Sentences with phrase «than religious people do»

Atheists preach more than religious people do here.
But, yes, some pretty much are prostelyzing and defending their belief system (or their non-belief systems) as much and in some cases even more than religious people do.
To paraphrase Jesus» comment, people who are concerned only with the affairs of this world often show more ingenuity in seeking their ends than religious people do in trying to accomplish God's will.

Not exact matches

As social scientist Arthur Brooks has documented, religious people give far more to all manner of do - gooding than do secular people.
Indeed, they do not, any more than religious folks, experience emptiness, lack of purpose, lack of pleasure or such negativity generally stereotyped to religion - free people.
He says he believes people who attend a religious service at least once a week live longer and less stressful lives than those who don't.
Some athiests are just as bad as the fundimentalists... because they «know» I being and agnostic, however, take issue with anyone who says that people who are not religious do not think... in fact, it has been found that statistically, athiests and agnostics know the bible better than christians.
«A study in the United States, published in the Social Forces journal and conducted by Sociology researcher Lisa A. Keister while she was at the Ohio State University, found that adherents of Judaism attained the most wealth, believers of Catholicism and mainline Protestants were in the middle, while conservative Protestants accu - mulated the least wealth, while in general people who attend religious services achieved more wealth than those who do not (taking into account variations of education and other factors).
You sound like a wonderful person (if you were religious or not)... the professor you had obviously thought more of himself than he did of anyone else.
we are animals... some people are stupid and pray to imaginary beings... there is no natural code of conduct requiring us to think you are somehow better than just another moron... you want respect, EARN it... one way to do that is to keep your religious beliefs to yourself instead of inflicting that crap on everyone around you...
I am for the elimination of hate, fear and control, religion is just the catalyst that people use to hate, fear and control, getting rid of religion won't solve the problem, its like putting a band aid on a severe cut, its temporary, and it just hits the surface, instead we need to go deeper than that to the root cause, I know lots of religious people who don't hate, fear or control, there are also many beliefs such as paganism, Buddism, Taoism, which doesn't use hate fear, and self righteousness to condemn others, I think if maybe more of the most major religions followed there teachings then we wouldn't have as much problems as we do.
And these people have been taught for so long to take their religious leaders at their word and that their religion means more than anything that they don't care whether the person is lying or not.
@Maani: «it does not change the fact that more people have died under atheist - led regimes than under religious - led ones.»
And especially after the Noachian Flood, did false religion take a leap, with false religious doctrines and practices such as the trinity, immortality of the soul, that God torments people in a «hellfire», the establishment of a clergy class, the teaching of «personal salvation» as more important than the sanctification of God's name of Jehovah (Matt 6:9), the sitting in a church while a religious leader preaches a sermon, but the «flock» is not required to do anything more, except put money when the basket is passed.
Underscoring this point, they note that religious switchers adhere even more closely to the dominant moral ethos of their new groups than do people raised in those groups.
While you may or may not be correct re the «reasoning» you cite, it does not change the fact that more people have died under atheist - led regimes than under religious - led ones.
Now, realize that in today's society you are still just as hated, shunned and looked down upon for declaring that same differing belief... or even non-belief — just because people are still too hung up on their precious religious dogma to realize that, though the outcome is obviously less drastic than in the past, they are still doing the same thing that religious people did in the past?
They think they are following God, but in reality, they are under the influence of religious rules, regulations, and requirements that have less to do with God than with some person's attempt to gain cash, credit, or control for themselves.
It wasn't the summer that brought an end to my doubt, but it was the summer I encountered a different Jesus, a Jesus who requires more from me than intellectual assent and emotional allegiance; a Jesus who associated with sinners and infuriated the religious; a Jesus who broke the rules and refused to cast the first stone; a Jesus who gravitated toward sick people and crazy people, homeless people and hopeless people; a Jesus who preferred story to exposition and metaphor to syllogism; a Jesus who answered questions with more questions, and demands for proof with demands for faith... a Jesus who healed each person differently and saved each person differently; a Jesus who had no list of beliefs to check off, no doctrinal statements to sign, no surefire way to tell who was «in» and who was «out»; a Jesus who loved after being betrayed, healed after being hurt, and forgave while being nailed to a tree; a Jesus who asked his disciples to do the same...
All you people with religious beliefs had better sit down and consider how the real world works and how your belief system fits in, rather than the other way around, like you've been doing.
You take someone else's explanation for scripture because: a) Everyone else does, b) The person explaining is a religious «leader», or c) It's easier than thinking for yourself.
Psalm 10: 3 - 4 — This talks about the wicked men, how they do nt have God in their hearts or in their minds, which is a fine piece of scripture but it can hardly be used for either myself or the maker of the video since we both seem to advocate a deep and personal relationship with the Lord rather than letting a group of «religious» people ruin it for you.
It makes sense that more religious than nonreligous people are going to going to consider their community a nice place to live because It doesn't bother religious people that the average community is clogged with churches.
How about a study, that religious Americans are more likely to support a war or blame all troubles on God, rather than themselves... You believe or don't all you want, but please stop misleading people, with worthless studies and instead put more energy and resources to help those in need...
Or do you seriously think you are doing anything more than just poking fun at religion and religious people?
This in your face I'm better than you because I'm a Christian who uses the term The Lord Jesus Christ blah blah blah and so on are killing our faith in a world where people are more laid back and want nothing to do with some snake oil religious sales person.
Jim, atheists, as a group, have higher IQs and greater levels of scholastic achievement than do religious people.
It did not occur to many people in the 19th century that there might be truth, integrity or value in a religious tradition other than Christianity.
They call them peddlers of religion, and they do not mean that in a positive way, but rather are referring to people they believe are trying to push their own agenda of a psuedo - religious toxic mix of some sort of religious something, politics, power, control, personal profit (think $ $ $) and efforts to feel good about ones self while at the same time looking down on neighbors (condescension) rather than loving neighbors.
Bostontola — I don't know if you are new to CNN, buddy, but ATHEISTS Paint all people of a religious group with a broad brush is worse than lack of forgiveness, it aims to convict people with no evidence much like racism.
Also, atheism does use faith, you have faith that there is no god (s), you can't prove your point more than religious people can prove theirs, so there is no facts, no proof either way.
Religious people tend to lie more than non-religious people do... and not just about their religion, they bring it into their work lives as well.
Later I did stop going to Church but also never joined a gang — moved on from that neighborhood FYI — If this all puzles u, even as an Atheist my morals are as strong and probably stronger than those of most religious people.
Okay, does anyone need links to the research that proves non-religious people are smarter and better educated than religious people, or is this story enough?
Much of the weakening of religious certitude in the Christian West can be laid at the door of science; even people whose religion might incline them to hostility to the pretensions of science generally understand that they have to rely on science rather than religion to get things done.
There is nothing more painful than the helpless attempt at the interpretation of religious documents or monuments by one who does not know what «awe» is or to whom these testimonies to man's search for communion with ultimate reality are just the dead records of the experience of «sick - minded» or backward people.
«More so than for any other religious tradition, a person can become UU because of what he already believes rather than believing what he does because of becoming a UU,» said James Casebolt, coauthor of two papers on the regional survey read at the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion annual meeting in October.
Unfortunately the whole article does not describe people who are actually spiritual anymore than those that decry religion are talking about good religious followers.
Thomas Jefferson felt this overwhelming sovereignty of God over all things, because he wrote (in his bill for religious liberty in Virginia) that no sooner did a person become aware of the proper relation between creature and Creator, to whom the creature's very existence is owed, than the creature becomes aware of a self - evident duty to worship and give thanks to so infinitely superior a Being.
That said, I think it would be better to say «I hate what religion does to people» rather than «I hate religious people».
I'm by no means a religious person, but if he has the balls to display his faith like he does in front of millions of viewers and never says a single negative thing about any of the horrible things that people say about him or his faith, then he is more of a man than anyone who mocks him or what he believes in.
Most «spiritual, but not religious» people I know (and I was one for a while myself) do believe in some sort of higher, constructive, organizing, power than themselves.
Sorry, but I don't see how the horde of «spiritual but not religious» people are any worse than the (far larger) group of «people who call themselves Christian but don't actually follow the things Jesus told them to do».
If the point of religion is to bring peace and guide a culture toward certain specific behaviors, primarily for order and the preservation of the good qualities of society, then how can one say that one religion is better than another or that a «religion-less» person who STILL acts the SAME way (i.e. does right unto their neighbors, lives according to the thing the bible suggests) but is more tolerant is not as high quality a citizen as another who is associated with a Major League Religious Team?
if humans had just fell in line with religious teachings and never asked questions other than «god did it»... then people would still be dying in child birth, the common cold, small poxs etc etc etc. i find that we survived a s a species to become the alpha predator of this planet and the achievements we have made since then to be amazing; attributing everything humans have achieved to a god just cheapens the value of our achievements as a species.
I'm less oncerned that the religious people have taken over our media and advertising, than I am concerned that I PAY more taxes because religious organizations don't pay their fair share.
So who cares about religious people, you can't convince someone of reality when they fabricate their own, they fabricate their proof, their facts, best thing is just do your thing and stay way from them as much possible, most of the times they turn more people into atheists than atheists themselves by the things they say and do anyway, lol so no need for us to do it.
If man were so enlightened then why did atheists like Pol Pot, Stalin and Mao, kill more people in the enlightened 20 century, than in all the religious wars combined?
I would never give money to a religious organization that doesn't pay taxes — that is like giving money to my kids — and they need it more than the church... I think faith is a wonderful thing for a lot of people — including myself (I have faith in myself)-- I just wish others would keep their «faith» personal, and out of politics and government.
RD.. How path - et - ic to see your hate and fear driving you to death...!?! Man pull your self together and have the courage to face the returns of your deeds... Wars were always there in life whether were religious or not so stop doing it on your self... Beside learn to wish people well whether you agree or disagree with might you succeed in life rather than being a loser... by being a cowered... My posts were meant for the friendly people I had known for some time, whom I found they were full of compassion and not for black hearted one's like you who hate all God creations...
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