Sentences with phrase «then lower back»

With a slight bend in your arms, raise the dumbbells up to shoulder level and then lower them back to the starting position.
Lift your leg to hip height and then lower it back down for three counts, so you feel resistance and engage your glutes and inner thighs (c).
Perform the bridge as described in the static stretches above but do it for reps. Drive through your heels to elevate your hips and then lower back to the floor.
From here it is simply a case of pushing your whole body up with your hands so that your chest raises several inches of the floor, hold for a second and then lower back down until your chest virtually touches the floor.
Slowly raise your right arm with the dumbbell until it is level with your shoulder, and then lower it back to your side.
A great way to incorporate rope climbing into intense workouts is to do a climb up, then lower yourself back down.
Grab onto your object and pull yourself upwards, hold yourself in place for a few seconds, and then lower yourself back to the ground.
Take the bar with an overhand grip and pull yourself up until your chin is over the bar then lower back down again in a slow, controlled motion.
Take the bar with an underhand grip and pull yourself up until your chin is over the bar, then lower back down in a slow, controlled motion.
Stand just in front of pull up bar and reach up grip onto bar with palms away from you and use mainly your lats and rhomboid muscles to pull yourself up so that chin is above bar, then lower yourself back down.
Sure you can use a machine and work out a single muscle group decently, but your range of motion is extremely limited — you can push it out, and then lower it back to the starting position.
Lie down flat on ground with arms outstretched on ground behind head holding Ugi and legs flat and extended, slowly raise ball and straight legs up high into a V position, hold a couple seconds and then lower back down to start position.
Hold for a few seconds, then lower back down.
Lift one foot off the ground and place your foot onto the step / bench, as you step up lift your opposite knee up to your chest and then lower back to the starting position.
Pause slightly at the top and then lower back to the starting position.
Hold the position for a brief pause then lower them back to the beginning position as you breathe in.
With the right elbow tucked close to the body, row the right dumbbell up to chest level, then lower it back down (c).
Hold the position for a brief pause then lower it back down to the beginning position as you breathe in.
From there take a deep breath and slowly pull yourself up until your chin is a couple of inches passed the bar and then lower yourself back down to the starting position breathing out as you do so.
For each repetition, you'll need to bring up your shoulders from the floor at an angle of about 30 degrees, hold that position for a second and then lower your back.
Once fully extended hold the position for a second then lower back down under control until your chin stops just short of the floor and then push back up.
Step 3: With a straight back and tight core, pull the Steel Mace to your chest and then lower back down.
Take a wider than shoulder width grip (About six inches wider each side is good but experiment until you find a distance that is comfortable) then with your arms fully extended pull yourself up until your chin is roughly level with the bar, hold the position for a second and then lower yourself back down to the starting position.
The plyometric pull up requires you to explode up as fast as you can and then lower back down.
Pause for 1 - 2 seconds, then lower them back down to the starting position.
Pause, then lower back to the starting position.
Hold at the top for 2 - 3 seconds and then lower back down.
Raise your arms out to your sides (keeping your elbows above your wrists at all times) until you reach shoulder height, then lower back down to your sides.
Lift right leg even more, until it is about parallel with torso (B), then lower back to «A.» Continue pulsing for 30 reps.
Hold for 3 breaths, then lower back down.
Starting with your arms straight at your side, bend the elbow and curl the arm up towards your chest, hold, then lower back down.
Squeeze your glutes to lift your quads up, then lower back down.
Hold the position for a few seconds, squeezing your butt and abs, then lower back down to the starting position.
Hold this position for a few moments, then lower back to your starting position.
Hold for a second, and then lower back down to the starting position.
From sitting, lift up to stand on your left leg, then lower back down keeping your right leg extended the whole time.
Pause, then lower back down to the starting position and repeat.
Raise arms then lower back to starting position.
Hold for 5 to 8 breaths then lower back down.
Pause, then lower back down to your forearms and repeat.
Extend your arm diagonally up to the ceiling then lower back down.
Raise both to chest level to create a 90 - degree angle with your torso, then lower back down.
Keeping the arms extended and maintaining a slight bend at the elbows, raise the weights out until your elbows are at shoulder height and your arms are parallel to the floor, then lower them back down.
Hold the top position for a second, then lower back down.
With a shoulder - width grip and palms facing up, raise the bar until your forearms are vertical and the bar reaches your shoulders, then lower it back down.
Press your foot up toward the sky one inch, then lower back down one inch.
From here, keep your right leg bent and raise it to hip height to the side of your body, then lower it back down to the mat.
Keeping your chest up and your torso stationary, raise the weights to the sides with a slight bend at the elbow until your arms are parallel to the floor, then lower them back down.
Raise your right leg to hip height, then lower it back toward the ground 12 times.
I felt I was at implantation, i paid close attention and believe it or not i felt a few minor cramps and said «yep that's the egg» lol but i still wasn't sure then the lower back pains came, and I took a test about 4 days before my period and the test gave me a veeeery faint positive to the point where I said «i think it's negative» then about 4 or 5 days after my missed period i got a digital test and it says «pregnant» so I think it's very positive to tell if you are pregnant before your missed period, or it could have been coincidence who knows
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