Sentences with phrase «thematic similarities»

It is perhaps the obvious thematic similarities between the Gitagovinda and the Song of Songs which predisposed the first Europeans who read Jayadeva's poem to consider it an allegory.
The four artists selected as finalists for the 2013 Aimia AGO Photography Prize — Edgardo Aragón from Mexico, LaToya Ruby Frazier from the United States, Chino Otsuka from Japan and Erin Shirreff from Canada — have all produced bodies of work that share thematic similarities.
Noriko's Dinner Table (2005) constitutes a follow - up with thematic similarities and loose narrative connections (though not a direct sequel) to Japanese filmmaker Shion Sono's dark 2002 satire Suicide Club.
The haunting power of the works in the exhibition at C24 Gallery find thematic similarities to the work of William Blake and Francisco Goya, artists both known for their attraction to the inner workings of the individual.
This ancient classic may diverge the most from Red Dead Redemption, but there are enough thematic similarities to warrant a place on this list.
It was a lightly sarcastic jab at the increasingly fashionable practice, indulged in both by critics and filmmakers themselves, of grouping three unrelated films by the same director, based on thematic similarities, and proclaiming them a de facto triptych.
Critics have observed a strong thematic similarity between The White Tiger and Wright's The Native Son.
This is the sequel to Lost Planet: Extreme Condition released way back in 2006, a game which bore many thematic similarities to Robert A Heinlein's Starship Troopers.
Inevitable thematic similarities appear — geo - political, humanitarian, psychological, ecological, technological and artistic.
It's worth noting that there are striking tonal and thematic similarities between female victims used as background decoration and other tropes we've discussed in previous episodes.
It's got a lot of heart, too, with thematic similarities to last year's Journey and a final act that packs a surprisingly emotional impact.
Though the game shares a lot of thematic similarities to The Ship, it plays a bit more like the old - school Assassin's Creed multiplayer with some twists.
This ancient classic may diverge the most from Red Dead Redemption, but there are enough thematic similarities to warrant a place on this list.
«The effects felt by the veterans were likely due to thematic similarities between the Marathon explosions and the veterans» own traumatic combat experiences, especially for those deployed to recent conflicts characterized by attacks involving improvised explosive devices,» said Mark Miller, PhD, associate professor at BUSM and a clinical research psychologist in the National Center for PTSD at the VA Boston Healthcare System who served as the study's principal investigator.
Fans of Fallout and Planescape: Torment will find some thematic similarities.
The movie lacks the dramatic power and impact of Kazan's 1954 Oscar - winning drama, «On the Waterfront,» with which it shares some thematic similarities, but it is sincerely acted by all the cast.
This decision may have had something to do with the thematic similarities this story would have had to the director, Scott Stewart «s 2010 film Legion, which also starred Bettany.
The thematic similarities extend even further.
But as inexact — and to some, no doubt, unreasonable — as the comparison may be, I can't be the only one who noticed the thematic similarities.
Those of you who picked up the recent re-release of Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga on 3DS might have noticed some thematic similarities in what's to come in Mario's latest misadventure on Switch.
The thematic similarities between The Landlord and Higgins» script made Ashby a logical, if somewhat risky, choice for the studio.
This is the first of many traits distinguishing Bambi's tone from that of The Lion King, a film that otherwise bears striking structural and thematic similarities to this one.
Yet despite his films» thematic similarities, Curtis has never succumbed to formula.
Both of Zeboyd's role - playing games (RPGs) are based on the look and feel classic 8 - bit Japanese RPGs (though the first shared some thematic similarities to the classic western RPG «Wasteland»).
Aesthetic and thematic similarities, coupled with the fact that the game shared the same writer / director as Xenogears (Tetsuya Takahashi) caused theories to run rampant.
Aside from the fact that it takes place in Tamriel and features many stylistic and thematic similarities to the rest of the series, this is about as different as a game in the same franchise can be.
share some thematic similarities, but they're tonally worlds apart and the events that occur within the hospital really only work in service toward Venom's and Quiet's character arcs, and even then it's more in favor of making the twists feel a bit more clever than it is to give them narrative or emotional significance.
The hospital prologue and The Phantom Pain share some thematic similarities, but they're tonally worlds apart and the events that occur within the hospital really only work in service toward Venom's and Quiet's character arcs, and even then it's more in favor of making the twists feel a bit more clever than it is to give them narrative or emotional significance.
As I said Caveman Warriors is a platform game, one I requested a review copy for solely because of its thematic similarities to a childhood favourite of mine, Joe and Mac: Caveman Ninja.
He delivered lectures while others enacted performances with no thematic similarities during specific time allotments.
The network itself is composed of art historical narratives, stylistic or thematic similarities, overlapping projects, shared educational backgrounds and work experience, or common gallery representations — and as a product of all of these functions, a network of friendships.
The exhibition includes early and recent work by both artists in dialogue to highlight the thematic similarities in their work.
Huawei has stuck with the stock Android calling app for the Ascend P6, which is another wise decision given its slick tie - in with and thematic similarity to the contacts (or People) app.
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