Sentences with phrase «them in their place in»

The U.S. is the last major world economy to adopt the standard, which has been in place in about 80 other countries for years.
Alternative ways of raising money are increasingly available, and crowd - funding has for instance raised more than # 1 billion for UK small and medium - sized enterprises last year.Of course, don't forget to inquire about the regulation in place in your country, and get professional advice to mitigate risk.
This year for the first time, companies are disclosing these numbers, in compliance with Dodd - Frank rules put in place in 2010.
In the meantime, a group of House lawmakers has sent a letter to Majority Leader Mitch McConnell demanding four major conservative tents to remain in place in any bill — and on one issue, they may get their wish.
Be sure to check your IT outsource partner has the relevant insurances in place in order to protect you should they accidentally damage your IT systems and remember to review your requirements regularly to make sure outsourcing still represents the best deal for you and your company's growth.
For instance, make sure your cloud services provider can guarantee the security of your data, and has a strategy in place in case of security breach.
Your advisor should have a detailed succession solution in place in the event that something should unexpectedly happen.
Only after a new governor and deputy governors are in place in coming weeks will the nine - member board decide how to meet widespread expectations for the central bank to take more aggressive action to revive the long - moribund economy.
He should have let Rumsfeld go in the spring of 2004 and put different leadership in place in the Pentagon.»
The hope is that they'll have a clear advertising and promotional strategy in place in time for the football season.
Reuters photographer Carlos Barria was born in 1979, the same year the rules was put in place in China.
Also they often have redundant back - ups in place in case of server failures to recover your work.
Rascoff: Not that it makes much difference, but it wasn't the September 11 flights, it was the flights a couple of days earlier that put the team in place in Bangor, Maine, and then they flew from Bangor to Logan.
We can't put a process in place in that group, because we don't know what we're doing.
Earlier this week Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Ajit Pai announced a radical plan to undo the net neutrality protections that have been in place in the U.S. since the beginning of the Internet.
This comes as Homeland Security considers expanding to 71 airports a ban on laptops in cabins, currently in place in 10 mostly Middle Eastern airports.
Not only do credit cards have fraud protections in place in the event of theft, but they also offer some of the best currency exchange rates around — much better than you'd get changing bills at a bank or exchange kiosk.
The House set the ball in motion recently, passing legislation to repeal and replace key components of financial reform put in place in 2010.
Gas supplies have been used as a weapon in the conflict, as Russian threatens to cut off gas to Ukraine as a shaky ceasefire remains in place in east Ukraine.
A Better Place representative said there is a plan in place in case of insolvency, but he declined to elaborate.
With a strong manager in place in Windsor, she was able to shift her focus to London, transferring one recruiter over and then hiring a new manager and support staff.
Instead, Nehme calls her approach conservative, noting that she likes to have business in place in an area before the decision is made to set up a full location.
Investors and companies in the space are not nearly as protected by the regulatory frameworks that are in place in traditional financial markets.
Transat is also surveying other airlines for examples of gaining more revenues from ancillary fees such as checked baggage, reserved seating and other measures already in place in Canada.
«Both jurisdictions are satisfied with the confidentiality rules and data safeguards that are in place in the other jurisdiction to ensure the confidentiality of information exchanged and prevent its unauthorized use,» Australian Taxation Office and Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore said in a joint statement.
With the GOP crusade to repeal and replace «Obamacare» failing, the federal mandates that people have insurance and that employers with more than 50 workers provide it seem likely to stay in place in the foreseeable future.
A $ 30 per tonne carbon price, as is currently in place in B.C., applied on emissions, would increase processing costs by about 12 cents per gigajoule.
While the transition will take some getting used to, having solid systems in place in your home can help you ease the stress, and focus on the enjoyment of an exciting new school year.
The company listed a number of diversity - related initiatives it intends to put in place in its report.
A bipartisan group of senators have even pushed to put protections in place in the event Trump attempts to oust him.
The decision to introduce legislation to legalize cannabis, which the government hopes to have in place in July, has placed pressure on the government to establish national rules for workplace drug testing.
Workplace smoking — in some places in the U.S. — is still legal.
Food - disparagement laws are also in place in Alabama, Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma and Texas.
Wow, Postol admits «I don't know what [civil defense] system was in place in 2006 ″.
The most advanced of these, Planetary Resources, says it will have prospecting platforms in place in the next decade.
I don't know what system was in place in 2006, but I do know that the phone applications now used to warn people of possible rocket attacks are a new innovation in the civilian early - warning system.
Measures put in place in response to populist anger (Trump's China penalties, Ukraine's Russian embargo) are particularly hard to dismantle.
Those values, set in place in 2012, are just as true today as they were then.
We have assumed that the Home Renovation Tax Credit will be put in place in 2018.
Capital controls remain in place in a substantial number of large economies and in most smaller ones.
Although it's not ecommerce, ESPN & StubHub have a deal in place in which Stubhub gets links to game tickets from ESPN's schedule pages, and ESPN gets links to their standings pages from StubHub's individual team ticket pages.
That is, are arrangements in place in each country for the pledge of collateral by payment and settlement participants?
A dynamic is put in place in which debt keeps labor down — not only by eating up its wages in debt service, but in making workers suffer sharp increases in the interest rates they have to pay or even risk losing their homes if they miss a payment by going on strike or being fired.
«We would have to combine the rebel energies of anger, discontent and joy with the institutions that are already in place in the movement,» he told The Tyee.
However, borrowers do have a few more protections in place in case of default on a federal student loan:
The APAC region's demographic health means a rosy outlook over the longer - term, but significant recession risks remain in place in the short - to medium - term.
«It is not clear how long the wiretap has been authorized, but NBC News has learned it was in place in the weeks leading up to the raids on Cohen's offices, hotel room, and home in early April, according to one person with direct knowledge.
Essentially, currently the limit is put in place in just a few lines of code.
We are looking to sell again this week, in - line with the daily chart downtrend that we can see is in place in this market.
It is such a uniquely incredible business with mouthwatering returns on capital, high barriers to entry, and unrivaled geographic diversification, that there is a singular rule in place in our household: Once acquired, shares of Coke are not sold except under extraordinary circumstances.
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