Sentences with phrase «than the other authors do»

To stand out, you'll need to work harder than the other authors do.

Not exact matches

A long time ago, I learned a very effective way to do this from none other than influential author and podcast host Tim Ferriss.
«This is because people, other than very close friends and relatives, don't seem to relate well to those who constantly share photos of themselves,» lead study author David Houghton, of Birmingham Business School, said in a release.
Women who used sprays or other cleaning products at least once per week had a more accelerated decline than women who didn't, the study authors wrote.
Disclaimer: the author does not promote any of the coins mentioned in the article as better than others.
We don't know much about the author other than he appears to have no professional financial background or qualifications, is well - qualified in computer science and claims experience in data science and simulation.
I don't know if I have ever watched any movie adapted from a Steven King novel other than «The Green Mile», (I didn't know Steven King was the author.
But it may be pointed out that (1) no one has ever «unstrung» the Marcan sequence more completely than the author of Matthew did in revising and reorganizing the Gospel of Mark for his special purposes: the book is taken apart and put together again in a new order, combined with the «Sayings Source» (Q) and with other materials, and arranged apparently for didactic use — as a manual, one might say, for the religious educators of the early Syrian church!
Nick Spencer, research director of the Theos think tank and author of The Evolution of the West (SPCK) argues that it is, and that it is a mistake to take the universalist message of the gospel — the good news is for everyone — as invalidation of all identifiers other than being a Christian: «I think that's problematic because it takes the universalist notion of Christianity without also taking the incarnational notion of Christianity which is local and which does have specific identities.
But I do think that it is strange to seek after the Spirit of God in the works of authors other than the one book we know the Spirit wrote... why do that?
I am no Scholar but, I believe God has the power to change prophecy the way that he did with Hezekiah, his intentions for a perfect people in the beginning changed due to disobedience so who's to say our men or intended leadership has overall been disobedient, and many women have been forced to lead and in that leading women have been more obedient.We all need each other if my husband was a pastor and I'm his help mate if he for some reason can't teach or preach who else other than myself would be the closest to him.I don't believe GOD changes he's always the same but, he does have the power to make changes and he does not need our permission to do so, instead of debating back and forth over our version of the Bible we should be sure we have the Holy Spirit and real relationship with GOD because he will reveal to us his truths but, please know he's not the author of confusion
Very few other authors, with the exception perhaps of Schmalhausen and a few of his students, have done anything more than pay the merest lip - service to the idea that selection operates on phenotypes.
We honestly don't know anything about any eyewitnesses other than what «unknown authors» have written, and we don't know how many of those stories from those unknown authors are simply copy - cat stories — just someone from a different town that heard the tale, but happened to know how to write.
It's not that I have an issue with catering to special diets (and it's great to have resources like this for counselling patients if needed), but other than being «trendy» I can't tell why the author has chosen to do this.
Other than prayer the author does not suggest any religious implementations.
It all looks like something that was either meant as preliminary data and not for distribution to anyone other than the authors or a work where the authors weren't paying attention to what they were doing.
I do think I felt this way because of the lack of influence I had from other people who have been influenced for a long time by what authors have written in baby books, rather than what they actually feel.
And although I'm not sure the author directly implied this, other than through the title, there's plenty of moms who haven't even heard of AP whose babies don't nap.
Some authors are more engaging than others, and it's evident that some did more rigorous research.
«It hit me that we've been calculating chlorophyll profiles from surface measurements for more than thirty years, but we don't know what the depth profiles of other biogeochemically - important materials look like,» said Barney Balch, a senior research scientist at Bigelow Laboratory and lead author on the paper.
«It appears that copying text from other papers is more common in some nations than others, but the outcome is generally the same for authors who copy extensively: Their papers don't get cited much.»
«Because of their chemical structure, omega - 3's behave very differently in cell membranes than any other fat,» says Susan Allport, author of The Queen of Fats: Why Omega - 3s Were Removed from the Western Diet and What We Can Do To Replace Them.
The authors stressed that the long - term reduction in aggressive disease was observed only in men after more than a year of testosterone use, and the risk of prostate cancer did not differ between gels and other types of preparations.
Overall, the authors reported that individuals given early support were 9 to 31 percent more likely than individuals who did not receive early support to receive follow - up support from other individuals, whether that meant for funding, an award, product endorsement, or signatures of support.
A similar question was posed to bestselling author Andrew Weil, MD. «We don't have any evidence suggesting that coconut oil is better for you than other saturated fats,» he states on his website.
The authors» «research methods» were virtually non-existent and they didn't control for any factors other than hours spent wearing a bra — an obvious one being obesity, which is a well - known risk factor for breast cancer.
Author Gretchen Rubin writes, «This makes sense, because we're far more aware of what we do than what other people do
I don't see what makes this author an expert other than her own use of online dating apps.
Don't get me wrong: the idea of someone performing copycat murders based on an author's work of fiction has potential (even if it's been done before, most recently in the pilot for the TV drama «Castle»), but there's nothing in the trailer that suggests the film will be anything other than a generic whodunit.
The other actors all do good work but their characters seem more like an author's construct than real people.
(p. 222) It does not seem unfair to expect the authors to provide evidence, other than the fact of differentiation, to support these assertions, or to say what is being done in traditional public schools that better prepares students for life in a democratic society.
Jackson is the author of Never Work Harder Than Your Students and Other Principles of Great Teaching (2009), the REVERE Award — winning Never Underestimate Your Teachers: Instructional Leadership for Excellence in Every Classroom (2013), You Can Do This: Hope and Help for New Teachers (2014), and The Instructional Leader's Guide to Strategic Conversations with Teachers (2008), as well as the how - to guides in the Mastering the Principles of Great Teaching series.
I can point to moments of good fortune in the life of the book, but then, so can other authors whose books sold either far more or far fewer copies than mine did.
If authors are looking to outsource aspects of the publishing process to others, rather than do it all themselves, there are many other viable options, like CreateSpace and Lulu as mentioned in other comments.
There are probably a lot of reason you would n`t want to read my book: you do n`t know me from any other random guy on the internet, you «ve never read any of my other books because this is my first book, and there are millions of authors with more experience than me.
What, other than conversion, is the publisher doing for the author regarding the ebook that justifies them taking such a huge chunk of the royalties?
I think the author interviews I do are responsible for most of it, but I do find that I prefer reading shorter posts on other blogs (unless they are really super awesome, in which case they can hold my attention for more than 1300 words +!)
The single best thing you can do for yourself on Goodreads — other than joining the site and claiming your author profile — is to host book giveaways.
No author is so great a writer that they do not need to be edited if for no other reason than the writer knows what it is supposed to say, so therefore may not catch mistakes.
Apparently more people are noticing that Amazon doesn't care about authors or readers or anything other than making as much money as possible:
«He and others have mentioned the need for indie authors to start creating more innovative fiction rather than fiction that's just like what the mainstream has, only the mainstream didn't publish it.»
Amazon has given me and many, many other authors like me a second life, in fact a life where I now make more each year than I ever did when I was traditionally published.
Do you really think you deserve to get paid more per page than other authors, just because you write shorter works?
How does this field actually benefit authors (other than making popular titles more affordable to libraries and aggragators)?
While there is some limited evidence that these hybrid authors do better on average than those who exclusively pursue one or the other means.
Echoing what others have said, if this is an author's first book and they don't have strong reviews by trusted readers or a significant sample of their work available, I'll be hard pressed to pay more than $ 2.99.
And, I don't know of anyone (other than myself) that has built an entire business around helping authors improve their query letters.
It's heavy - handed, and unprofessional, but it will help you sell more books than every other self - publishing author who doesn't use any keywords and has covers that don't convey the genre.
The other crucial component here is to understand that it's not what they, the author, are most comfortable doing, but discovering where their readers are and connecting with them there, e.g., if their demographic skews younger, then Instagram and Pinterest are probably a better use of their time than Facebook.
Best thing I can tell you is to have fun looking at what everyone else is doing... especially YA fiction authors... and you'll start getting ideas... to do it YOUR way... but building social media numbers by simply following other people... can be easier for a fiction author than spending too much time writing blog articles just to try and build a following.
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