Sentences with phrase «than political»

The conclusion of the study determined that judges did not use this option to their advantage because of personal and institutional factors rather than political ones.
Why should people other than political scientists become or be allowed to be politicians?
He'll need to inspire new members with the feeling that they are part of a movement rather than a political party.
The history of law, no less than political or intellectual history, is an essential ingredient of historical....
But despite the backdrop of increased intolerance and terror, their immediate problems seem to be more personal than political.
Her empathy for the people she shared life with was more than a political posture, though it was obviously initiated by political sentiment.
But the key to this view is that national greatness, of the sort you can obtain with the greatest policies, is more important than political liberty.
We can not settle for doing the same things better than our political opponents.
Your job isn't all that different than a political candidate in that regard.
But court battles can cost even more than political campaigns.
A whopping 84 % of registered voters report that, from what they have heard, the situation is nothing more than a political power play.
But what the star - struck mainstream media refuse to understand is that more than political ambition may be involved in the equation.
The result is paintings focused more on poetic and emotional response than the political statements so common in his peers.
Political parties increasingly resemble empty brands, seeking a reason to exist, rather than political movements.
Focus on life events rather than political events and structure your asset mix around that plan.
Commercial speech, for example, would be subject to a lesser standard than political speech.
What are our interactions with teenagers, for instance, other than a political process where arrogance is severely punished?
The truly valuable transformation would be more cultural than political, and also more personally demanding.
You have to remember that there are more things than a political viewpoint that determines who a person is.
And are fictional characters easier to recognize than political figure heads?
His policy makes no sense other than the political game.
The crisis of American governance goes much deeper than political divisions and ideology.
These contributions were perceived to be less biased and less agenda driven than those from the politicians, being based on experience rather than political calculation.
I don't know why someone voted it down, though it might be better for legal than political.
I don't look at religious thought any different than political thought.
These annual gatherings of the tribes are more social than political.
... You should be at least trying to seek the truth rather than a political point of view.
Today's currencies are backed by nothing more than political promises not to destroy money's value by printing too much of the stuff, he points out.
With some provinces whining that the funding is inadequate, private, often for - profit, health - care options will increasingly become a necessity for the country rather than a political choice.
That's because nothing matters to him more than political survival does.
For me, First Things was more than a political journal.
It's that they find religious conviction no different than political allegiance and consumer taste.
I'm sure that you must have read the Terms of Service - anything else there, other than your political stance, that could be pertinent?
And I'm confident that my ministry of prayer for the president will produce more than all my political participation.
They firmly believe technology is «inevitable» and more powerful than any political institution, party, or movement.
It's what allows a judge to rule based on the merits of the law, rather than political circumstances or the majority's will.
I think that this is more a legal question than a political one, even if the law affects the political process.
Clearly, public sympathy is much harder to evaluate than the political, economical or social changes due to a protest, as history concentrates on these more.
The actor is best known for things other than his political advocacy, but he is no stranger in progressive Democratic circles.
We concluded that private schools tend to outperform public schools because the market environment in which private schools operate is far more conducive to success than the political environment in which public schools function.
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