Sentences with phrase «than the alternative of»

Electronic signatures allow for remote authentication, which makes it a much more convenient solution than the alternative of mailing and / or printing and scanning.
Which is better than the alternative of not being noticed at all.
Bill, people choose to embrace a religion because it offers them a narrative they find more appealing than the alternatives of which they're aware, not because there is any evidence it's true.
It can be embarrassing to come to the realization that the choice you thought was safe was anything but safe, but isn't that better than the alternative of continuing to make an unsafe choice because reevaluating your conclusions is too uncomfortable to think about?
This method will require a small amount of hydrogen to be shipped from Earth to fuel the reaction, but this is a lot lighter than the alternative of shipping lots of oxygen.
I also worked on my gratitude, realizing that hot flashes were better than the alternative of not surviving my cancer treatment.
This mode is far better than the alternative of not having any sort of career mode at all but does leave more to be desired in future games.
Disruptive innovations get their initial foothold by addressing unmet jobs with solutions that appear primitive and crummy but are far better than the alternative of nothing.
(most important of all) better than the alternative of doing nothing, which would (will?)
It's better than the alternative of spending time at the veterinary hospital.
This is far better than the alternative of trying to take them on in the open with small arms fire, a confrontation that is more than likely going to go badly for you.
This mode is far better than the alternative of not having any sort of career mode at all but does leave more to be desired in future games.
Re # 33 While using nuclear explosions to solve the problem of AGW is almost certainly less political acceptable than the alternative of building thousands of nuclear power stations, it could produce a solution that would be more effective if the situation becomes urgent.
Even if you can only afford to maintain the bare minimum amount of health insurance, it's better than the alternative of being uninsured.
It's much better than the alternative of doing nothing about it, which is going to result in worsened credit, annoying bill collectors, and the possibility of having your car impounded.
When considering their poor gaming performance and pronounced dearth of popular AAA titles compared to Windows, along with their lack of flexibility in tasks beyond gaming, Steam Machines become a far less lucrative option than the alternative of just building your own PC.
The wholesale sales manager resume sample has a large gap in employment, which is not ideal, but it is better than the alternative of including unimportant or irrelevant positions.
«Clearly, taking the suitcase back and forth once or twice a week so that you spend a lot of time with both parents is way better for the kids than the alternative of basically losing an intimate and closely loving relationship with one parent.»
For instance if a child were to run in the road a spanking can be a teaching tool something a child will remember and is much better than the alternative of them being hit by a car!
On the other hand, a mediocre team will be little more than a collection of individuals, and a bad team will actually be worse than the alternative of everyone working on their own.

Not exact matches

Alternative lenders tend to charge much higher interest rates than banks do — sometimes on the order of 50 percent annual percentage rates or more.
Alternative measures of inflation that adjust for the more volatile components of the price basket, such as gasoline, were moderately higher than the headline number.
The Independent was created in 1986 as an alternative to the existing British daily press, and for a time it was a successful business, but as the pressure of a declining print market continued to grow it faded rapidly from a readership of about 400,000 to less than 50,000.
Alternative ways of raising money are increasingly available, and crowd - funding has for instance raised more than # 1 billion for UK small and medium - sized enterprises last year.Of course, don't forget to inquire about the regulation in place in your country, and get professional advice to mitigate risk.
«(With an alternative lender), the interest rates are higher, the qualifying rate is higher than if you were going with a traditional bank and they are going to charge one per cent of the mortgage amount (as a lender's fee) for closing, so that means your closing costs increase.»
They argued transporting crude by pipeline would be safer than alternatives like rail, and charged Obama with hypocrisy for complaining about the lack of investment in U.S. infrastructure while obstructing an $ 8 billion project.
The alternative likely on the minds of many investors is selling off parts of the business rather than spending millions during uncertain times for uncertain returns.
Using a variety of techniques, these new apps promise to deal in relationships, not hookups; unfortunately, few have managed to generate the sustained interest — and corresponding user base — to be anything other than a theoretical alternative.
Sonia Gardner is president, managing partner and co-founder of Avenue Capital Group, a global alternative investment manager with more than $ 10 billion in assets under management.
Some alternative VCs have a more sophisticated understanding of the startup world than others and, as a result, can offer more useful advice and introductions.
But a Wharton - professor - turned - mortgage - consultant is now putting a more upbeat spin on that idea: If you play your cards right, your house could produce a bigger retirement income than a lot of other investment alternatives, with a federal guarantee behind it, to boot.
I expect, however, that there will be three first - order effects that will be very similar to those that followed the BP spill: 1) increased public consciousness of the dangers inherent in transporting oil and oil products and more aversion to having these products moved nearby; 2) increased calls for alternatives to oil rather than alternative means of transporting oil; and 3) decreased trust in regulators» and firms» abilities to sufficiently mitigate risks from transporting oil.
The leaders of all three nations signed a joint statement, which said there was «no plausible alternative explanation» for the Skripal poisoning other than a Kremlin hit - job.
The better approach, he thinks, is positioning as a «good tasting» alternative to soda rather than a substitute for beer: «For when you are not drinking, AND for when you are drinking but not for the sole purpose of getting absolutely drunk.»
Back in the petroleum - challenged 1970s, alternative energy of all sorts — solar, wind, geothermal, and anything cleaner and environmentally friendlier than fossil fuels — was the wave of the future and hence the stuff of entrepreneurial dreams.
While we've come to think of the iconic PB&J as a convenient, healthy alternative to a sandwich made with lean meats or veggies, a classic peanut butter and jelly sandwich packs more sugar and calories than the standard turkey and cheese or hummus sandwich — and has less protein, a key muscle - building ingredient that also helps keep you feeling full until your next meal.
Pamela investigated more than 450 financial strategies seeking an alternative to the risk and volatility of stocks and other investments, which led her to a time - tested, predictable method of growing wealth now used by more than 500,000 Americans.
The company predicts that BEVs will comprise less than 10 % of the alternative propulsion car market over the next decade, compared with 70 % for traditional hybrids.
More than two - thirds (67.3 %) of funding requests are approved by alternative lenders, who picked up the slack from the SBA slowdown and are now offering more lucrative terms to borrowers.
This blend of rigidity and flexibility makes the Vie - Long 12705 a great alternative to other natural brush materials if you want something more pliable than boar bristles
Of course, the same alternatives are available to your competitors, meaning it's also tougher than ever to earn virtual visibility.
This blend of rigidity and flexibility makes the Vie - Long 12705 a great alternative to other natural brush materials if you want something more pliable than boar bristles yet more suitable for hard soaps and mug - lathering than a plushier badger brush.
It's important to note that Wave is for very small businesses — in particular, companies with fewer than 10 staff members will get the most out of this QuickBooks alternative.
«At the same time, we see significant momentum for alternative energy vehicles, an inferior competitive landscape and continued progress on Model 3 production driving more than 70 % top - line growth this year, easily one of the fastest ever by a multibillion - dollar company.
The SIMPLE 401 (k) is an alternative for companies that have fewer than 100 employees and wish to avoid the administrative burden of a standard 401 (k).
In fact, this kind of negotiated tax increase might be a far preferable outcome for the world's savers, investors and high - income earners than the increasingly likely alternative: persistent uncertainty over the global financial system or the consummation of that uncertainty in an asset - value - destroying economic downturn.
CREA runs ads with a similar message today, though they focus more on the upside of dealing with its members than scare tactics regarding the alternative.
Still, getting carbon emissions from in situ projects down near the level of conventional oil will take more than that, which is where the new alternatives to SAGD come in.
The situation is pressuring U.S. hospitals to pay at least $ 230 million more a year than they ordinarily would to find alternative treatments, according to Michael Alkire, COO of Premier, an alliance of hospitals and health care providers.
But with major companies abandoning Canadian factories in favour of cheaper overseas alternatives, the opportunities are less likely to come from industrial expansion than from a shortage of technically - qualified workers to fill positions.
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