Sentences with phrase «than teachers who»

Few professions have as great an impact on the future of our society and culture than the teachers who help instruct and mold young minds.
Gulamhussein says teachers who work with coaches after workshop training see more permanent changes to their teaching practices than teachers who don't.
A recent report on the retention outcomes of teachers trained through residencies had promising findings: Teachers who participated in a residency program were more likely to remain teaching in the same district than teachers who had not participated in a residency program.
Teachers with a bachelors degree plus 15 credits reported significantly less training than teachers who either had a masters degree plus 15 credits, a doctoral degree, or an educational specialist degree.
They tended to rate themselves lower than teachers who did not use video, and were better able to identify opportunities for growth.
Teachers who are well - liked and respected are less likely to have discipline issues than teachers who are not.
Students who had enthusiastic teachers tend to rate them higher than teachers who didn't show much enthusiasm for the course materials.
Although high - need schools in the U.S. have high rates of teacher turnover (regardless of how teachers have been prepared), TFA corps members stay in the classroom longer than teachers who have entered the teaching profession via another pathway.
Though there's been little hard research to help guide that requirement, states made what seemed like a safe bet, assuming that teachers who earn a bachelor's degree are more likely to learn how to create a higher quality preschool environment than teachers who do not earn one.
In a review of research on written composition, George Hillocks (1986) noted that in studies on error correcting, teachers who marked every error were no more effective in increasing the quality of students» work than teachers who only marked the errors that current instruction focused on.
Internal Teach For America data show that teachers who demonstrate a high W - 1 proficiency level are significantly more likely to achieve significant academic gains with their students than teachers who demonstrate a lower W - 1 proficiency.
«Teachers who entered the profession during recessions are significantly more effective than teachers who entered the profession during non-recessionary periods,» concluded the study.
«There's no better role model for our students than teachers who have sat, literally, in the same chairs,» she said.
«It is now the case that some of the pupils who have received their grades today may have higher qualifications than the teachers who will be teaching them at the start of the next school term,» claimed Mr Hunt.
Thirty - seven percent of teachers in the state's public schools are graduates of the UNC system, and they generally have better evaluations and higher pupil achievement than teachers who come from elsewhere.
Also, the study notes, teachers newly hired in 2011 - 12 had average IMPACT scores that were more than 25 points higher than the teachers who left.
The retention results suggest that teachers who are rated more effective under the new teacher evaluation system are retained at higher rates than teachers who receive lower ratings.
Teachers who had been rated just below 250 points and who returned for the 2011 - 12 school year increased their IMPACT scores by roughly 12.6 points more than teachers who had been rated at 250 and just above.
Whether we look at the 1997 elections, the 1999 elections, or the various bond elections, the answer is the same: in every case that allows a comparison, the teachers who live in a district but don't work there vote at lower rates than the teachers who both live and work there.
An analysis published in the Economics of Education review in 2011 found that teachers in Florida with an M. A. degree were no more effective, on average, than teachers who lacked such a degree.
After all, we've shown that teachers who are assigned poorly prepared students get lower classroom observation ratings than teachers who are assigned high achieving students, and we've said that is unfair and needs to be corrected.
A new study finds that teachers hired during recession periods are more effective in math than teachers who are hired in more secure times because stronger applicants apply for teaching jobs when the economy is not doing well.
We found that teachers with an M. A. degree were no more effective, on average, than teachers who lacked such a degree.
No one cares more about the achievement of students than the teachers who dedicate their careers to educating our children.
Not sure what to expect other than a teacher who looks like Albert Einstein?
To me, personally, people are important who value authenticity higher than a teacher who greets his participants in a handstand.
• Believe in the value of what you are teaching and make sure your students understand why it is important; so preparation is paramount • Show your students you care about their wellbeing and progress; that is your job; there is nothing they despise more than a teacher who doesn't care • Admit when you don't know or when you're wrong; they need to see you're a learner too • Collaboration with your colleagues is powerful support and very rewarding.
It requires nothing more than a teacher who can think through the possibilities with students and help them envisage possible consequences and outcomes.
Who knows better how students are succeeding than the teacher who is with them every day, who is assessing them every day?
We are long past time to fix a tax system where a hedge fund manager pays a lower federal income tax than the teacher who educates our children.
Secondly, if two teachers are in an urban classrooms that are side by side and one gets 4 new students who are not proficient in English and their test score drops by 3 percent, are they doing a better or worse job than the teacher who gets 2 new special education students and 1 new English Language Learner, but their test score goes up 2 percent after the special education students are given the alternative test rather than the standard mastery test.
I am writing about keeping teachers in the classroom in nyc by paying teachers higher salaries thoutere are teachers who have the same credentials and are not paid accordingly the bd of ed get more than the teacher who worked in childcare with the same credential possibly same amount of years working also the support team such as the asst teacher salary are much lower than the paraprofessional in the bd of ed salaries should be the same in this profession teachers stay because of the children they care about.

Not exact matches

More than 190 representing both Christian and Jewish denominations received the waivers from the mid-1970s through the late 1990s, seeking permission, for example, to only hire male teachers for certain positions or to sanction students or employees who had sex outside marriage.
Your best teacher, the one who expected your finest work or knew you had more than you were showing, comes to mind: no - nonsense, prepared, persistent, impossible to con.
High school teachers who believed they were making a difference were found to be less likely to burnout than those who didn't.
«A Pew Research poll showed that viewers of humorous news shows such as The Daily Show and The Colbert Report exhibited higher retention of news facts than those who got their news from newspapers, CNN, Fox News, or network stations,» points out teacher Sarah Henderson in Edutopia.
The teachers who had high burnout symptoms reported more depressive traits than those with low burnout symptoms.
There are plenty of people out there who have pretty positive self - assessments: Ninety percent of drivers think they have above average skills behind the wheel, an even higher percentage of college professors think they're better than average teachers, and, as we all know, every single child in Lake Wobegon is above average.
I eventually decided that their disapproval was less important than the boredom and creeping dread I felt attending lectures I didn't care about taught by teachers who didn't want to be there.
In your article around Baltimore's technology gap («Computer - based tests a challenge for low - income students, some Baltimore teachers say,» April 22), we read that students who took the PARCC scored lower when they took the test on a computer than when they used paper and pencil.
Tim Romero is a Tokyo - based entrepreneur, podcaster, author and teacher who has started four companies and led Japan market entry for others since coming to Japan more than 25 years ago.
Well, given that many atheists are actually more informed (as studies have confirmed) than believers, a better analogy would be that it's like asking a former professional chemist now teaching an English class about chemistry instead of asking the Chemistry teacher who never made it past chem 101 as an undergrad.
We must recognize that if someone comes into our group who teaches differently than we do, one of us is a false teacher — and it might not be the other guy.
My favorite part of the post is «that if someone comes into our group who teaches differently than we do, one of us is a false teacher — and it might not be the other guy».
The preacher is the least import person in the church — he is nothing more than a kindergarten teacher who reads the bible to his students instead of «See Spot Run.»
it is easier, I think, to be in the boat with Borg's historical Jesus — wisdom teacher / movement initiator / social prophet — than with Jesus the Resurrected Christ who rocks the hell out of my dead and dying world.
Jesus in the following verse describes for us the Scribe or teacher who fears God rather than man.
For instance, a hypothetical public high school teacher who advanced New Age ideas and attitudes under a neutral or secular wrapping would be far less vulnerable to legal challenge than would be a teacher who spoke of God by name or who expounded on the biblical foundations of Western thought.
A growing feature of the debate has been the stress on cooperation rather than competition between the disciples of Jesus and those who follow other ancient Teachers of the Way.
We recall that Whitehead was educated at home; the teachers who guided him were a vicar «with more personality than intellect» and two household servants.
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