Sentences with phrase «than the average citizen»

It is also more equitable than expecting all taxpayers to foot the bill for the benefit of graduates who can generally expect to earn substantially more than the average citizen.
With all that money flying around, it's safe to assume that campaign contributors have an easier time getting their points of view across to representatives than your average citizen.
For me, one of the most interesting things is that our elected political officials consistently received lowers scores than the average citizen.
As a group, lesbians and gays are more educated and earn more money than the average citizen.
Nearly two - thirds of students drew the leader as a taller person than the average citizen.
For the most part, they are no better than average citizens at breed identification.
Credit is a growing issue of concern for home buyers, and it affects military members even more than the average citizen.
Yet the data in the 2008 E-Voter Institute study show that online social networks SHOULD be fertile ground for political organizers: by just about any measure, users of websites such as MySpace, Facebook and LinkedIn are more likely to be politically active than average citizens.
But this claim needs to be tested, for there is clearly a plausible alternative: that teachers are not only better educated and more middle class than the average citizen, but also more public spirited, more committed to public education, and thus more likely to vote in school - board elections regardless of their personal stakes.
Who knows; as someone who rides a bike more often than your average citizen (it's fun, I promise!)
With access to so many new voices, it turns out that many of our pop - culture and publishing - sanctioned pundits and leaders are considerably less well - informed than we were led to believe, if not less well - informed than your average citizen.
Now that you've proven you're financially savvier than the average citizen, are you ready for another fun quiz?
But while almost everyone else is suffering Jesus would insist that the extremely wealthy must keep making 500 times or more than the average citizen.
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