Sentences with phrase «than rational argument»

The less transparent judicial review appears to be; the more it looks like a dictation of the judges» views rather than a rational argument for them; the less legitimate it will become.
The American aversion to socialism goes deeper than rational argument.
Greider, a senior journalist at the Nation, and Wight, an economist at the University of Richmond, understand that capitalism is more than a technical economic system and that it is supported by more than rational argument.

Not exact matches

«In my experience people who assert statements like that are often immune to evidence or rational argument, and envision themselves as superior beings who are more enlightened than the rest of us.»
I'm sure you can type a long and boring argument that shows you think it is, but there is more to life than being rational.
The rational arguments for theism were never stronger than they are today and never better presented.
«Lewis wrote in a time when, among the educated British public if not among their professional philosophers, there was considerably more agreement than there is now about what constitutes a valid and rational argument for a given case.»
Even if, in some sense, I exist, I don't know what I am — and it turns out, so some modern materialists have begun to argue — that nothing I do or even say and think is more than the motion of material parts (and so subvert even the notion of rational argument itself).
It is tempting simply to show where Luke has got it wrong, but there is more than reason at work and simply winning a rational argument is not enough.
Whitehead offers his abbreviated argument for a religious dogma based on a rational metaphysics rather than historical investigation.
rather than have a rational argument against the idea I expressed, some people can only correct spelling mistakes — thats because they have no rational argument.
This is not meant as a critique as much as a fact: A demagogue is «a political leader who seeks support by appealing to popular desires and prejudices rather than by using rational argument
Post modern mindsets that avoid legitimate argument in order to maintain views are nothing more than non rational emotion laden tantrums.
There is Socrates drinking the hemlock rather than employ persuasive tricks in place of objective rational argument.
[11] Indeed, Cameron became a demagogue fronting the «Remain» campaign that was arguably based more on instilling fear of the catastrophic consequences of Brexit than on rational argument.
13:27 - Cooper is doing well, but he argument is entirely emotive, rather than rational.
The Orthodox church in Greece protested loudly against the removal of religion from the ID - card, and yet I can not find any rational argument supporting their actions other than trying to hang on to the privileged position of that church and its followers in the Greek state - effectively hanging on to the ability to treat non Christian Orthodox citizens as lesser citizens.
Although it's true that compelling data and sound, rational argument are the foundation of scientific persuasion, there's far more to it than that.
But they can not be justified by any rational argument, other than making profit.
It's hard to perhaps make a rational argument about, but emotionally there seems to be a big gulf between mowing down countless innocent people who stand between you and a goal, and just breaking into someone's house, viewing a part of their lives, and murdering them for absolutely no reason other than shits and giggles.
# in 82 Sacfetta writes: «you should understand that a reconstruction should be «recent» but not «too recent» such as the Hegerl's one» My point was mainly if you prefer Moberg for your analysis than please give rational arguments for it (and not «novelty»).
In the end that is just pointless and childish «yes it is, no it isn't, yes it is...» argument rather than rational discussion.
I must say, responses to the simple idea of a time lag from solar forcing were sometimes not reasonable, considered, or rational, although the worst responses were from bloggers with little understanding of the arguments, rather than moderators who were at least partly informed of the details.
And as I see it, 99 people could believe something, but if one guy can make a factual and rational argument of why not to believe that, then the theory has much less than a 99 % chance of being right.
«Apparently rather than debating the merits of his argument in a rational and reasoned manner, Gore is left only with ad hominem attacks and smug condescension toward his critics.
More important than this is the political angle which muddies all rational arguments.
In a couple of cases less rational than flat earther arguments, but those are rare.
I have found it better to humour him than engage with him in reasoned rational argument — for therein lies the sort of «mania» experienced by some legal commentators on twitter when they engage the libertarians, trolls and shield munchers.
Bitcoin's intentional lack of central authority or governing body means that any serious discussion on the fundamental nature of «what Bitcoin is» must be based in rational arguments and data, rather than «because we say so» rhetoric.
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