Sentences with phrase «than the pen»

Increased quality and quantity in writing: Some preliminary studies suggest that students not only write more, but write better, when using laptops rather than pen and paper.
If there is a problem, it would just be that taking notes on a tablet is actually a little slower than pen and paper.
The fish have to be small — not longer than a pen — and thin, not wider than one inch.
A search warrant likewise has a much higher standard than a pen register, requiring law enforcement to prove probable cause before a judge will grant permission to use additional means of investigation.
So simple but so organized and much nicer looking than the pen and marker filled drawer we've got going on!
A lot of math apps are quite static and no more exciting than pen - and - paper versions of the same puzzle.
There are no better learning tools than the pens themselves.
You can, however, type in notes using the virtual keyboard rather than the pen.
A new optional pen has been made for the 2017 model Teclast Tbook 10 S that is different than the pen for the non-S Teclast Tbook 10, but since it lacks palm rejection, I don't see much point, unless you understand how it will behave then.
So, in the end, this signed document probably would have been copied by Timothy Matlack, Jefferson's clerk, rather than penned by Jefferson himself, and certainly couldn't have been signed on July 4th.
The Nav 9 has an onscreen keyboard whose keys are too small to type on with anything other than the pen stylus.
I'm a lawyer by day and healthy gourmet on nights and weekends and believe the ladle is mightier than the pen.
Less is recorded from the lips of Jesus than the pen of Paul about sex relations, but it is unlikely that our Lord ever expected celibacy to be exalted as the pattern of life for the «religious,» as is the practice of the Roman Catholic Church.
Berne, in his way, is more grandiose than Pens.
One of his justifications, according to the Mail, is that fit people shouldn't have to pay taxes so that fat people can get treated on the NHS.He added: «What I'm doing with my life is far more of a testament to my country than pen pushing all day in some office job I don't enjoy.
A question as old as the genre itself and exhausted to boot, most would say; however, it is not in the concept itself but the quiet confidence of its delivery that Garland establishes himself as much more than a pen on paper.
Story performance makes me think and create in a different way than pen to paper writing, does.
So when Ava approaches a crossroads in her athletics department career in Minnesota, Seth is quick to offer the open apartment above the restaurant he's been remodeling in Maple Valley, Iowa.Ava doesn't know where her career will lead her next, but she's starting to suspect she might see Seth as more than a pen pal.
It's a touch less convenient than pen - style stain removers, but in our tests it trounced the competition for actually undoing the damage wrought by Brunello and bolognese.
Lawyers Abe Lincoln and Clarence Darrow, for example, managed some highly successful projects using nothing more technological than pen and paper.
Beyond searchability, it's no smarter than pen and paper.
The report however suggests that the feeling of uncertainty from Juventus is because they feel Can could have his head turned by over clubs rather than penning an extension at Liverpool.
I've read indie books every bit as good — and often better, than some penned by NYT Bestselling authors — Terri Giuliano Long's In Leah's Wake being one of them.
However, in such a competitive division it wouldn't be too far - fetched for a team other than the Pens or Caps to come out on top.
I usually think other teams are slower than the Pens, but NJ matches up well with us.
Sometimes the sword is mightier than the pen, DIE TEMPLAR SCUM!
That's not to say that the Preds aren't a skilled team but their skills are wildly different than the Pens.
Possessing nothing more than a pen, paper, a genuine desire to get back in the journaling game, and the world of Skillshare at my fingertips, I decided on Skillshare's Creative Writing For All: A 10 - Day Journaling Challenge.
Harvard University psychologist Lindsay Oberman and her colleagues demonstrated this effect with little more than a pen.
I think the only way to do it is to set up an entirely new profile (rather than a pen - name).
I've been working on something small but different than pens and bookmarks and silicone bracelets that I could send to have included in swag bags for a July conference.
Rather than pen the traditionally published self - centered thoughts and issue them as a command to resolve their differences in order to continue funding the twelve - bathroom mansions that some of them own, the self - published authors opened the door to discussion and inclusion, much like Amazon has done for them.
Those of you who like to carry more than a pen, business card, note pad, and light with your Kindle (like if you want to bring the USB cord / power adapter or keys) may not like this device.
Whether it's through a perfectly - timed photograph, or through bringing a portrait to life with nothing more than pen, ink, and paper, Kelsey has an extraordinary ability to capture a cat's personality.
The artists included in this exhibition use cameras rather than pens, creating photographs that speak to what they see in the United States today.
Many prefer laptops, rather than pen and paper, to record lecture notes in the classroom.
In a town built on copyrights and cosmetic surgery, lawyers have done far more than pen the small print in studio contracts or post bail for hollow - eyed stars on the way to and from rehab.
I got the Note for the size of the screen more than the pen
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