Sentences with phrase «then lactic»

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Grains of corn lactic ripeness boiled in milk until soft, then add to them fresh green boiled or canned warmed with butter peas.
Her team's goal is to find new applications for lactic acid bacteria — essentially thinking up foods to which they can add the bacteria and then testing the ideas.
A disadvantageous consequence, however, is that the muscles in the limbs must then rely more on anaerobic energy metabolism to keep working, so they build up lactic acid and tire more rapidly than they would from comparable exercise at the surface.
The lactic acid produced by the bacterium curdles the milk that then separates to form curds, which are used to produce cheese and whey.
«An interesting attempt at DIY anti-ageing is boiling milk to release the lactic acid and then applying it for an exfoliation.
This is then warmed over a period of time, during which the bacteria converts any milk sugar (lactose) to lactic acid, curdling the milk and giving it its distinctive texture and flavour.
This means more weight or more repetitions would then be needed to allow enough lactic - acid entering the muscle tissue to cause muscle failure.
Then, the «full sprint effort» must continue to exhaust the Glycolytic System, creating a serious oxygen debt while accumulating huge amounts of lactic acid, which can not be removed quickly enough by the overwhelmed cardiovascular system.
This bacteria metabolizes sugar and starches and then releases lactic and acetic acid.
The anaerobiosis then causes lactic acid production.
Then the cell uses anaerobic metabolism (anaerobic means «without oxygen») to make ATP and a byproduct called lactic acid from the glucose.
If this is something they are unaccustomed to, fatigue causes a build up of lactic acid and the muscles then tighten in response.
Lactic acid is used by the muscles to form glycogen, which then provides energy in anaerobic metabolism.
Cells can split glycogen into glucose, and then use the anaerobic metabolism to produce both a by product, which is lactic acid, and ATP.
Lactic acid is then returned to the liver to be turned back into glucose.
Then you can try and launch the same isometric position without the # 7000 vibrating surface and you will get some lactic acid accumulated in muscles engaged and will burn some calories.
The improvement in your exercises such as the full hanging leg raise and sports alone are enough to justify its inclusion in your exercise routine but when you combine these benefits with the other pluses such as a reduced risk of injury, a reduction in the pain caused by lactic acid build up, better posture and a return of the grace of movement you had as a youth then flexibility training is an absolute must.
This then generates a high level of lactic acid which leaves my muscles tired and fatigued.
Last option is to apply Magnesium oil and then after an hour do damage control with some lactic acid / vinegar or coconut / olive / jojoba oils.
Dr. Friest assumes that if the pH of the livers drops, as it does, then it is all due to the action of lactic - acid bacteria, but even spoilage - causing bacteria can lower the pH somewhat.
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