Sentences with phrase «then come up with solutions»

Therapy sessions are where they talk to understand issues and then come up with solutions.
First face the reality, then come up with solutions that will be as painless as possible — maybe even fun and profitable solutions.
And then he comes up with the solution: «the players need to focus».
I enjoy working with these types of situations, especially for the mental challenge of figuring out what went wrong, what is now going on, and then coming up with a solution that works.
What was most impressive of all, though, was the way CEO Jacqueline Boltik took the way to deeply understand my workflow and needs, and only then came up with a solution.
Facilitating meetings for the purpose of identifying key issues and then coming up with solutions to them.
And then coming up with some solutions together that are really helpful.

Not exact matches

I like the challenge of coming in, finding an issue and coming up with a solution, working with people to get the change in place, and then moving on.
Realizing that the dopamine reward is the real reason you keep checking for text messages and browsing the news for articles can help; the real solution is to identify the impulse, then come up with a plan to reduce the addictive behavior.
The «how,» in this case, is finding a problem that needs to be solved — that you personally want solved in a big way — coming up with a solution, and then going for it without stopping to look back.
By first understanding their customer's needs, then brainstorming possibilities and prototyping and testing ideas, they came up with solutions that would help families share important information with their care team.
The solution I came up with was to upload all my photos to Flickr (I purchased a pro account for unlimited storage), then download them to my desktop for editing and organizing.
The pair came up with an elegant solution to the long hours demanded by starting their company: They cohabitated and then had early employees move in too.
They've got three minutes to come up with as many «pain points» as they can — product and service bugs that irritate customers, for which the team will then try to come up with tech - driven solutions.
Then, Guardian Vaults, a company creating places for precious metals storage, has come up with an effective solution for cryptocurrency storage: investments can be transferred into cryptocurrencies and be held in the autonomous cold wallet secured by the company.
If it was just that simple then why doesn't CNN come up with all the solutions to every crisis... This is True Media manipulation when you are trying to garner a simple uproar in blog post to get your daily hits for your sponsors.
And then one person posted that she came up with a solution to get the moisture out of the pumpkin.
In attacking the issue by thinking «outside the box,» the company was able to identify an area for optimization and then come up with an entirely novel solution.
Husband then came up with the idea of asking his father to pitch in and everyone agreed that the solution was perfect.
«I so admire women like yourself that can take a common everyday problem and come up with an ingenious solution and then act on it.
Instead, review his challenges, come up with solutions, and then together set a goal for him to achieve.
Be attentive and validate your child's emotions, and then empower your child to come up with his own solution.
The listener, with the compassionate ear, helping the boys learn to share their feelings, and then how to come up with solutions.
Being able to identify what is bothering the teen and then coming up with potential solutions will help him or her change direction to handle situations effectively.
Once it's all out on the table then you can come up with solutions.
Until then, the White House is partnering with industry, start - ups, and non-profits to come up with innovate solutions.
If people do not like what they see today, it is incumbent on them to come up with alternative solutions and to flesh out option A and option B, write it down in a legal form that can be enforced and then we can negotiate on that.
«If we did not have vandalisation in the Niger Delta as we are currently suffering, we will not have this recession today, moreover, in looking at the solutions, we should try to focus on the type of problem we have and what instigated it, then we can begin to come up with better solutions
Go it alone... then put your heads together: Alone time and the space it provides is vital in coming up with a creative solution.
But then engineers at Ball Aerospace in Colorado came up with a mind - boggling solution: Rather than try to fight the sun, they'd use it to their advantage.
«We came up with a solution to allow for wireless control using similar technology that's in your cell phone to actually control these micro-LEDs, and then in turn control inside, deep inside the brain, various populations of neurons that we're interested in studying,» Bruchas said.
It would be really lovely to come up with some solutions that work in the long - term ie healing the gut and then inplementing full PHD, which seems intuitively right as well as having some sound science behind it.
Then they will come up with a solution — and quickly.
There's nothing quite like spending 10 minutes trying to figure out a puzzle with your co-op buddy and then both working together to come up with the solution.
The Avengers are then approached by former U.S. general - turned Secretary of State Thaddeus «Thunderbolt» Ross (William Hurt), who reveals that the United Nations have come up with a «solution» to this problem: the Sokovia Accords, an agreement that requires the Avengers (and other super-powered individuals) to report to and be monitored by an international governing body.
Set in a preapocalyptic 2048, The Titan posits the familiar idea of an overpopulated Earth running out of resources, but then comes up with a rather more original sci - fi solution.
The game carefully sets up a dilemma with no easy solution and then forces you to deal with all that comes after such a pivotal choice.
It gives corporate learners the ability to look at ideas, concepts, and challenges from all angles, then come up with innovative solutions to the problem.
Then they'd come up with a solution and we ask them to report to the rest of the students — explain, how did you come up with your solution?
Then within your own classroom, present the situation that have happened, ask the students to role play it or to come up with positive solutions and practical advice to avoid repeats of the incidents.
Together, the researchers and teachers come up with targeted solutions, which they then test inside real classrooms to see if they actually work.
I am currently a student teacher and have done a number talk with my students and it was so incredible to hear all of the conjectures and solutions that they come up with and then the discussion following was so much more engaging and helpful to them to clear up any misconceptions.
We would be better served if we abolished all standardized testing completely, invested all the money saved into hiring more teachers, and then gave those teachers the tools to come up with the solutions to teaching in their classrooms.
I just wish the publishers and Amazon would come up with a solution that didn't have me scared that in a year the prices will jump, everyone will be locked in contracts and then I'll be screwed and unable to buy books.
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