Sentences with phrase «then adapting to the climate change»

«Given that global warming is unequivocally happening [12] and there has so far been a failure to outline, let alone implement, global plans to mitigate the warming, then adapting to the climate change is an imperative.

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Typically, one sees the framing as: We reduce emissions (mitigate) to allow us to avoid all the climate change we feasibly can, and then we adapt to what we can not avoid.
And then we can focus on adapting to the climate instead of trying to change it.
Even if we could find some magic switch, today, that would turn off all of our coal and gas and oil consumption — even then we would still have to adapt, because a certain amount of climate change is already baked into the system.
Only then will we avoid the worst of climate change and adapt to the impacts we can't halt.
«Paul Ehrlich has never been able to learn from past experience,» he said, then launched into the Cornucopian line on the greenhouse crisis — how, even in the unlikely event that doomsayers are right about global warming, humanity will find some way to avert climate change or adapt, and everyone will emerge the better for it.
If it is better to mitigate GHG emissions rather than adapt to rapid climate change (which certainly appears to be the case), then we need effective proposals that don't offend these values.
The climate risk management strategy would then need to adapt to accounting for either a greater range or changed magnitude of risk.
The presence of feedback effects and tipping points calls into question some of the most fundamental assumptions of climate change negotiations, including the belief that we can «overshoot» to, say, 550 ppm and then work back to 450 ppm (the path advocated in the Stern and Garnaut reports), that greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere can be stabilised at some level, and the belief that we can adapt to some given degree of warming.
It also contributes to what we called «Climate Change», for example, if the weather is cold then it becomes hot and then cold again and then hot again, the homeostasis mechanism of our body will not adapt normally and if that happens, there will be a stress inside our body that results to some illness.
If you do in fact believe that the planet is undergoing a dramatic climate change, then you must also realize that humans are not capable of adapting to such an extreme change, so quickly.
And then, last week, the EPA closed down its climate change adaptation program — a program designed to help coastal communities adapt to the impacts of climate change, such as sea level rise.
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