Sentences with phrase «than science fiction»

Could this fading star be the first evidence that other cosmic cultures were more than science fiction?
The parent should easily associate your site design with children's books rather than a science fiction novel.
- a spectacle only slightly less plausible than science fiction.
In fact, the film ultimately owes more to the action than the science fiction genre.
While I doubt that he'd claim that the weather control aspects are more than science fiction, he wants to be taken seriously on the topic of global warming.
Amazon made a struggling retail sector (bookstores) cool again by integrating technology and leveraging data, while showing that cashier-less stores are more reality than science fiction.
Even a giant like Star Wars is more fantasy than science fiction.
Besson's first action film in a long time — shot in his familiar hyperkinetic style — is more fictional science than science fiction.
In Kaufman's hands Invasion of the Body Snatchers has become less a psychological mystery that turns into science fiction than a science fiction fantasy that turns into a suspense film.
Final Fantasy IX is one of my all - time favourite games, so grabbing the recent port for the PS4 was a no brainer; easily the most underrated entry in the series, FFIX suffered somewhat due to the decision to return to a more heavily fantasy oriented setting rather than the science fiction inspired ones present in the two previous — and most successful — instalments.
It is more creative than science fiction, the love stories are more intense than romance novels, and the Bible, when rightly understood, is more colorful than a comic book.
As Americans marvel over Alien and Star Trek: The Motion Picture, Voyager 1 beams back pictures stranger than science fiction.
Ballard goes the furthest and, quoting from his earlier writing, says: «Science fiction, far from being an unimportant minor offshoot, in fact represents the main literary tradition of the 20th century... The main «fact» of the 20th century is the concept of the unlimited future... All literatures other than science fiction are doomed to irrelevance.
«The universe is crazier than science fiction authors have dared to imagine,» said Andy Howell, a staff scientist at LCO and Hosseinzadeh's Ph.D. adviser.
Of course, it's tough to criticize the film too strongly because it seems more designed to be erotica or farce than science fiction.
I think action fans will be happier than science fiction or Star Trek fans.
The genre you write in can also have an effect, as many narrators specialise in certain genres, so for example Romance may have many more potential narrators than Science Fiction.
Many scientists continued to look on such speculations as little better than science fiction.
Last week, for instance, brought a fresh spate of news that suggest more people are treating Bitcoin as a serious form of money rather than a science fiction experiment.
Fantasy as a main genre moves more books than Science Fiction.
Now, this is somewhat changing in 2000 +, due to advances in technology (hyperspeed capable missiles pose credible threat to aircraft carries; space bourne weapons platforms are somewhat closer to reality than science fiction) and economics (China finally industrialized; developed better economy; and developed, bought and stole enough technology to place it on a better level).
HERSHMAN LEESON: Yeah, the writing did, but science always interested me, and science, real science, was more science fiction than science fiction.
Final Fantasy IX is one of my all - time favourite games, so grabbing the recent port for the PS4 was a no brainer; easily the most underrated entry in the series, FFIX suffered somewhat due to the decision to return to a more heavily fantasy oriented setting rather than the science fiction inspired ones present in the two previous — and most successful — instalments.
Lucas, who describes the film as «space fantasy» rather than science fiction, spent four years and $ 9 million creating the follow - up to his immensely successful American Graffiti.
Fifteen years ago it was a luxury item or curiosity at best; the majority of North American civilization may be dependent upon their smartphones for many major aspects of their daily lives, but those same people were at least born in a day where these wondrous devices were nothing more than science fiction.
The notion is more than science fiction.
More than science fiction, this film is intriguingly spiritual, while being completely compelling as a film experience.
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