Sentences with phrase «than the ordinary matter»

Leroi shows that Aristotle was no vitalist, in the sense that he required nothing more than ordinary matter and its properties to explain life.
Dark matter is theorized as one of the basic constituents of the universe, five times more abundant than ordinary matter.
They feel only the weak force responsible for radioactive decay and the weaker force of gravity, so they can begin to cluster under the action of gravity earlier than ordinary matter.
Dark matter is one of the basic constituents of the universe, five times more abundant than ordinary matter.
Stellar motions are especially useful because these can lead astronomers to something they can not see: dark matter, an invisible component that is vastly more abundant than ordinary matter across the cosmos.

Not exact matches

So if Santayana is not an «event ontologist» like Whitehead, it is not because he thinks ordinary continuants or «primary substances» are ontologically more basic than events, which he does not, but because he speaks of the derivation of one event from another as the transmission of matter or substance, in the sense of ulh, from one to another.
Whether in the red giants, the medium yellows or the white dwarfs, we may surmise at the presence in the center of heavy and extremely unstable elements possessing a greater atomic weight than uranium (unless these are simply «ordinary matter» reduced to a physical state of extraordinary compression).
This is directed against the Gnostics who claimed that they were in the most intimate possible fellowship with God, fellowship not even possible for the ordinary man, and who yet wallowed in sin, either on the principle that the body is evil and therefore it does not matter what is done with it or in it, or on the principle that in sin the body does no more than fulfil its own nature, and that in either case the spirit is left quite untouched.
Ultimately, what matters more to Labour members, it seems, is having a leader who, as well as being a good communicator, is in touch with ordinary people and has strong political beliefs — something that is especially true for those who joined after rather than before the last general election.
But on such matters as the importance of the family, the need to clean up Westminster - and, yes, until yesterday on Europe - his gut instincts have been far closer than New Labour's to the views of ordinary electors.
Publicly, he represented himself as a lawyer who represented «plain, ordinary simple people» in personal injury matters and did not have any cases pertaining to state business, but prosecutors said the work was nothing more than a sham.
In the 1990s, results from the Liquid Scintillator Neutrino Detector (LSND) at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico suggested there might be a fourth flavour: a «sterile» neutrino that is even less inclined to interact with ordinary matter than the others.
But as all physicists know, the standard model doesn't explain everything — it accounts for less than 20 percent of the matter in the universe, for instance — the rest is invisible or «dark» and can not be made of the ordinary matter particles found on Earth.
Moreover, the theorists argue, SIMPs must interact with ordinary matter, although much more weakly than WIMPs.
B mesons are important because, as they decay into other, more ordinary particles, they display a slight asymmetry: The antimatter versions tend to decay more readily into matter than the reverse.
Dark matter, the mystery mass that, according to data from the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe, outweighs ordinary atoms by more than five to one: That was Zwicky's.
In fact, the latest survey of the Big Bang's residual light suggests that more than 84 percent of the matter in the cosmos is of the «dark» variety: exotic particles unlike the ordinary atoms that make up our everyday world and the objects therein.
Inside RHIC, ordinary matter tends to melt into its fundamental constituents, with temperatures more than 100,000 times hotter than the center of the sun.
Called «sterile» neutrinos, they are thought to interact with normal matter only through gravity and to be more massive than ordinary neutrinos.
Observations of galaxy cB58 (arrow) hint that the universe has less ordinary matter than astronomers thought.
The glow seemed consistent with the size and shape of the matter needed to make ngc 5907 spin the way it does, so astronomers hoped that this might be the first sign that the dark halos were made of ordinary stars and planets — albeit faint ones — rather than exotic, yet - to - be discovered particles.
In those theories, the gravity from ordinary matter remains strong at greater distances than predicted by Newton and Einstein, which prevents galaxies from flying apart.
Lawrence expects that the spacecraft will significantly shrink levels of uncertainty for such cosmological parameters as the age of the universe and the relative proportions of ordinary matter (all that we can see and touch) and that mysterious stuff known as dark matter, which is believed to make up far more of the universe than its ordinary counterpart.
Baryons are particles of normal or «ordinary» matter (e.g., such as protons and neutrons) that make up more than 99.9 percent of the mass of atoms found in the cosmos.
In a paper published May 2 in Nature Physics, the CERN Axion Solar Telescope (CAST) at CERN presented new results on the properties of axions — hypothetical particles with minimal interactions with ordinary matter that therefore could constitute some or all of the mysterious dark matter, which is five times more abundant than normal matter.
They are known as WIMPs (for weakly interacting massive particles), and if they exist, these particles have masses tens or hundreds of times greater than that of a proton but interact so weakly with ordinary matter that they're difficult to detect.
These filaments, spanning across millions of light - years — much larger than the largest galaxies — constitute the cosmic web, and account for most of the ordinary matter (as opposed to dark matter) in the universe.
Rick's business model does have some flat - out illegal elements, which become important to resolving matters near the end of the film, but it's ironic how those illegal activities do far less harm to ordinary people — even providing work for some of Dennis» friends — than the legal ones.
In collecting Stubbs and Turner, Hyams was collecting British artists who truly matter and are truly relevant today, and tomorrow, rather than getting confused as so many supposed experts are by a fashion for very ordinary «modern» British art.
Every scientist, no matter in what speciality, should have the humility of Sir Isaac Newton when he said, «I was like a boy playing on the sea - shore, and diverting myself now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.»
It noted that in family proceedings, unlike in ordinary civil proceedings, consent orders are binding and enforceable as a result of the court endorsing the agreement, rather than as a matter of contract.
[46] In Radke, Madam Justice Boyd cited these circumstances in concluding that the matter was not a matter of «more than ordinary difficulty» (at para. 26):
As professionals concluding your divorce or parenting matter in the mediation process, the total costs of your divorce mediated with our assistance will almost certainly be significantly less than if you choose the ordinary, contested, litigation approach to divorce.
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