Sentences with phrase «than seniority»

Arlington educators now recognize that leadership roles are earned based on instructional expertise and demonstrated leadership skills rather than seniority alone.
The surprise is that factors other than seniority do appear to influence which teachers are targeted for layoffs.
And believe that performance should matter more than seniority when teachers are laid off,» (Kerhner 2015).
In a 2015 poll, 73 percent of California voters said that teachers should never be given tenure or receive it much too quickly, and believe that performance should matter more than seniority when teachers are laid off.
Do you agree that performance is more important than seniority in determining a teacher's effectiveness?
The perfect evaluation system doesn't exist yet, but we do have access to measures of teacher performance that are far better than seniority: teacher ratings, classroom management, teacher attendance, specific licensure, peer or principal review, value - added student data.
Fraisse's response: «I have not seen a better or more objective system than seniority
Far fewer teachers would be laid off if the district were to base the cuts on performance rather than seniority.
It is interesting to note, however, that some teachers who receive layoff notices are well into their careers, implying that at least some districts in the state are making judgments about which teachers should be laid off based on criteria other than seniority.
For example, millennial employees tend to value meritocracy rather than seniority.
But Joy Chik, 40, one of the execs in the room, says it's a sign that the company is spending a lot more time trying to use data rather than seniority or force of personality to make decisions about product fixes or features.
She was asked what criteria, other than seniority, could be used for evaluating teachers.
The legislation would give the city the power to base teacher firings on factors other than seniority, including chronic absenteeism and poor student test scores.
Instead, he proposed a brand new Institute of Neuroscience with a modern infrastructure, «in other words merit - based rather than seniority - based promotion and resource allocation.»
However, were districts to adopt policies that allowed administrators to dismiss teachers according to their effectiveness rather than their seniority, they could lay off fewer teachers, achieve the same budgetary savings, and increase the overall efficacy of their teaching force.
Next we examine the implications of employing an effectiveness - based layoff policy rather than the seniority - driven system currently in place.
Senate Bill 191, which had already passed the Senate, tied evaluations to student achievement, revamped the tenure - granting process, and based teacher placement on factors other than seniority.
They wanted to (1) modify hiring policies so excellence rather than seniority would be the criteria for dismissal during layoffs, (2) they wanted to extend the period before granting tenure which in its current form permits less than two years of actual classroom observation, and (3) they wanted to make it easier to dismiss teachers who were incompetents or criminals.
Beginning in 2014, the proposed bill mandates that teachers and administrators would be dismissed based first and foremost on school needs and then according to effectiveness rather than the seniority that now determines layoffs.
The measure was seeking to change the way California school districts lay off teachers by using a teacher's classroom performance rating, rather than seniority...
The school code also includes language that allows «economic reasons» as reason to cut teachers and requires teacher furloughs to be based on performance evaluations rather than seniority.
It promoted teachers on the basis of classroom performance rather than seniority.
Michigan's Public Act 4 is the most extreme example, but lawmakers from New York to California are seeking ways to circumvent or eliminate public school teacher tenure, pushing for staffing decisions to be made based on merit rather than seniority.
It rewards teachers for their performance and continued training rather than seniority.
Schools were now required to cancel contracts on the basis of performance rather than seniority (i.e., tenure).
Economic furloughs based on performance and the needs of students rather than seniority is a critical tool for our school leaders.
Our shareholders are compensated, to a significant extent, according to performance rather than seniority.
While the company doesn't report any criteria other than seniority, most companies restrict sabbatical to once every five to ten years.
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