Sentences with phrase «than the words convey»

He is a «reader» in a greater sense than the word conveys: one who is actively engaged and compelled, and himself compelling, one who turns reading into something more than a mere daily instrumental activity.
It implies a lot more than the words convey.

Not exact matches

Advertisements or promotional messages are deceptive if they convey to consumers expressly or by implication that they're independent, impartial, or from a source other than the sponsoring advertiser — in other words, that they're something other than ads.
Or perhaps antitheology, as it allows simple images to tell us more than words can convey about what the incarnation...
Or perhaps antitheology, as it allows simple images to tell us more than words can convey about what the incarnation signifies.
Let us read the gospel boldly and we shall see that no idea can better convey to our minds the redemptive function of the Word than that of a unification of all flesh in one and the same Spirit.
«First we affirm that we desire to follow Scripture alone as a rule of faith and religion, without mixing it with any other things which might be devised by the opinion of men apart from the Word of God, and without wishing to accept for our spiritual government any other doctrine than what is conveyed to us by the same Word without addition to diminution, according to the command of our Lord.»
Not every way of communication honors the truth: sometimes the manner in which something gets conveyed subverts reality, as when a preacher says all the right words about God's love but in a tone of voice and with a concluding string of «oughts» (therefore we ought to do this and we ought to do that) that makes you feel guiltier than ever.
As with all histories, there is much more than words can convey.
Manners are a kind of language, a «language of the act,» which often conveys meanings more effectively than can words.
Those that utter hatred or ridicule for Graham or a restaurant or anyone else who speaks against politically correct issues are on the side of tyranny far worse than anything words can convey.
What pain must those words have conveyed when, late in the eighteenth century, the Commonwealth crumbled, and Poland was partitioned by its neighbors, vanishing from the map of Europe for more than a century?
These bitterly suppressed people in their ragged procession, remembering now the word of Moses conveying the Word of Another, in overwhelming realization that only this Word could effect so glorious and impossible an outcome; this company of the lost, the enslaved, the dying, now found and freed and given life by God; this weak, diffuse body of humanity suddenly made almost terrifyingly aware of its unity and entity as created out of God's unfathomable purpose - these people in this company, in this body, all break forth into a spontaneous hymn of praise, more shout than song, more chant than anthem, more cry of ecstasy than conscious compositword of Moses conveying the Word of Another, in overwhelming realization that only this Word could effect so glorious and impossible an outcome; this company of the lost, the enslaved, the dying, now found and freed and given life by God; this weak, diffuse body of humanity suddenly made almost terrifyingly aware of its unity and entity as created out of God's unfathomable purpose - these people in this company, in this body, all break forth into a spontaneous hymn of praise, more shout than song, more chant than anthem, more cry of ecstasy than conscious compositWord of Another, in overwhelming realization that only this Word could effect so glorious and impossible an outcome; this company of the lost, the enslaved, the dying, now found and freed and given life by God; this weak, diffuse body of humanity suddenly made almost terrifyingly aware of its unity and entity as created out of God's unfathomable purpose - these people in this company, in this body, all break forth into a spontaneous hymn of praise, more shout than song, more chant than anthem, more cry of ecstasy than conscious compositWord could effect so glorious and impossible an outcome; this company of the lost, the enslaved, the dying, now found and freed and given life by God; this weak, diffuse body of humanity suddenly made almost terrifyingly aware of its unity and entity as created out of God's unfathomable purpose - these people in this company, in this body, all break forth into a spontaneous hymn of praise, more shout than song, more chant than anthem, more cry of ecstasy than conscious composition:
I didn't want to kick off The Spork Report on such a negative note, but that photo conveyed better than any words my longstanding concern about some of the foods sold by HISD to our kids.
There is no nuance; there is no Pinter-esque pause that conveys far more than words ever could.
«Interestingly, blue is «greener» than green in terms of conveying an impression of eco-friendliness, despite the frequent use of the word green to convey that idea,» Kellaris said.
Human sounds convey emotions clearer and faster than words.
An «electrical box,» in the words of Borschberg, will also supervise the state of the airplane and will only call the pilot's attention to specific challenges, in part via a new system of human — machine interface conveyed by vibrations on the left or right side when the bank angle exceeds more than five degrees.
When she pulled back from the embrace, the look in her sparkling eyes said more to me than words could ever convey, and we parted.
The best way to convey these healthy meals — part of the stepping stones to better eating — is through recipes on this site — the photos are worth more than words.
Instead, there are emojis that can quickly and easily convey your feelings better than words ever will.
Your short personal profile should be less than 100 words, and this description needs to convey the experience of you.
in the way it relies on action far more than words to convey its characters and themes.
Quiet, longing gazes, gestures that convey more than words could safely say and pregnant silences set the emotional tone.
Having since known all the songs used in the film, I marvel at the little layers that reveal themselves upon rewatching and realise that songs take up a big part of the story and serve as the voice of the characters in conveying what they want / feel much more evocatively and persuasively than non-sung words.
The performances of Bateman and Hall are deftly manoeuvred, so that every single pause for breath, every subtle facial expression, conveys more than words.
Eisenberg, buried under an unseemly combover, pushes himself to renewed depths, and newcomer Druid manages to convey his frustrations with more scowls and indifference than words.
Concepts perceived through visuals may be better absorbed, rather than if they are conveyed through mere words.
In the midst of an animated class discussion, a student conveys, in his own words, that the language of the poem is figurative; there are many things that the word «you» could refer to in the poem, even things other than people.
But science is about the HOW and the WHY of the physical world and there's no getting around math in determining, for example, how the moon's gravity interacts with the Earth anymore than I can write this comment and make it intelligible without some basic understanding of the «math» of writing — grammar, syntax, etc — how words fit together to convey ideas.
More than 4,000 main entries and 36,000 synonyms augmented with example sentences, help students make the best word choice to effectively convey meaning and enliven writing.
I have yet to find an online video review (or any video really) that was capable of conveying information faster or better than the printed word and maybe some pictures.
One - or two - word titles often don't convey enough information and are harder to remember than titles that make a statement.
Even if a writer isn't interested in much less than 2000 word short stories, the skills needed to convey much with few words is paramount.
The short answer is use as many words as it takes, and no more than that, to tell your story or convey your message.
Maybe authors decided they had far more to say about their work than a few words could convey.
Studies suggest that the spoken word is much more powerful in conveying intelligence and mental capacity than the written word.
This meant more to me than I can possibly convey with words.
It goes straight for the heart rather than the brain, conveying emotions without words or a formal story, instead whispering its themes to the player through a quiet and poignant narrative.
She explains, «Color is the generator of the painting... I gravitate toward more natural colors rather than synthetic or artificial ones because they are what I feel what I want to convey... I think of the word «innate» which perhaps means «within nature.»
I get enormous satisfaction from making work that conveys my thoughts and feelings more articulately than I can in words.
More important than the words we choose is what we want to convey.
I want people to be inspired by how the message is presented through the arrangement of words, conveying excitement and personality through layout rather than relying on the charm of individual letterforms.
In other words, this buildup of the surface challenges the conventional reading of representational painting, in which the depiction of light is often conveyed through thicker paint while shadows are more thinly painted, often with no more than a few transparent glazes.
As anyone can verify for themselves, Gates's comment conveys 10X more information, in 1 / 10X the words, than Latimer's and Mike's.
He says: «They take about 10 times the space to convey information than a few words might, they are often all about graphic design over substance, they are almost impossible to use compared to conventional text with hyperlinking references, and in so many cases, just wrong.»
-LSB-...] I wish I was artistic, sometimes the medium used conveys a message better than words.
Sometimes you spend three minutes on an email trying to convey a simple thought, but the recipient reads your words as hostile, threatening, irrational, happy or something else far different than you intended.
It's far easier to ramble on for 200 words than it is to craft a tightly written 50 - word paragraph that not only conveys the same message but does so more effectively.
There are cases from other jurisdictions, such as Minnesota, which hold that «[t] he use of the word «Associates» or the phrase «& Associates» in a law firm name, letterhead or other professional designation is false and misleading if the use conveys the impression the law firm has more attorneys practicing law in the firm than is actually the case.»
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