Sentences with phrase «then god»

This can also be expressed another way: the God who speaks to humanity is «God with humanity,» Immanuel, and then God in a human being.
If God could be more in relation to our experience but were not more, then God would be not only limited but imperfect, and no longer God.
«Well, if you were TRULY being obedient and ACTUALLY trying to please Him, then God would bless you.
Then God made Billy Graham.
The notion that if God knows of a cheap commodity like a Sparrow's fall then God is fully aware of you, the pinnacle of His creation.
If God were omniscient and infinite and a whole range of other superlatives, but did not care about us, then God would not be the God we worship and might not even merit the name of God.
If God's standard of value bears no relation to our own, then God's function in man's life is unknown and unknowable — and it can be dispensed with.
Answer: If you have believed in Jesus for eternal life, then God promises that you have eternal life.
If indeed God was enacted in the human existence of Jesus, in a signal and decisive fashion, then God is that.
Then God's act in revealing himself is no longer an encounter between the divine Person and the human person, but an act worked upon a purely passive entity that insight equally well be a dog or a stone.
There is no right or wrong when it comes to a belief, but when it is made into a «Them versus us» situation, I think that then God ceases to exist.
Granted that our relationships with others mostly work toward an end, but I've noticed that the «faith - relationhip - with - God» takes on the look of «if we do this, then God will do that»... of course, when our expectations are not met, we often turn on ourselves and think,» what did we do wrong»?
If you truly think god caused 9/11, then your god must be a shallow, depraved warlord to say the least.
Then God punishes them harshly for being as he made them and doing what he knew they were going to do when he made them, and he punishish the entire human race for the rest of eternity as well.
Then God punishes not just them but all of mankind forever for their one act, which came from how he made them and he must have known would happen.
There are some people that can not stand the thought of worshipping anything other than a White God, and if Jesus was not White, then God was not as well.
If the old testament god and the new testament god are one in the same, then god is clearly bipolar.
Then God sent a tornado to kill her parents in 1996.
Once accept the disclosure of God in Christ (and in all that is Christ - like in human experience, for we ought not to be exclusively christo - centric in the narrower sense); once take that disclosure with utmost seriousness — and then God as «pure unbounded love» becomes central in our thinking.
All of this to say, if God does exist, and if the Bible is true, and if we can believe Scripture when it says that God requires faith (Hebrews 11:6), then God can not be proven and nothing is ever guaranteed.
I mean seriously, that is up there with skinning the sacrificial offering, and putting the entrails all fancied up with the skin and head, and then putting the meat in an unappetizing presentation, and then your God says «Hey, yeah, I want the nice looking stuff» and gets duped.
If there is a God and this being is responsible for such an act then God is anything BUT kind and forgiving.
If morals are moral because god said so, then it is a form of subjective and authoritative morality, and if the are already objectively moral, then god is not needed.
And if not, then God will deal justly with everything in life.
hawaii: «If morals are moral because god said so, then it is a form of subjective and authoritative morality, and if the are already objectively moral, then god is not needed.»
if we do have free will then god has no control over anything.
We often think, «If there is a requirement then God's grace is not unconditional?»
If God is creator, then God reigns over the death of every sensate being that ever moved on earth — to say nothing of his special responsibility for the bloody sins of those beings he has made in his image.
Who here among you would stand with me in front of this congregation and the Lord Himself and declare that having a girlfriend who's roommates walk around the house naked all the time is better then god.
In other words, if what God, or any other subject, knows might not have existed, then God, or the subject in question, might not have had that knowledge.
Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good.
The Triune God head is evident from the beginning... Genesis 1:26 Then God said, «Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.
But then the God whom we worship and serve is nothing if not a God of surprises.
If so, then God's prehension of the occasion is a prehension of the occasion's subjective immediacy: the subject as subject is taken into God.
So if Jesus was not murdered because he rose from the dead, then God never actually sacrificed his Son for salvation.
if you're referring to classical Christianity, God created man immune to such destruction yet man then invited entropy into the system; so then God went all out in order to provide a mechanism of forgiveness so that even as beings of discord we could be compatible with eternity and preserved.
Then God gave us only 10 Commandments, yes only ten.
And if we do have free will, then god doesn't have a plan.
Such a miracle would involve the suspension of the laws of nature at the level of primitive actual occasions, but if we accept the principle that God «speaks» to a given actual occasion in its own «language,» and if the «language» of primitive actual occasions in nature is such that the character of the data available for aesthetic synthesis in the concrescence of such occasions admits only of absolutely miniscule contrasts with the givenness of the character of the past, then God has no leverage via subjective aims to introduce shifts in the social structures conditioning the possibilities available for aesthetic synthesis in the concrescences of such primitive actual occasions.
If Marsha Stevens were a true Christian, then God's Holy Spirit would convict her continually about the sin of homosexuality, and her need to repent of such wickedness
the bible orders women to marry their rapist in the OT (Deut 22:28) then god changed its mind - you REALLY trust such a book to be the word of god?
I think Eckhart would say no, we don't deify ourselves, but if we totally negate ourselves, then God deifies himself in us.
HawaiiGuest: If I am wrong, and specifically the christian bible is correct, then that god is not worthy of worship, or devotion.
Then God claimed it in new covenant and named it saved.
Then God's power over death is shown by his raising Jesus from the dead (Eph.
There is only one explanation for what I experienced, and Sheldon Clay can confirm that I was going on and on in the first place about all this, and then God involved 3 other people right beside me as beneficiaries and witnesses to a 3rd party leg of the revelation.
I pray for the victims and their families and I hope that this nation will realize that as long as it's turning its» back on God, then God will judge this nation as it has judged many nations in the past.
there was no record for it, then God did not silent He said, all secret things belong to God He reveal to us the little He want us to know.
If God is conceived so as not to favor our struggle for liberation, then God is thereby conceived so as not to experience fully our pain and suffering.
If someone treated you unfairly, but then God smote them with leprosy or really bad halitosis, would that take away your pain?
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