Sentences with phrase «than pink slime»

If that were truly the case (and I sincerely hope it's not), then we have much bigger problems than pink slime and it's proof that the industry is looking at the problems from the bottom - up, rather than the top - down.
More people eat organic food than pink slime.

Not exact matches

I despise fast food, now, but when traveling, I find it a necessary evil, Wendy's is better than the ones who cook with «pink slime»!!!
Bettina Siegel blogs about food and food policy related to children over at The Lunch Tray, but you may know her better for her work on «pink slime;» in 2012, she garnered more than 258,000 signatures on a petition that led the USDA to change its policy on a low - quality ground beef product used in schools.
The petition, titled «Tell U.S.D.A. to stop using pink slime in school food,» garnered more than 200,000 signatures within nine days and prompted the U.S. Department of Agriculture to change its policy on using Lean Finely Textured Beef in the ground beef served in schools.
The outrage, which many experts say has been fueled by the term «pink slime,» seems more about the unsavoriness of the product rather than its safety.
Predictably ABC News has hyped its reports by using the term «pink slime» 52 times in just a two - week span (making it harder than usual not to associate Avila's activist reporting with the word «slime» but that's another story.)
And not the millions of people who care a bit more for their children than to feed them pink slime.
...) which is even more disgusting than eating pink slime.
A: No sooner did the furor over lean, finely textured beef (a.k.a. «pink slime») die down than we have another one over sushi tuna.
Since BPI and Gov. Perry are having such a hard time trying to figure out what to label pink slime, I suggest one of the following, which are far more truthful and descriptive than LFTB: «Contains up to 15 % of:» Ammonia treated beef Ammonia disinfected beef Mechanically separated beef Advanced Meat Recovery beef
I have never gotten so much satisfaction from the reading the news than I did when I read that our consumer power shut down the pink slime factories.
When I first saw the pink slime headlines on this blog, my first thought was, «this might be something I could get behind, certainly better than the cupcake nazi campaign.»
And, when it comes down to it, I'm not convinced that pink slime is any more gross than, say, what goes on in 3/4 of French Provencal cooking.
One, is that «leaner» ground beef (ie containing less fat) is always priced higher than ground beef containing more fat product, which is the opposite of what pink slime is, no?
Does this create an even higher bar for districts wanting to avoid pink slime, or is this really no different than the situation before the change in policy?
I oppose pink slime because it comes from a highly pathogenic source, it is a cheap filler which is not «ground beef» as consumers commonly understand that term, because it is thought to be less nutritious than regular beef, and because it is widely used in our food supply without any disclosure to consumers.
Now we need USDA to work on making sure processed Chinese chicken does not end up in school lunch & hope they do a better job than with pink slime.
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