Sentences with phrase «than solid foods»

If you find it absolutely impossible, one solution is to try to give either stored expressed breastmilk or a light formula feed rather than solid food.
In fact, mother's milk is MORE nutritious than any solid food (and even formula is «good enough»).
Formula and / or Breast Milk are more important than solid foods when baby is starting solids.
Ideally, it's better to steer clear of drinking calories, as beverages leave you less full than solid foods.
The powder is absorbed easier than the solid food, such as beef or poultry.
New studies suggest that liquid calories are by far the bigger culprit than solid foods, when it comes to weight loss.
Immediately after the workout you should consume a post-workout drink because a liquid meal is digested faster than solid food and will replenish glycogen stores faster.A combination of 40 - 50g whey protein,70 - 80 of fast carbs (usually dextrose or even white sugar is good after an intense workout) and 5g of creatine, mixed in water, would be a perfect post-workout drink.
Shakes are food in liquid form so they digest faster and more easily than solid foods.
The liquid protein source will allow us to get the protein the muscles need to begin repairing themselves, and in a much quicker time frame than a solid food source that would digest slowly.
Liquids not only help to prevent dehydration, but also are less likely than solid foods to stimulate further vomiting.
I went on to feed Brid only breast milk her entire first year (other than solid foods).
Still, liquid calories are far easier to get down than solid food, making them a godsend for skinny guys.
Liquids have a very different effect on our bodies response than solid foods.
Your body will absorb this pre-digested drink better than solid food, thus facilitating the physiological uptake of nutrients.
Rather than solid food, many athletes prefer a liquid meal using a commercial post workout drink containing whey protein and maltodextrin plus dextrose or glucose (fast acting protein and high GI carbs) because the rapid absorption time may speed recovery.
If you read this post breaking down the pros and cons of smoothies, you may recall that liquids clear your stomach about four times faster than solid foods.
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