Sentences with phrase «them to a church where»

I've never belonged to a church where this was a problem.
Science teachers wish they would just go back to church where they belong.
2) Bring them to a church where they are reminded they are sinners (reducing children follows the terrorist rule in brainwashing)
Yes, take your kids to church where they can see benign images of a guy nailed to a cross.
So no, you shouldn't go to a church where you're being abused, but you've got to feed yourself too.
But pastors are few and far between that leave a good paying church to go to a smaller lower paying church, or to a church where they take no salary at all.
Where does the Bible say «You must go to church where you listen to a sermon and sing songs»?
Granted, I go to some churches where I can glean a few good feelings and say, «Oh, those churches gave me a deep, warm sense of belonging.»
you should go to a church where the truth is preached.
In my past I went to churches where the primary teaching was ask Jesus to forgive your sins and that is how to get saved.
I've been to Church where parishioners have gotten up and testified just how terrible they were / are as people without their faith to keep them in check.
Her family had come to a church where I was pastoring that morning, a routine Sunday.
Afterwards he was accompanied by Fernando Sáenz, a Spanish Opus Dei priest who was a close friend of his and who would later succeed him as archbishop, to the church where he was to celebrate Mass..
She explained: «Occasional visitors are very often visiting churches that are miles away from where they live, so being fed back to the church where they've picked up the card isn't necessarily the best thing.
The temple should give to the poor the rich should give to the temple God says bring the whole tithe into the store house that there may be food in my house then he will bless us the tithe is used to keep the doors open to the church where we can get true food spiritual food that's the reason for the tithe we will always have the Poor amongst us Jesus will one day come back and leave for the finale time Come to Jesus while you still can
That's why I won't play that game anymore, but go to a church where we KNOW that we are full blown sinners and that we need a Savior.
Mark invited him to come to church where a group prayed for him.
And I started taking April 29 much more seriously (shocking an usher when, on the 50th anniversary of my baptism, I went to the church where the deed had been done — amidst great caterwauling on my part, I'm reliably informed — and asked him to help me find the baptismal font, which had been moved in a post-conciliar wreckovation, so that I could kiss it).
I currently go to a church where there is a white pastor and a mixed congregation, but the majority of members is white.
I hate to tell you but I go to a church where people worship like me.
The fact that Koreans go to a church where speaking in korean is expected.
Are churches of believers institutional when they do go to a church where a pastor correctly teaches the Word of God?
Young people end up leaving and going to churches where they can understand worship.
She and husband started going to this church where they were spending almost every day of the week.
the people in the church do this allot especially if they do nt like you I know from experience i went to a church where they did the same.
In fact I have been to churches where trance - states would be the best way to describe the atmosphere.
I have no interest in going back to a church where a bunch of reactionary pedophiles try to convince people that we're still living in the 14th century.
Within a local area, numbers of churches will tacitly accept an ecumenical answer by simply pointing out that «signing» for the deaf is carried on at one or more specific churches in the city, and deaf members in a church where such signing is not practiced are in effect invited to the church where it is, even though that church may be of another denomination.
I know if I had the chance to go to a church where Social Justice was the primary focus and where mass was spoken by an enlightened Mother Superior I would start going to church again.
I then belonged to a church where «worship» was singing from the hymnal that had one or two songs written in the 70's and the rest pre-dating the 30's.
Politicians do pay attention to churches where there are strong convictions likely to affect how people will vote.
Moreso, she belongs to the church where Monsignior Lynn was re-assigned to, to go under the radar during the «scandal».
Go back to your churches where you live off me the tax payer and stop trying to dictate morality because you do not have the market on that.
In «my parts,» we see lots of people going to churches where the word of God is not merely a lifestyle option, where patriotism is quite serious, families remain pretty large, the love of Lee Greenwood's classic song is genuine, and there's lots of voluntary, charitable stuff going on (more, I think, than almost anywhere else in our country).
So fight for your dying religion if you want, but expect that there will always be an Atheist out there who will stand up for what's real, correct your mistakes, and present actual facts... Get used to it, or go back to church where the answer to any question is always Jesus, and everyone else agrees.
If people who read the blogs here are truly offended why the liberating spirit of your writings and cartoons, then perhaps they need to confine themselves to those churches where everyone says «Amen.»
I'm glad I don't go to a church where people go round pointing the finger at other people and calling them a sinner — can you imagine how oppressive that would be?
I've been to churches where they look down their patrician noses at you because your clothing is obviously not designer label, and the women wear cologne so strong it triggers attacks of nausea, but who's to say they're more sincere than the guy wearing a t - shirt and a pair of Van's?
He led me back to a church where people are real, they do nt judge me or tell me what to say and do they just love me.
I know my lord hates war, gluttony and greed, and yet I have been to churches where they openly advocate all three.
I've been to churches where you get so busy doing church stuff you don't have time to BE a christian, meaning... to love people around you, enjoy your kids, help the neighbor who's car got stuck in the snow (writing from Québec).
My mother was invited to a church where a friend of the family was ministering at.
I wouldn't want to belong to a church where I was just a number among 10,000, but I don't think I'd want to go to a church where it's always the same faces every week either.
If you go to a church where you are never CONVICTED (not condemned) by God's loving Spirit, GET OUT!
The Trumps went back to the church where they married — Bethesda - by - the - Sea in Palm Beach, Florida — for a Christmas Eve service Saturday, where they were received by hearty applause and a standing ovation.
Sunday we went to church where we ran into... JOSH MURRAY!
(One step above thrilled) I go to a church where the pickings are slim and I'm a nanny.
Each week my friend carries a bag of hats, gloves, and socks for homeless people to the church where they line up for a hot lunch.
Rain moved the ceremony from the Bowl, which is the traditional site on campus, to the church where student achievement was celebrated... continue reading
I'm thankful to go to a church where there are many adopted children and see what a blessing they are to their new families!
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