Sentences with phrase «thematic ideas»

An outrageous sense of humor and compelling thematic ideas serve as the mortar for an imaginative, moving narrative that might be the studio's funniest offering yet.
The time - travel mechanic is essentially the same as taking a loan but its wrapped up in an awesome thematic idea of your future - self sending resources back in time for you to use, and then there is the concept of workers needing to use suits to travel to the main city, meaning you have to power up suits at the start of the round, leaving less room to alter plans later.
A culmination of Norman's visual and thematic ideas from earlier decades, War and Peace brings together many of the central themes that would dominate his art in the following decades: «the horrors of war; the exploitation of the many by a few; the oppressive, dehumanizing urban environment; and the consequences of technology,» and it does so with Norman's characteristic cleverness and mastery of the art historical canon.
Adding depth to the comedy is a smart thematic idea: that golden ages are never golden to those living through them, who merely hanker to escape their own period too.
What's so unfortunate is that the filmmaker and his co-writer, Ari Handel, have plenty of interesting thematic ideas for the story.
The film is purposely formalised but adjoined to unoriginal and obvious thematic ideas.
The film mimics the video game The Last of Us (2013) but refuses to match its complex thematic ideas.
«Being able to translate that to images, to handle that responsibly to make sure that both aspects of the story came across and it was a movie that felt real — it was a movie that felt colorful, as Oakland does — but that it also didn't feel like the lighter elements were subtracting or detracting from the stronger thematic ideas that Daveed and Rafa wanted to get across.»
They also enjoy chasing a self researched thematic idea du jour — example: prison stocks, with the idea a recession will bring crime.
Kojima could very well be pointing out how, despite constant advancements in technology within the video game industry, most games are themselves hypertextual in that they are not completely original, but amalgamations of established thematic ideas borrowed from literature, cinema, history, the arts, and other games.
As visually stimulating as the sculptural works are, it is the paintings which possess a real poignant power and through which the incongruous thematic ideas are sewn together most effectively.
Holden Gallery generates four shows per year; they often explore thematic ideas through the work of contemporary artists.
With the recent breakouts of SARS, West Nile disease and the drive to extend human life beyond all possibilities as with cloning lends itself to Code 46â $ ™ s genetic and thematic ideas, surely those entering the film will be at odds with an art - film take on the sci - fi genre and the lack of entertainment value wonâ $ ™ t help the film either in extended runs.
Unfortunately, the film's lack of consistency prevents it from cleanly tying in all Shearing's thematic ideas.
All of the film's thematic ideas are enriched by the performances, which embody the fears, weaknesses and flaws of these characters.
There's no better analogy for the creative spirit, and the thematic ideas that permeate the film undoubtedly stem from real, human struggles on the part of its creators.
None of his previous films come close to completely capturing his thematic ideas and intent to the point of becoming them like The Neon Demon.
The colour palette characterises the motel as a distorted mirror of Disneyland, which reflects the thematic idea that the children are too young to understand the difficulties around them but their enthusiasm for life and each other is never dulled by their limited socioeconomic circumstances.
The thematic ideas and inspirations that sparked Three Colors: Blue (1993), though typically ambitious in scope, seem sketchy when compared to the intense experience of watching this exquisite film.
You may have already noticed that all the quests are related under a thematic idea of question.
Using the thematic idea of Ice hockey to learn about finding the averages of a set of values.
What took were those really complex and crystalline story techniques and tried to create new versions of all those Alan Moore transitions, the little visual cues and thematic cues... and the thematic idea of a comic within a comic.»
In the end, I liked Lobotomy, but it's a heavily flawed game in some areas and doesn't manage to convert some of its thematic ideas into original gameplay mechanics, instead coming off as a Zombicide style game that maybe struggles to completely cement its own personality.
In this way we strive to create a dialogue between the thematic ideas and current artistic practice.
Dramatically presenting the concept to visitors after entering the gallery, the exhibition continues the thematic idea by weaving fine art photography with art mediums of paintings, drawings and more throughout the show.
«While there might be a larger chronological or thematic idea, there are also surprises.
Richard paints serially, creating one group of works at a time, in order to pursue a particular collection of visual associations or thematic ideas.
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