Sentences with phrase «than the harm caused»

The defence applies only where the action meets the proportionality test; the harm avoided must be more serious than the harm caused by the act in question (measured according to an objective standard).
Is it possible to legislate sufficiently specific grounds for active defence that most of the risks will be avoided, and the potential harm from hacking back will be less than the harm caused by the attacks?
She said that the pain inflicted on families by divorce or separation was often less than the harm caused by the manner in which couples split.

Not exact matches

As a solution, municipal strategist Chris Mier believes bankruptcy would cause more harm than good.
According to market research firm IDC, more than 95 million smartphones are damaged each year from drops, the No. 1 cause of harm to handheld devices (No. 2 is exposure to liquid).
However, recent studies have claimed that the open - office model causes employees more harm than good.
Nevertheless, the BIS is now openly wondering if the U.K.'s failure to adjust interest rates upward from 0.5 % can be sustained without causing more harm than good.
However, this is largely an evolutionary holdover: Now that we are on top of the food chain and rarely need to assume fight or flight reflexes, the reality is that cognitive biases cause significantly more harm than good.
But first, people who build and program all forms of AI need to ensure their wiring prevents robots from causing more harm than good.
They suggest most women in their 40s should not have routine mammograms because the tests may cause more harm than good because of false positive results (follow - up testing proves negative for cancer).
If you barge in with the answer, like the elephant, you may cause more harm to your brand than good.
While it is nice to have award logos plastered all over your website and products, it can get quite expensive and, if done in haste, can cause more harm than good.
They believe that change is unnecessary and that it causes more harm than good.
While entrepreneurs launch social - media campaigns to help spread the word, their strategy can backfire — causing more harm than good.
For example, some people will have a very strong inclination to dismiss any claims that marijuana may cause harm as nothing more than old - fashioned reefer madness.
This is because it was never very useful, or efficient, but now causes more harm than good.
Displaying what Donald (now Dierdre) McCloskey once characterized as «the intellectual range from M to N,» there is no real comparison of the Fed's record with that of the system that preceded it; no mention of other monetary systems circa 1913 that had better records than the United States (most pertinently, that of Canada); not nearly enough acknowledgment of the great harm the Fed has caused more than once in its history; no discussion of why a few other central banks — though surprisingly, only a few — have performed better than the Fed; and no inkling that central banking may not be the best of all possible systems in the best of all possible worlds.
The rub, of course, is that staking out turf on a divisive issue can often cause more harm than good.
I don't abuse (not intentionally, but I am blunt which can be seen as a less than stellar trait) because I don't wish to cause harm.
People like «Free Thinker» do more harm than good to their cause (I guess you'd call it that).
«But Nicholas ignored Rasputin's words, words that would have saved his reign... words that more than compensated for the harm Rasputin had caused, and would later cause, the prestige of the throne.»
You just did your cause WAY more harm than good.
I'm no atheist, I'm more anti-religion, because religion causes more harm than good.
The most hotly debated issue in connection with the 1983 Rules, in fact, was whether a lawyer should be required, rather than merely permitted, to disclose information he has reason to believe necessary to prevent a client from causing death or serious bodily harm to another person.
Using that logic, torturing dogs causes less harm than going for a walk in the park (think of the pain all those blades of grass must endure!).
It is far faster to assume that there is an agent out to cause you harm, and flee, than it is to investigate and find out the hard way.
It causes more harm than it ever does good so just stop it and talk about sensible things or at least more probable things that might have a positive effect on others.
Those who become avenging angels, attempting to stamp out evil without any thought of loving - mercy have caused more harm than the willful sinners among us.
We might as well blame these on Santa Clause or the Easter Bunny... You religious nuts cause more harm than good.
Thus, when militant rabbis called upon soldiers to disobey orders to withdraw from Gaza, he reminded the public that undermining legitimate authority caused greater harm than the worst possible consequences of evacuation.
Sin did no real harm whatever in the universe, since the absolute perfection which the universe involves in its cause could never be more or less than absolute.
The harm they are risking and the physical fear they are causing others is far worse than most of the immoralities that pastors preach about.
The RCC's policies cause more harm than good and RCC leaders need to understand when they are not welcome.
Because a priest is quite literally a «father figure,» abuse by a priest is likely to cause more harm to a child than abuse by any other individual outside the family.
Many human inventions are not created to cause harm, but are produced in a way that violates human rights (think about Apple's less - than - stellar human rights record).
Children younger than 10 carry sacks so big, they cause them serious physical harm.
However, I think this protest is going too far.It is this sort of thing that will cause more harm than good for the new atheist movement.
It could be argued that original sin and salvation are a manufactured problem - solution that has caused more harm than good.
Because let's face it, true justice and compassion requires more than not just being a dick yourself, but also doing something about the harm caused by others» dickishness.
Better to bring or send it to some recycle center than to bury and cause harm to environment by substances from hardware.
Maybe you have found yourself surrounded by negative co-workers who are causing more harm than good.
Bob Jones — founder of the college Graham first attended declared that Graham had done «more harm to the cause of Jesus Christ than any living man.»
Obviously, there are more than one person who has lost someone on 9 - 11, so show some respect and don't cause any more pain and harm than what has already occurred.
You are like those leftist terrorist groups in the 1970s, doing far more harm to your cause than good.
I think this bill board will cause more harm than good due to it's seasonal timing and format.
religion has caused more harm and death than any other issue in the entire history of the world.
There is nothing honest about any of them and they will all cause you more harm than good.
But no insurrection is ever right, however right the cause it seeks to promote... it generally harms the innocent more than the guilty... I am and always will be on the side of those against whom insurrection is directed, no matter how unjust their cause;... Those who read and rightly understand my teaching will not start an insurrection; they have not learned that from me.
Yes we all have our opinions, but some of them suck and cause more harm than good.
The problem is that when something is tabooed it causes more social harm and evil than good — similar to the Prohibition era when the sale of alcohol was dragged underground and caused an outbreak of organised crime.
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