Sentences with phrase «theme of the novel»

A major theme of the novel is the transformation from tragedy to joy.
As students discuss the speech, they are also discussing one of the universal themes of the novel.
There are also links to video games that can be played online which relate to the setting and Victorian themes of the novel.
How does the setting speak to the greater themes of the novel?
This cover successfully uses a graphic that reflects the technological and virtual themes of the novel.
Veritas is both Harvard's motto and the central theme of this novel.
And frankly, I've been of mixed minds about entrusting my stories to Hollywood anyway, knowing how the film industry mangles so many book adaptations — and also knowing that the Politically Incorrect themes of my novels might be twisted by philosophically unsympathetic producers, screenwriters, and directors.
Still, the overarching theme of the novel is strong and resonant: «after the parade,» after everything has changed irrevocably, you must keep going, pushing past loneliness and trauma to build a new life.
In addition to introducing the central character, novel's prologue also ushers in one of the main themes of the novel: stored memories, secrets hidden within stories, accessible only from particular locations and usually painful to dredge up.
How does the Nix function symbolically within the novel and which major themes of the novel does it help to facilitate or uncover?
Through her deft management of pacing and tone, she reveals character motivation and illuminates the many themes of the novel.
Finally, in 2014, inspired by George Orwell's «1984», Galeri Nev opened its thirtieth anniversary exhibition, juxtaposing the dystopic theme of the novel with the utopia dominating the history of the gallery.
Filmmakers who adapt a novel are not beholden to the major themes of that novel.
A theme of the novel is the interplay of thoughts and deeds — of how perverse fantasies are unleashed in the imagination of a man whose consciousness has shed Christian restraint.
The theme of the novel is transformation through discovery.
Michelangelo Antonioni's 1955 feature about a group of Turinese women plays on the themes of the novel it was adapted from, while showcasing the developing style of the soon - to - be legendary director.
The questions relate the language and structure to the themes of the novel and the development activity asks students to find quotations to find support for the points being made abut language and structure in chapter 10.
Does the cover illustration suggest a theme of the novel?
How do those symbols relate to the theme of the novel?
- juliep How do the poems of Emily Dickinson engage with the themes of this novel?
Hachette UK's CEO Tim Hely Hutchison spoke to The Bookseller about the campaign for The Casual Vacancy, Rowling's total departure from the world of the boy wizard and her first title aimed at a more mature crowd: «Our plans here, in the US and in all our territories will ensure that we deliver an outstanding international campaign entirely in keeping with the themes of the novel and the enormous worldwide affection and respect that the author inspires.»
The theme of the novel is fairly straightforward: Ida, the girl with glass feet has lived vibrantly, and won't go down without a fight, while other characters such as Midas live as though they have glass feet and don't really live at all.
Jennifer duBois is concerned that some readers of her stunning new novel, Cartwheel, might think the book is somehow factual since the themes of the novel were «loosely inspired» by the Amanda Knox story.
-- nod to the theme of the novel This is a tricky one.
Directly in the works of the writer, it prejudged the themes of his novels, the creation of separate storylines and artistic images.
Karin, the company founder, helped me establish my goals for the website, she made excellent marketing suggestions, and she quickly comprehended the theme of my novel and built the site around that.»
I focus on posting articles, sharing inspiration related to the themes of my novels.
This prejudice certainly contributed to his knowledge of what it means to live as an outsider, which is a theme of this novel.
Inspired by some of the themes of the novel, the exhibition presents a selection of works from the collection of Dairy Art Centre founders, Frank Cohen and Nicolai Frahm, whilst also including loans from the Americas, Asia and Europe, and a dozen new commissions and first - time releases.
He moves the themes of the novel from their basis in adventures on the high seas and Massachusetts whaling towns to the American West.
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