Sentences with phrase «than storing something»

The body uses them quickly for energy rather than storing them in fat tissue.
For added security, it's recommended that you transfer your cryptocurrency to a wallet rather than storing it in your exchange account.
They are not a miracle pill, but they are proven to help enhance your body's ability to use energy rather than store it as fat.
To keep your funds safe, it's recommended that you transfer your cryptocurrency holdings to a secure wallet rather than storing them on an exchange.
They should last up to 3 months in the freezer and there is less loss to nutrients than storing them in the fridge.
Those who have a faster metabolism are much more likely to burn sugar than store it.
Studies show that yoga lowers levels of stress hormones and increases * insulin sensitivity — a signal to your body to burn food as fuel rather than store it as fat.
As you know these guys cause the body to utilize energy more efficiently rather than storing it as body fat.
This means your body will burn the carbs you eat more efficiently, rather than storing them on your hips!
This approach aims to convert the unnecessary calories to heat in the brown fat deposits rather than storing them in the white fat deposits.
DHEA has been shown to reduce both subcutaneous and visceral abdominal fat because DHEA improves the ability to burn energy rather than storing it away as fat.
Mercier's work fits into a growing industry focus on carbon capture and utilization, or using captured CO2 for commercial products, rather than storing it underground, where the gas holds no economic value.
Proponents of utilizing carbon rather than storing it hope they will profit by creating something of value from this waste product.
So cute and easy I am going to make them for my 3 girls which all have boots which will be perfect for Christmas and alot nicer than the store I can match lace or ribbons and color / texture to their different personalities.
Would you be happy to stream all of your music from the Cloud, rather than store it at home?
If you ask me, storing energy in hydrocarbons is way smarter than storing it in H2 because the H2 fuel cell cycle has an efficiency of 10 % and H2 makes steel tanks brittle so it's all pretty complicated and expensive.
The point I'm trying to get across is that the idea that storing sensitive information on paper is safer than storing it in the cloud is absolutely untrue if the proper measures are taken.
Thanksgiving, in that the harvest time had arrived, and trust in that it required trust in God to give to Him the first part of your harvest, rather than store it away for yourself.
Adding to the gloom, an allied technology called carbon capture and utilization (CCU)- which makes use of captured CO2, rather than storing it underground - was reported yesterday to be many years from fruition, in a study from the UK's Center for Low Carbon Futures.
After a workout is a wonderful time to consume carbs because at this time your body is more likely to use these carbs as muscle glycogen rather than store them as body fat.
I love my Grandma Mae's china — so we kept that and started using it everyday, rather than storing it away for special occasions.
Place ice - filled buckets or containers around the house to hold drinks rather than storing them in your refrigerator.
The body metabolizes MCFAs in the liver, immediately converting it into energy (fuel for the brain and muscle function) rather than storing it as fat.
The ducts are easily compressed, do not display typical sinuses, and anatomically appear to transport the milk rather than store it.
Kiwis will last for a long time when refrigerated — sometimes as long as 4 weeks — but we recommend buying them as you need them for your baby rather than storing them for a long time.
We now know how to turn fat cells into ones that burn calories as heat rather than store them — raising the prospect of a gene therapy for obesity
Venter says that his newest company, Synthetic Genomics in La Jolla, Calif., is well on its way to overcoming one of the hurdles: his microbes can be reused multiple times because he has engineered them to release fat rather than store it.
Called brown fat, it burns energy rather than storing it.
Or they may use hormones to convert visceral to brown fat, a type of fat (most often found in infants) that burns calories rather than stores them.
Brown fat is a type of «good» fat which actually burns energy rather than storing it, which the more common white fat does.
A good fat source that I recommend is coconut oil, as it's a medium chain triglyceride that the body uses right away for energy, rather than storing it as fat.
He also claimed eating fat causes the body to metabolise it for energy, rather than store it, while eating carbohydrates encourages the body to store fat.
According to Salk Institute researchers, the program can help the body to burn fat rather than store it, despite no weird food or kJ rules and occasional cheat meals.
The best time to have honey in your smoothie is right after a workout out, as your body is depleted and will use the sugar for energy, rather than storing it.
Your body has used a lot of stored carbohydrates (glycogen) during the workout, and will use the carbs you eat to replenish the glycogen in your muscles, rather than store it as fat.
In addition, Science Daily reported that scientists found that proper melatonin levels stimulate the production of beige fat, a heat - generating type of fat (also known as «good» or «thinning» fat) that helps your body to burn calories rather than store them.
Among its benefits, coconut oil provides fat - burning medium - chain triglycerides (MCTs), which behave differently than other fatty acids because your body prefers to use rather than store them.
Not to mention, your body prefers to burn the fat in coconut, rather than store it.
It allows your body to burn fat rather than storing it.
While you increase your strength and lean muscle mass, you're also going to train your body to burn off fat rather than store it.
Our liver is able to process it and immediately convert it to energy, rather than storing it as fat.
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