Sentences with phrase «then anger and resentment»

«If you never make it clear that you disagree with one another, then the anger and resentment go underground and come out in retaliatory behaviors, which can weaken your relationship.»

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And then their pain, loneliness, despair, hurt, fear, depression, heartache, loss, anger, frustration, bitterness, resentment, etc., etc., only gets worse.
But to the extent that it ignores the finger Lincoln points at the Civil War — to the extent that it forgets the decimation of a generation of young Americans at the beginnings of manhood; to the extent that it forgets the windrows of corpses at Shiloh, the odor of death in the Wilderness, the walking skeletons of Andersonville, 623,000 dead all told, not to mention the interminable list of those crippled, orphaned, and widowed whose pensions became the single largest bill paid by the federal government for the following half - century; to the extent that it ignores how the war cost the United States $ 6.6 billion, rocketed the national debt from $ 65 million to $ 2.7 billion, retarded commodity growth for the next thirty years, and devalued its currency — then the call for reparations opens itself up to a charge of willful forgetfulness so massive that resentment, anger, and bitterness, rather than justice, will (I fear) be its real legacy.
If a marriage is suffering from an untenable red - flag issue, then the underlying mindset of conscious uncoupling — which basically means tending to your own grief and other uncomfortable feelings so that you don't project them onto your partner in the form of retaliatory anger and longterm resentment — is a gentle and responsible way to dissolve a marriage.
If your divorce is reasonably amicable and then you accuse your spouse of cruelty in your divorce complaint, it can cause anger and resentment.
She bottled up her feelings and anger turned into resentment, then turned into contempt.
If you or your partner is still in the crisis phase of affair recovery and so overwhelmed by difficult emotions such as anger, defensiveness, guilt, or resentment that you can't communicate with openness and kindness using these tools, then you may choose to post - pone these dialogues until you can find a little more distance from the pain of the affair.
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