Sentences with phrase «than political ones»

The conclusion of the study determined that judges did not use this option to their advantage because of personal and institutional factors rather than political ones.
I think that this is more a legal question than a political one, even if the law affects the political process.
They have, the Catholic Manent knows, another and higher home than their political one.
Andrew Marr, the former political editor of the BBC, is on record arguing that the BBC has a liberal bias, but this is more in terms of social and cultural issues than political ones.
But factors other than political ones were at play as well, including a big (5 percent) drop in shares of defense behemoth United Technologies after it announced plans to buy another company for what some analysts deemed an exorbitant price.
As articulated by Naess and Bill Devall, deep ecology is more a moral movement than a political one; it seeks to encourage «ecosophy,» a mental state achieved by overcoming individuation and identifying with the whole of nature.
It was a much safer revolution for Lavoisier than the political one that soon followed in France, so revolutionary that Lavoisier lost his head over it.
Market revolutions are less violent and bloody than political ones, but they can be just as destructive.
Human beings, the Catholic adds, are more than citizens, though; they have another and higher home than their political one.
In describing the situation in America, John Carroll, the first bishop of Baltimore, the bicentennial of whose episcopal election and consecration is also observed this year, told Rome that «our Religious system has undergone a revolution... more extraordinary, than our political one
Perhaps it's McCartney's personal battles, however, rather than his political ones that offer the most insight into Promise Keepers.
By this way of thinking, we should reconstruct social life on market principles rather than political ones, for even personal security, once thought a core competency of the state, is better served by the laws of supply and demand than the laws made by men.
While the jury emphasized at a post-ceremony press conference that the award to Coppola was given for artistic reasons rather than political ones, juror Jessica Chastain noted that, with a few exceptions, she had found some of the films» representations of women «quite disturbing, to be honest.»
«Rendition» is the best of the three movies because it represents a humanitarian viewpoint rather than a political one.
Whitten: That's one part of the problem, the other is the tension that exists between abstraction and figuration, which has to do with pictorial or formal problems rather than political ones.
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