Sentences with phrase «then accept the consequences»

If one decides to put themselves in a dangerous position then accept the consequences.

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In conclusion DV, since you've attained self - awareness, and have accepted self - responsibility and have accepted the consequences for the choices you've made... the question then becomes CAN YOU DV PAY THE Cconsequences for the choices you've made... the question then becomes CAN YOU DV PAY THE CONSEQUENCESCONSEQUENCES?
Were such consequences to be accepted, then a process metaphysics could indeed dispense with Whitehead's God, although not with that singular function of «total affirmation» which Whitehead — the weight of ontotheological tradition bearing down upon him — valiantly attempts to grant Him.
If you accept this simple seven - word statement then certain personal and public consequences inevitably flow from it.
If the inheritance from previous occasions in the soul is different only in quantitative ways from other routes of inheritance, then I believe it does not, and the consequences must be accepted or the philosophy itself altered or abandoned.
The consequence of the conception of matter as itself substance was an ineluctable metaphysical dualism, which had been explicitly accepted by Basso and Galileo and was then systematically developed by Descartes.
Axioms are not accepted as self.evident, then used to elicit consequences that must not be doubted.
Others at first accepted military service, then, plagued by conscience, either deserted or suffered martyrdom in consequence of their faith.
Okay then, Wenger has to accept in his own words the «consequences» and leave.
I accept if the results are not good enough then you have to take the consequences.
I was vaccinated promptly and I never had an issue and I will do the same for my daughter because if she were to get sick simply because I was arrogant enough to think that I knew more than the thousands of pediatricians, doctors, and the CDC, well then that is my choice and I would accept the consequences.
Personally I tend to keep the arguments about the information itself and the way it was obtained separate — if I think that making information public is genuinely in the wider public interest then generally I'll welcome its release (I guess there would be exceptions if the methods involved were really extreme) but at the same time recognise that the people responsible have to recognise and accept that there may be consequences for their actions.
If that would be the case then the monstrosity becomes clear when «social scientist» start using «very accurate, refined and sociological proven models like The Sims» to tell us what will happen if we don't accept CAGW and it's consequences.
One way to ensure that there would not be an expensive upsurge in demand for judicial time would be to enhance the role of the exchange of settlement offers, and then to enforce with iron gavels the consequences of not accepting reasonable offers to settle.
In today's workplace law column in the Metro News, I review the consequences when an employer erroneously offers an over-valued severance package to a dismissed employee, who then accepts the great deal.
Or do you admit the mistake, accept the responsibility for it, fully explain the consequences to the client, apologize, and then do all that you possibly can to correct the mistake?
«If [the LPP] is successful in Ontario and it becomes no longer a pilot project but an accepted method of entering the bar, then I think any reasonable observer will predict that there will be consequences for articling requirements across the country,» she says.
If, on the other hand, a firm accepts the idea that it should, alongside its best graduates, recruit less qualified people to do the simpler, more commoditised work, then this is likely to have some profound consequences for the firm.
If the client can't intelligently scrutinize it before accepting it, then it's not fair to hold her financially responsible for its consequences.
But he would accept the claimant's alternative submission: in any case in which a person was at risk of an order containing obligations which were over-stringent, then the application of the civil limb of Art 6 (1) entitled such a person to such measures of procedural protection as was commensurate with the gravity of the potential consequences.
You're then faced with a decision: Either accept the bad behavior and its consequences — a toxic work environment — or ask the offending team members to leave.
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