Sentences with phrase «than the balance»

If the home sells for more than the balance of the reverse mortgage loan, the remaining home equity passes to the heirs.
An offer on the home would have to satisfy the bank for the property is generally being purchased at less than the balance owing on a mortgage.
If the home sells for more than the balance of the reverse mortgage loan, the remaining home equity passes to the heirs.
There are a few reasons to consolidate your debt with a personal loan rather than a balance transfer credit card.
Most creditors are willing to accept payments of much less than the balance owed in order to close out an account rather than lose the entire amount in a bankruptcy proceeding.
Therefore, for the long - term, we recommend shopping and using a rewards credit card, rather than a balance transfer one.
It is not about being better than Balanced funds or pure debt funds, but the allocation and risk you choose for the goals you have.
If the equity in the home is higher than the balance of the loan when the house is sold, the remaining equity belongs to the heirs / estate.
This curiosity is about more than balance sheets and capital ratios.
This will certainly apply if you are earning an income lower than the balance of your student loan.
This amount may be substantially less than the balance due on the loan.
You also say that it is better than balanced funds or pure debt funds.
Any softness to the image appears to be organic to the original film and is more than balanced out by rich black levels.
Simply don't use the balance transfer card for anything other than the balance transfer.
For some borrowers with extremely low income compared to their student loan debt, the balance to be forgiven will be larger than their balance straight out of school.
For instance, balances over $ 1,000 may have a higher interest rate than balances lower than that amount.
It's good advice to try to keep balances in that range, but again, the reported balance may be different than the balance after payments have been made.
First of all, the balance sheet is an average balance for the line item, rather than the balance at the end of the period.
The darkness removes some of his most crucial stylistic elements: the handmade surfaces, texture, and color that make his craft more than a balancing act.
In fact, many studies have found that no - carb or low - carb diets have failed to reduce weight more effectively than a balanced diet.
The property value must be lower than the balance remaining on the mortgage, counting all fees and penalties.
Yes, a well - diversified, all - stock portfolio should certainly earn more than a balanced portfolio over your lifetime.
It contains a will to order, one that is less about power than balance.
A fuller consideration than balancing these two principles is necessary.
This really isn't a true «two - cycle» method at all; it actually affects the grace period more than the balance calculation method.
Cash advances are more costly than balance transfers with the rate being either $ 15 or 5 % with the decision over which rate going to the greater value that is generated.
It happened seven months after the puppy was sold to a home where his diet was considerably «richer» than the balanced commercial dry dog food he was used to.
It embraces symmetry or a pattern - like repetition rather than balancing forms in relation to each other to create a final resolution.
Tax policy is about more than balancing revenues with expenditures.
But for most people, it's a chore worse than balancing the check book.
It's not easy balancing a job and college, but it's often easier than balancing a student loan budget.
Results vary, but clients who complete making all of their scheduled payments will pay less than the balance owed in most cases.
The process of refinancing for an amount higher than the balance due, assuming the property has a sufficiently high value.
Which still offers poor risk / reward, in my opinion — but there's potential to execute this via fund management products, rather than balance sheet lending].
Here, the lender needs to agree to accept a payoff that is less than the balance due on the home loan in order to make the sale to the prospective buyer.
Most creditors are willing to accept payments of much less than the balance owed to close out an account rather than lose the entire amount in a bankruptcy proceeding.
That salary should more than balance out the increased expenses, leaving you a net gain in income per year.
I have not ran a transaction, other than balance transfers, in the last 2 - 3 years.
It sees morality as a problem of inclusion rather than a balancing of claims.
This calculation includes the balance of all mortgage liens on the property rather than the balance of a single loan.
You might have heard about promotional marketing checks and wonder how they're different than a balance transfer.
You're charged an overdraft fee when you write a check or make a withdrawal for an amount that is more than the balance in your account, but we pay the transaction anyway.
A short sale occurs when the borrower sells the home for less than the balance on the mortgage and returns the proceeds to the lender.
Get Your Hands on Some Cash Another way to make a refinance work is for you is to refinance for more than the balance remaining on your old mortgage.
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