Sentences with phrase «then get upset»

Then we get upset, and begin doing what we should have done in the first place, after the damage has been done.
When faced with a research question, most lawyers I know will just say, «give it to the student», and then get upset when the student doesn't research it properly.
Some will bring toys or balls to the dog park and then get upset when nearby dogs go after them.
Many GSD owners overlook routine care for their dogs and then get upset when their dogs fall ill.
Idiots who treat their dogs in a mean manner and then get upset when that dog turns on them or some one else are the problem.
I've found this commonly occurring with speakers, coaches, and consultants who get hired for a plum speaking engagement, and then get all upset they're book-less for this booking.
«We get some people that try to use a cup or more of RNG, we have had some try way too little - like a teaspoon, we have had people wash with bottled ammonia, we have had the «home chemist» who tries to add in vinegar and baking soda together, we have people try to make their own soap and end up with repelling, we have had people who wetpail with chemical concoctions 24/7, we have people that refuse to rinse, people that rinse 10 times each wash, we get the people who stuff their machine to the brim and then get upset when diapers are still dry in the middle of the drum, we have had people washing in the dishwasher, we have had people try fish ammonia remover... we could go on and on!»
The hardest part is that I find myself complaining about it but then get upset when someone offers a suggestion!
We changed almost an Entire back - line in a CL AWAY game (and then get upset with those guys for not performing)..
BtB posters in general is way too short sided with the draft and then get upset when the Cowboys draft anticipating for years down the road.
I'm afraid that I am following a personal pattern of behavior in which I set the bar too high for others (and myself), and then get upset when others just do what comes natural as human beings.
I then get upset and end up leaving.
Besides, it's totally unfair for me to create obligations for God to meet, then get upset when God doesn't meet them.
He came by to let me know why (which I respected greatly, since most people just disappear and then get upset when the pastor doesn't call them to find out why they haven't been attending).
My primary issue with Christians is, they expect to be allowed to take offense at something, and then get upset when others respond in kind.
I was dating a guy who openly told me many times, «I don't believe in monogamy,» and then I got upset when he cheated.
The utility then gets upset at the general contractor, because without Larkin's employees, the contractor usually fails to meet the utility's deadlines.
In preparing to teach a course, I looked through a folder of accumulated notes and realized that I first taught the course to an adult class consisting of three women: Jennifer, a widow of about 60 years of age with an eighth - grade schooling, whose primary occupations were keeping a brood of chickens and a goat and watching the soaps on television; Penny, 55, an army wife who treated her retired military husband and her teenage son and daughter as items of furniture in her antiseptic house, dusting them off and placing them in positions that would show them off to her best advantage, and then getting upset when they didn't stay where she put them — she was, as you can imagine, in a perpetual state of upset; and Brenda, married, mother of two teenage sons, a timid, shy, introverted hypochondriac who read her frequently updated diagnoses and prescriptions from about a dozen doctors as horoscopes — the scriptures by which she lived.
It's like claiming not to believe in Santa Claus then getting upset when the kid who claims his dad is Santa leaves a Santa toy at the memorial.
Meanwhile, Hayward looks like he is trying to convince him to stop, but then he gets upset and shoves his coach back after getting unnecessarily shoved.
Then she gets all upset when I do a little physics with my food.
Therefore, when he antagonizes his older brother and then gets upset with the results, I have faith that they can figure it out and work it out eventually.
He may have a few favourites whose profiles he keeps checking, and then gets upset if one of them disappears from the dating site.
3.22, «Resignation») Character: a vegan and nutritionist who thinks House is interested in her for a job and then gets upset when she realizes it's more about her, uh, other assets.
If not, and the NCLB revision passes, then 20 million public school students and millions of teachers will waste most of the next five months — that's half of this school year — doing test prep and then getting upset, stressed, and even sick when they actually take the tests.
Said editor then got upset when the author questioned some of the changes, to the point that threats were made that if the author didn't accept all of them, she wasn't «allowed» to use any of them.
I remember my grandparents bought it for me for xmas and then got upset when they realized it was «that rape game» that had all the news controversy for some reason.
I fooled around with [important person at A&O] and then he got all upset b / c I started dating a younger Russian guy and then he told me to get another job and then I filed a grievance against him (b / c I was a big rainmaker and it was ridiculous of him to get rid of me) and then he complained about the website to London (it had been up FOREVER and read by everyone) and then they fired me.
Every one of the six people I could not get along with refused to read carefully the working agreement that they signed and then got upset with me because I did exactly what I said I would do in the working agreement or I expected them to do what the working agreement stated was their responsibility.

Not exact matches

Koch is particularly upset that the Justice Department allowed Big Beer to bulk up, first by approving the merger of Anheuser Busch and InBev and then by allowing Molson Coors to take full control of the MillerCoors joint venture when SABMiller got acquired by AB InBev.
Then in the days following up to her meeting with you, she gets upset that she have to attend.
I actually saw one particularly upset person claim that the wallet is all a front to get a bunch of people to load it with BCH and then steal it.
The most interesting part is the back story of how a billionaire was upset over an inappropriate news story about him and plotted for years to get his revenge, and then secretly funded someone else's legal battle to get it.
Forgive me if others who've experienced the same thing get upset when a holiday gets stretched into MONTHS and then those calling names get so upset and claim they are being assaulted.
when you all turn into hypocrites is when i get upset... its like black people creating black history month... what if a white person did that... then it would be racist... gay people want to be accepted and not hated on... the answer is not to turn around and hate and attack everyone else... really humans in america are fuct... no way out of it... you have all entangled yourself in a web of hate... grow up
OWN THIS PRINT Remember exercising your freedom because you were encouraged to but then a point came when they got upset with you?
When you know the truth, and it makes you free, then you wont have to get upset about articles like this because it is man NOT Yahweh!
Why don't you tell me exactly when you'll feel like you've influenced enough of the country, so then I'll know when to get upset?
A religion that gets all up in everyone's business, but then seems to get upset at the idea of a big government getting all up in their business seems a little hypocritical.
They secure your vote because of ONE item that is very important to Christians but then they do nothing once they are in office because it would upset so many other people (GOP included) that they would never get in the White House for a long time.
Really, then why did you get all upset when you thought I called you a drug addict.
chief, I am not a priest but I wish I was as well educated as a priest... maybe I could then explain things in such a fashion as to not get you so upset; sorry.
I had a bad day yesterday struggling with blasphemy thoughts and it was snowing bad and i got to my job and i thought i could just open up the door and just go inside then this old man just was holding the door open and i got upset and said the holy spirit is of satan.
OR being i know enough to have a conversation and not just insult, thats just multi-tasking, i am better then those who jkust get upset and bash others... enjoy your point godless existence!
Let the people get through things as best as they can... like I said, if they impose their beliefs on you, then you should be upset about it... but if not, let them be.
When I was young, I got an upset tummy due to overeating of jackfruit during one of our vacations to India, and from then, I stopped eating it completely.
Nooo, come on, we have Ajayi, Hayden, Bellerin, Everybody gets upset when we do nt give our youngsters a chance to play, then they want me to buy somebody, you cant have it both ways.
That they went from being upset with the UFC and trying as hard as possible to get a fight with a hobbit and then trolled Edgar after for not accepting, but when it comes to Khabib they are all «aw shucks, Dana has a good point, maybe next time»
Not excusing Wengers poor performance, wouldn't you all be upset if you thought you had managed to out maneuver the CEO to get funds and then have the CEO make profit from your squad by the end of the transfer window?
^ As a true lifelong Arsenal fan I do get upset when people ignore that along with transfer support (Dein then by himself then with Gazidis), what - ever blame is thrown at him he will deal with it himself and not blame his support or players.
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