Sentences with phrase «than uranium»

Most elements heavier than uranium are highly unstable and are hard to find in nature.
On the face of it looks far better than uranium as a way to get power from the atom.
Some of them run on thorium fuel rather than uranium.
All elements with an atomic number greater than uranium's 92 don't exist naturally on Earth and must be produced in nuclear reactors, nuclear explosions, or by using particle accelerators.
The trap was used to weigh atoms of nobelium, an element that contains 102 protons, 10 more than uranium.
Uranium 238 is much more common in nature than uranium 235 but does not fission well, so fuel manufacturers boost the uranium 235 content to a few percent, which is enough to maintain a continuous fission reaction and generate electricity.
Corroded uranium has a much greater volume than uranium itself, so as it grows, it cracks the surrounding concrete and forces it apart.
As a result, the sources of radiation exposure would be different isotopes for a thorium - based radiation source than uranium - based source, and the relationship between exposure and health effect would be different as well.
The thorium mined at Baley is likely to have a different set of decay products than the uranium minerals (which typically contain a mix of uranium isotopes called «natural uranium» - or «u-nat» - a mixture of the isotopes uranium - 235, uranium - 234 and uranium - 238 commonly found in nature) mined at US, German and South Africa sites.
As an added bonus, many of the very long - lived nuclides larger than Uranium (Neptunium, Plutonium, Americium, Curium, etc.) have the same trend, and fast reactors can split and destroy these actinides as fuel rather than let them accumulate as in thermal reactors.
After a thousand years or so, those have mostly decayed away and the spent fuel is less biologically hazardous than the uranium ore used to produce it.
I would just say that New Mexican solar is going to last a lot longer than uranium and failing to get some local solar going in the Southeast is going to lead to that region becoming dependent on external renewable resources rather than internal ones.
The balance of the material — the truly troubling part — is the transuranic component, elements heavier than uranium.
[2] Minor actinides (MAs): Elements synthesized in nuclear fuel other than uranium and plutonium, such as neptunium, americium and curium.
There are some advantages (and disadvantages) in using thorium to fuel a nuclear power station rather than uranium.
I have heard that Thorium reactors are cleaner, make 1 / 1000th of the waste and are safer than uranium - only reactors.
Fermi had arrived in the United States in January 1939, shortly after receiving the Nobel Prize in physics for his work on creating artificial elements heavier than uranium.
Most elements heavier than uranium, which has 92 protons, do not exist stably in nature and must
Hunting for the universe's heaviest atoms just got a little easier, thanks to a new technique that directly measures the mass of elements heavier than uranium.
Now a team led by Michael Block of the GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research in Darmstadt, Germany has demonstrated a direct way of measuring the mass of particles heavier than uranium.
Elements heavier than uranium (with 92 protons), are not produced in nature but are made by scientists in labs.
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