Sentences with phrase «than something does today»

People used to buy the 10 year term policy much more than they do today because of the low premium.
Way back in 2010, the gaming industry looked a lot different than it does today.
Tomorrow you can do better and react better than you did today.
So there is no doubt in my mind that we will know more about what makes our climate work in 10 years than we do today.
Traditional cultures consumed significantly more vitamin K2 rich foods than we do today: such as fermented foods, pasture raised egg yolk, grass - fed butter and organ meats.
You will never have more time than you do today.
No one knows why, but the result suggests that galaxies in the early universe created stars differently than they do today.
If it was easy to counter, we'd definitely see less of it in our culture than we do today.
That's the final goal anyway, have more in a month from now than you do today.
I've actually never liked yellow more than I do today with this dress on you.
In the late 19th century, chocolate was seen as a health food as it contained much less sugar and more milk than it does today.
Our world has perhaps faced no greater threat than it does today.
When he does, he could look like a very different player than he does today.
We just hope he has an injury - free 14 games and produces better form than he did today.
Without those rare ice - forming triggers, much of the planet would see less precipitation than it does today.
Many of those rocks formed above water, which indicates the oldest, now - submerged volcano once stood much taller than it does today.
Ten billion years ago, galaxies were making stars ten times faster than they do today.
By 2100, the oceans could absorb as much as 70 percent less sound than they do today, found one recent study.
And if you ask me in 10 years what the point of yoga is, I will likely have a different answer than I do today.
People have been healthy for thousands of years consuming much more fat than we do today.
I can honestly say that I've never felt stronger or healthier than I do today.
The hope though is that these gaps will have less to do with race and wealth than they do today, but we don't know for sure.
With quad - core chips, tablets should become more - capable performers that compete better with laptops than they do today.
The market for budget laptops has never had more choice than it does today.
We were surprised to learn that this resume template didn't have more publicity than it does today.
Either way, start by talking to more people every day than you did today.
So the same property will cost more to build in 10 years than it does today.
Traditional cultures consumed significantly more vitamin K2 rich foods than we do today: such as fermented foods, pasture raised egg yolk, grass - fed butter, & organ meats.
In other words, the machines will know us better tomorrow than they do today.
It seems clear that one year from now the landscape is going to look very different than it does today.
In the past, people had very different relationships to animals than they do today.
We should be asking ourselves how are we going to design a future where work doesn't suck even more than it does today?
In the city's entire history, the special interests have never had less power than they do today, and the end of this strike reflects the fact that when we say we put children first, we mean it.»
Bhatia's technology could allow doctors to detect the cancer and provide treatment months or even years earlier than they do today.
When the Honda CR - V first appeared in 1997, the CUV landscape had a far different look than it does today.
Click through to watch video.First, he stated that when we solve our energy issues, we will use millions of times more energy than we do today in the same way that we use millions of times more bandwidth now than we did when the internet got started.
And while I agree with him, as I have said, that liberal Catholicism can not be simply reduced to Protestantization, I would have agreed with him more strongly five years ago than I do today.
If infrastructure keeps pace with shifting production, the United States could play an even greater role in international food markets than it does today.
But just one person — with hundreds of friends — allowing access to a personal information through an app, circa 2014, may have had a much larger impact than it does today.
In the right communities, you really can live a richer, more engaging life than you do today... but spend as little as $ 1,485 a month to do it (housing included).
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