challenging the lazy, stereotyping of pseudo-research and misleading reporting which has become part of the problem rather than part of the answer.»
According to the latest Marist Poll in New York, 66 % of voters say, if Cuomo is elected governor, he would more likely be part of the solution to turning state government around than part of the problem.
Looking at non-enrolled voters statewide, 71 % believe Cuomo would be more likely to be a solution to the state's problems than part of their cause.
«For the European court of human rights to compel a religious body or its adherents to conduct a religious marriage of a same - sex couple would require a legal miracle much greater than the parting of the Red Sea,» he said.
Town Attorney John Fenz said in March that the town was in settlement negotiations with the parties responsible for problems in the building, but he had no update on the status of the building Monday, other than that part of it will reopen.
Despite the size of the bloom, however, the plankton did not take in a record - breaking amount of carbon dioxide — only about 20 % more carbon than that part of the ocean sequesters biologically each year.
This basic solution interacts with the acidic droplet, causing the part of the droplet facing the exit to become more acidic than the part of the droplet facing away from the exit.
It has more tactile nerve endings than any part of the body other than the lips.
Traditional medicine considers these as separate, isolated conditions, rather than part of a spectrum of metabolic impairment.
The sauna and steam room are usually associated with a spa treatment and we view the time spent relaxing as more of an indulgence, rather than a part of our health and wellness routine.
As they rotated, it was clear they were more of an artistic centerpiece than part of the actual collection, as models walked around them in (slightly) more wearable looks that built upon this «roll» theme.
Feh... If you've been looking for a Nice Jewish Girl / Guy... [and] are determined to hook up with someone of the Hebraic persuasion, there's one event that promises to be a bigger deal than the parting of the Red Sea: Let My People Go.
Along with a more than academic interest in shape objects and Swiss army knives, Nicki is also drawn to Videodrome, but wants to be a participant rather than part of the audience.
Individual moments can be fine, but they seem strung together rather than part of a cohesive vision.
The musical numbers extend beyond the nightclub, and often feel like whimsical indulgences rather than part of the story proper.
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