Sentences with phrase «than the rest of the planet on»

So, how does this jibe with the idea of polar amplification, the idea that the poles will warm faster than the rest of the planet on average?
So, how does this jibe with the idea of polar amplification, the idea that the poles will warm faster than the rest of the planet on average?

Not exact matches

As for me, I can't believe in an human - like being that designed and jump - started the universe 13.8 billion years ago and set aside a planet for His special favorite creations, so He'd have someone to keep Him company and sing songs praising Him, then gave Bronze Age hermits a book of His orders to mankind that includes «thou shalt not round thy head nor cut thy beard» on penalty of eternal suffering... just CA N'T, any more than I can force myself to believe the world rests on the back of giant turtle.
There's more room on the planet than you think and if you're truly that concerned about food and water for everyone, maybe you can do the rest of us a favor and stop taking in both.
The team is focusing on the Arctic because, just as today's Arctic is warming faster than other parts of the planet, the Pliocene Arctic warmed more than the rest of the globe.
Based on all we now know, there are sound astrophysical and astrobiological reasons to suspect that planets are in fact more worthy of names than almost anything else in the universe, because they stand alone as the fundamental pathway for names to exist at all, through the genesis of life and the evolution of sentient beings — the little, self - aware pieces of the cosmos privileged to name all the rest.
SPG members get a conversion ratio to Marriott Rewards of 1:3 and that is as good as anyone could have realistically hoped for — if you thought you'd get a better ratio than that then you've been living on a different planet to the rest of us.
The other side — who expect big temperature jumps and catastrophic consequences — are accused of being ideologues, or interested in making an alarmist case in order to further their own careers as climate change activists, or authoritarian monsters who are less interested in saving the planet than in forcing their own left - wing economic order on the rest of the world.
So, with confidence, Man's conclusion was:» now is 1C warmer planet than 1000y ago» Ian Plimer's Zombies can not say that: -» data for 1012AD is almost non-existent — because at that time the earth was flat — 70 % of the GLOBAL surface area didn't exist»... Because the» Fake Fundamentalist» have being constantly lying that» at that time THE WHOLE PLANET was warmer, Mann and the rest of the Swindlers can rub Fake's noses... on innocent people's expplanet than 1000y ago» Ian Plimer's Zombies can not say that: -» data for 1012AD is almost non-existent — because at that time the earth was flat — 70 % of the GLOBAL surface area didn't exist»... Because the» Fake Fundamentalist» have being constantly lying that» at that time THE WHOLE PLANET was warmer, Mann and the rest of the Swindlers can rub Fake's noses... on innocent people's expPLANET was warmer, Mann and the rest of the Swindlers can rub Fake's noses... on innocent people's expenses.
Action on these pollutants is particularly important to Canada's North, a region that is warming faster than the rest of the planet, in part as a result of SLCPs such as black carbon.
If this is the best such land area surface temperature assessment system on the planet (covering, as well, a broad range of metropolitan, suburban, and rural areas), and the quality of the system is now proven to be demonstrably more prone to error than had been previously assumed — with the preponderance of error shown to produce the impression of warming in excess of real conditions prevailing — what may be reliably inferred about surface temperature monitoring systems data from even less reliable thermometers all over the rest of the world?
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