Sentences with phrase «than the left hemisphere»

The right hemisphere of the brain (emotional and nonverbal) develops earlier than the left hemisphere (logical and linguistic).
The brain's right hemisphere is more involved in abstract thought and social interactions than the left hemisphere.

Not exact matches

Indeed, this left - brained specialisation for language is even more common than right - handedness — which might suggest that as the left hemisphere evolved for language, the preference for the right hand may have intensified simply as a side effect.
We have too often sought God logically in the «left brain» rather than expanding our use of the right hemisphere of the brain where intuitive, prayerful, loving, visual thinking occurs — where we pray, believe, love and develop a consciousness of the total mind - body - spirit relationship.
information in a more diffuse way than does the left hemisphere and is able to integrate scattered bits of seemingly disparate data.
So too empirical evidence about the brain is more complex than the simple distinction about left and right processing (Sally P. Springer and Georg Deutsch, Left Brain, Right Brain [W. H. Freeman, 1981]-RRB- Take, as a prime example, the location of speech dominance in the left hemisphleft and right processing (Sally P. Springer and Georg Deutsch, Left Brain, Right Brain [W. H. Freeman, 1981]-RRB- Take, as a prime example, the location of speech dominance in the left hemisphLeft Brain, Right Brain [W. H. Freeman, 1981]-RRB- Take, as a prime example, the location of speech dominance in the left hemisphleft hemisphere.
Latin for «tough body,» this mass of more than 200 million nerve fibers helps connect the left and right hemispheres of the cerebrum, our brain's largest and uppermost section.
The team also found that musicians» brains seemed to fire more symmetrically when they listened to music — the activity in the left and right hemispheres was a much closer match than that of the non-musicians.
The right hemisphere receives information from the left visual field, rather than the whole of the left eye.
Since the mid-1980s, scientists have known that the two brain hemispheres of left - handers are more strongly connected than those of right - handers.
A region of the brain that extends through both hemispheres, the planum temporale, is larger in the left than in the right hemisphere.
In 1968, when there were no techniques to observe how the brain worked in vivo, the neurologist Norman Geschwind discovered in deceased persons that a region of the temporal lobe, the planum temporale, was larger in the left than in the right hemisphere.
Yet even these differences are only relative; for example, the right hemisphere tends to play a larger role than the left does in interpreting the vocal tone of spoken language.
Herron explains why encoding instruction (which activates left - hemisphere processing) is a better place to begin than decoding (which activates right - hemisphere processing).
To leave out the polar regions, and specifically the northern hemisphere, which, both by observation and by measurement has seen a larger percentage warming than the mid-latitudes is to slice the greatest area of dynamic change related to global warming right out of the equation.
Rather than travelling in the same direction as the trade winds, the net flow of water in the surface layers affected by the wind are 90 degrees to the direction of travel - to the right in the Northern Hemisphere, and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere.
The present finding of higher activation in the left - hemisphere in the secure priming rather than the neutral priming condition reflected a predominance of the left side (Lee et al., 2004).
It has been known for hundreds of years that a left - hemisphere injury to the brain is more likely to cause language disturbance — aphasia — than a right hemisphere injury, especially but not exclusively in right - handed persons.
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