Sentences with phrase «than rain»

It was, dare we say it, even better than the Rain Room.
We've been struggling to come up with new material, but it's because of the heat rather than rain!
There is nothing more beautiful than the rain forest in the rain.
There is nothing more disappointing to kids than rain on a warm summer day.
They're more versatile than rain boots or snow boots.
I think I'd rather have the snow than this rain right now.
I don't think it is much different than the rain cover.
IMO, having an «object in trunk» monitor / warning makes more sense than rain - sensing wipers.
A lot better than the rain we have had as of late.
@manacker: Statistically speaking, rain follows rain more often than rain follows dry spells.
The next option is ground - based radar, which covers a wider swath of the weather than rain gauges, but less directly measures rain.
ya i know christians ruin everything they ruin people from spending eternity in hell fire.but hey you wan na go there go do nt let the christians stop i said its gona be like noah and the flood everybody laughed and mocked him and than the rains came nobody was laughing than werae they just like the end of the age when the christians who spoil everything are gone and the people are left to meet their fate nobody will be laughing than
An Australian sand plain with wretched soil mysteriously yields more diversity than a rain forest
Although clouds swelled over the desert every afternoon, they fomented more wind than rain.
In a simple laboratory experiment, they took a sample of black shale from the landslide site and immersed it in an acid bath with a pH of 3, a level more acidic than the rain to accelerate the test.
Most news reports blamed it on the heavy rain, but Robert Criss, PhD, professor of earth and planetary sciences in Arts & Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis, said there was more to the flood than the rain.
Aerosol pollutants are very small particles, and some researchers suspect they might be causing fog to form rather than rain because of the quantity of pollution particles in China.
Much better than the rain hats of Dan and me.
Last week it rained and was cold, but now it's summer and really warm and even though I didn't like the rain, I'm not loving the heat either, but it's nice, it's nicer than the rain.
We've had a lot of rain as well and I am ready to wear something other than my rain boots, like these gorgeous OTK boots!!
«The Alliance makes me feel like an important part in a flood of success rather than a rain drop hoping to be noticed.»
Cloud forests receive less rainwater than rain forest.
Sun Items: Hopefully there will be more sun than rain.
The flooding is explained by higher than usual snowfall in late winter, followed by a late, but relatively quick onset of spring, with the flooding due more to snowmelt than rain.
It must be noted that the outer layer of a multi-layer drained wall is much more than a rain screen; it must also resist wind, snow, solar radiation, impact, etc..
Cropland also absorbs far less carbon than the rain forests or even scrubland that it replaces.
Cisterns are often larger than rain barrels and can be located underground, at ground level, or on an elevated stand.
As the spring showers pour, Canadians are at risk for more damage than rained - out picnics — we're also at risk for water damage to our property.
A rain garden is an attractive landscape feature designed to capture, filter and infiltrate stormwater back into the soil — rather than rain running off your property or causing erosion, according to Carol.
Rustic style is all about adding a sense of nature and rural living to your space, and what could be more natural than rain?
I would prefer to see snowflakes falling than rain.
I wish I could say that a kindly lion had set me straight, or an innocent child, or the strains of distant music from some church, but it was no more than the rain on my head — the smell of it flying up to my nose — that showed me the extent of my freedom....
The denizens of sunny Miami tolerate balmy days better than rain - soaked Seattleites, even if the heat surges to lower temperatures in the Pacific Northwest.
It'd be so much better than the rain that is currently drizzling every day.
The SW2 comes with only an IP57 rating so anything more than rain or a quick shower is out of the question.
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