Sentences with phrase «than the rhetoric of»

From my conversations with men at Oakland, I suspect that most Promise Keepers» relationships with their wives are far more egalitarian in practice than the rhetoric of taking charge suggests.
«Investors will look for company strategies that are attuned to the new game rather than the rhetoric of the old,» according to Chatham House, the respected policy think tank.
However, the report found that on individual climate issues Republicans were more receptive to government action than the rhetoric of their party often suggests.

Not exact matches

And then there's the idea that this is a bipartisan problem - of extreme positions and uncompromising rhetoric - rather than one the anti-environmental right created.
«Much of the rhetoric have become more protectionist than what we've been used to.
«It is too bad that the movement of the stock price now has to hinge upon rhetoric surrounding control premiums and activist flavor rather than core fundamentals, which we believe are quite good,» wrote David Miller, an analyst with Caris & Co. in California, in a recent research note.
All along, the rhetoric has focused less on policy than on Campbell's reversal on the HST issue since the 2009 election campaign, and the extension of sales taxes to services the PST overlooked.
Otherwise, personal authenticity would be lacking in the «bit of a bore» CEO's speech, and even a dull speech that is true to life is better than pumped - up rhetoric that rings hollow.
The sight of each side talking seriously remained a more positive development than the discouraging rhetoric and gamesmanship that followed.
But as the mystery has deepened, US investigators have begun to look more closely at the insular, high - pressure world of the Havana embassy, and they have found a picture that is far more complex than the rhetoric and headlines have suggested.
«We were more expectant of the harsh rhetoric he started with than that he would intimate there's a deal,» he said.
The rhetoric in filings always makes risks seem more daunting than they are in practice, but this is an opportunity for MCD to deliver (no pun intended) on a front that its customers have wanted for years — really since the likes of GrubHub (NYSE: GRUB) and Seamless went mainstream.
This is significantly less hawkish rhetoric than that of Trump himself, who has promised «fire and fury like the world has never seen» if North Korea issues further provocations.
This study sheds light on a crucial relationship that is complicated by plenty of rhetoric, and where policy is sometimes founded on myth rather than empirical fact.
I think that type of talk is mostly political rhetoric rather than something that will lead to actual legislation to control drug prices.
I think there is recognition that pre-election rhetoric is probably different than the realities of implementing policy.
Obama has seemingly bought into the rhetoric of cutting debt, rather than focusing on the real US problem of unemployment.
President Donald Trump offered some of his most bellicose rhetoric yet about Iran on Tuesday when he said Iran would have «bigger problems than they...
While there is no shortage of critics who don't expect much of Trump's speech beyond some sharp rhetoric, not everyone thinks his bark will be worse than his bite.
The rest of the propaganda and rhetoric connected to the 2016 election, which was elevated to previously unforeseen levels of absurdity, was little more than unholy entertainment that served to agitate the masses.
The growing rhetoric about Iran — including talk from certain Israeli and American corners about an air campaign against Iran — had already begun to intensify in anticipation of the report, which will say more explicitly than previous IAEA assessments that Iran is indeed actively pursuing a nuclear weaponization program.
So, what is my point?To read Paul's polemic, his rhetoric and generally his theology as an end in itself, rather than his attempt to bring others to an experience of the living God is to me, missing the point.It seems that much of the divisiveness between believers on this blog and a few others I visit is just that: I often read... Paul says this... hey, but Jesus says that... no, he wasn't saying that, he was saying this and so on and so on.Am I the only one bored with this «your Mother and my Mother were hanging out clothes» approach.I think we need a little more adverb, as in maybe....
The onslaught of judgmental rhetoric makes these folks seem no better than the people they criticize.
From commercials predicated on creating desires rather than on meeting utilitarian needs, to the therapeutic rhetoric of politicians of Left and Right, the gravitational pull toward a psychological understanding of the self is powerful and omnipresent.
But one could say that the movement had never been other than «religiocified» «-- though it was the «Reverend» prefixing names like King, Young, Shuttlesworth, Fauntroy, Abernathy and Bevel that made the public aware of the deep religious roots of the civil rights movement and of black rhetoric.
Having come back to this, I'm amazed at the logic used by people to continue extremely hateful rhetoric and action — which I must argue signifies that they worship the OT depiction of God (read that carefully because I am making an accusation here) rather than God
However, its reports confirm that, contrary to official rhetoric, Nicaragua's human rights record is far better than that of many of its neighbors.
Rather than demonstrate how their specific call as women and as religious complements all other roles in the Church, they articulated an incoherent ecclesiology soaked in the rhetoric of contention.
Less ambitious, and for that reason more persuasive if less dramatic, is the statement by A. Wilder that «true metaphor or symbol is more than a sign; it is a bearer of the reality to which it refers» and so the parables are to the disciples»... Jesus» interpretation to them of his own vision by the powers of metaphor» (Amos N. Wilder, Language of the Gospel [New York: Harper & Row, and London: SCM Press (as Early Christian Rhetoric), 1964], pp. 92 f.)
Huckabee's 2008 Iowa victory and Santorum's surge suggest that, in spite of the dominant stereotypes about evangelicals, they value religious authenticity more than rhetoric and care about more issues than gay - marriage and abortion.
As the conversation turns to the state of our nation's political discourse, let's remember that as followers of Jesus, we should make this a time of reflection and repentance rather than finger - pointing, for Christ's definition of violent rhetoric holds us to the highest possible standards:
Would the vision of the leaders assembled at the Summit affirming their faith in globalization becoming benevolent in which economic and technological progress distributed to unite rather than divide the community is a reality or just plain rhetoric?
That is, if you call time spent reading one single book and / or praying instead of living, learning to live with and embrace those who are different than you, the people you alienated due to hateful rhetoric, and having stronger relationships with others around you without the Jesus myth getting in the way, «nothing.»
Quite unlike the conciliatory language of President George W. Bush, however, who repeatedly stated during his presidency that Americans were at war with terrorism rather than Islam, this rhetoric has surely stoked rather than doused American / Islamic tensions.
I would say all sides come to the forefront, but I think that some of us see things from more than one side to begin with and that there are many «sides» (perspectives) that are out there, I don't think it is a polemic, and I don't think it is «sides» in terms of choosing sides in a war... more a dialogue where confrontations take place, but (hopefully) most of the time not with the intent of winners and losers (or, if that is the intent, that hopefully we realize that and adjust our own rhetoric to move away from that pardigm)
Yet it is the better guide not primarily because artists are wiser or better informed than the professional academic» when they are silly or misguided, which is often, their rhetoric - fueled errors are even more stupendous than those of the jargon - intoxicated, tenured mediocrity.
In light of actual employment practices, the black conservative rhetoric about race - free hiring criteria (usually coupled with a call for dismantling affirmative action mechanisms) does no more than justify actual practices of racial discrimination.
It would be hard to find more divisive, jabbing rhetoric on marriage than in these publications by self - described «marriage nut» David Blankenhorn, the founder and director of the Institute for American Values, and the late historian Elizabeth Fox - Genovese, well known for her testy rebuff of feminism.
To a lot of people, Republican immigration expansion rhetoric sounds a lot more like employer interest group politics than a plan to improve the economy in general.
The government's rhetoric is no more convincing in this case than in its dubbing of missiles of first - strike nuclear capability as «Peacekeepers.»
The result is a civil government with a religious flavor, a flavor nowhere more apparent than in the rhetoric of presidential inaugural addresses.83
Facts like the snows that have covered Mount Kilimanjaro for thousands of years are melting Scientific proof may not be as «warm and fuzzy» feeling as political rhetoric is, but it's better to base our beliefs and actions on objective reality than on self - serving political dogma.
It turns out that Pope Francis's sometimes shrill, dire, and even revolutionary rhetoric about the regnant global system has been truer to social reality than most of us have been willing to admit.
What is often identified as evidence for a culture war has more to do with the requirements of» activist rhetoric than the attitudes or actions of the body politic generally.
It will feed the fire of caustic rhetoric and appear as nothing more than mean - spirited religious intolerance.
All institutions tend to place more power in the hands of the housekeepers than their rhetoric would allow.
And those who voted for Trump say, «The left gets more upset about careless rhetoric than the thousands of babies murdered every day.»
Mr. Nuechterlein's rhetoric, labeling orthodox critics of Benke as «ultraconservatives» with a «sectarian mentality» and a «blinkered preoccupation with unionism,» sounded much more like the kind of orthodoxy - bashing one has come to expect from the mainstream media than the thoughtful commentary typical of First Things in general and Mr. Nuechterlein's work in particular.
They worried that policy was being made on the basis of rhetoric rather than data.
Justice John Paul Stevens (joined by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg) stated: «Although much ink is spilled today describing the gruesome nature of late «term abortion procedures, that rhetoric does not provide me a reason to believe that the procedure Nebraska here claims it seeks to ban is more brutal, more gruesome, or less respectful of «potential life» than the equally gruesome procedure [D&E] Nebraska claims it still allows.»
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