Sentences with phrase «then behooves»

And when you have 10 years (or even 5 years) of data that clearly indicate a «break point» then it behooves you to pay attention and not make dogmatic statements about how that «break point» does not exist.
If you are concerned about planetary climate, then it behooves you to consider the «history» of the planet before singling out something as paltry as the warming since the end of the Little Ice Age.
Since we can't control the sun or volcanos, then it behooves us all the more to do what we can do & reduce our own GHGs.
If however the legal claim is valid then it behooves the consumer to contact the party in question and resolve the matter to prevent a lawsuit from being filed.
If you want to make a living from your writing, then it behooves you to pick the most popular genre with the greatest potential for a multi-book series.
(Read more on our Top 5 Functional Training Mistakes) Regardless of your purpose, if we want to maintain functional body health then it behooves us to explore a range of intensity in our work - outs.
Since we can't control the sun or volcanos, then it behooves us all the more to do what we can do & reduce our own GHGs.
If voting is dragged into the 21st century, it then behooves us to ask if each and every town needs to continue spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on two registrars of voters.
If he is more sensitive to these toxins, then it behooves his parents to learn about other foods before they could prove deadly to him, if not properly handled.
It then behooves us to stand in the way that Christ leads each of us, to be ourselves in Christ as Christ would have us to be, lost as to our old selves, but in the newness of the new creation He has made us in Himself.

Not exact matches

The dementia did focus on the acting brilliance of Ronald Reagan (as president, statesman, and front man for «Voodoo Economics» that once critics Bush - Clinton - Bush would perpetuate in the name of popularity and built to corporate bedding and betting that led to the housing and mortgage scandals) but as is common with the disease forgot to script how Reagan's communication then heavy in specifics would behoove this current crop of actors that waffle in soliloquies signifying nothing.
It would behoove you to speak to real Independent Author - Publishers, not adopt your own presumptions or indulge in wishful thinking, and then transform it into declarative statements of fact, in order to denigrate ebookstores you simply dislike or don't understand.
Of course, you may live in one of those states that don't require sales tax and then it probably behooves you to shop at those places that collect tax at the end of a transaction.
So if you're a Costco member who's interested in pursuing a loan through CapWest Mortgage, then it would behoove you to check if you'd get a better deal through your Costco membership when applying for a loan.
If you know players in your area will be attending X event, then it might behoove you to throw out a feeler to see if players of your game will be attending.
So I would humbly suggest that it would behoove the decision - makers at large firms to step back and take a look at the big picture and then rethink their policies and attitudes about emerging technology.
For instance, if you are a sales professional and you have multiple successes you wish to list, then it definitely behooves you to list those accolades in bullet points so the reader can easily access them for quick reference (ie, exceeded $ 4M quota by 22 % in 2014).
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