Sentences with phrase «then nurture our child»

Cheap flights can be found if couples want to optimise their chances of conceiving and then nurturing a child through restorative, co-operative and up - to - date approaches.

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What matters to me is making sure I love my wife until the the day I die, making sure I support her, making sure I cherish and nurture my children... and then getting the chance to play complex characters the audience can empathize with and understand.
Questioning the logic of the substitution theory of atonement, Williams asked, «In his life, then, was [Jesus] a divine mammy, nurturing other people's children, giving them the sustenance they needed to stand between themselves and the cold, cold world?»
We then make the big leap — a child, fatherhood and family, with our mate turning into a mom — and run into another stereotype: the notion that fatherhood is emasculating, that becoming a father, with all that diaper changing, baby talk, nurturing, etc. somehow make us less of a man.
At issue, then, is not nature or nurture but how nurture becomes nature: the environment in which children play and grow can encourage a range of aptitudes or foreclose them.
The tide was still changing then, but today, we are free to nurture our children without a feeling of shame.
We believed — and still do — that if parents are given good information about why it is so important to nurture children, the tools to do it and parent groups that support them in their choices, then we will have a lot of empowered mothers and fathers.
I was blessed to marry a wonderful man, but then my hopes of children were torn apart and life killed the dream that I had nurtured all those years.
Children are then able grow up in safe, stable and nurturing environments,» said Jones.
From then on, Hana must take care of the werewolf children all on her own, having to teach them to balance both their animal urges and the complexities of human life, turning the movie into a very literal depiction of nature versus nurture.
Rather than nurture those roots, we hand our smallest children machines and then gush about the power and control they display over that rarefied environment.
Let there be no question, then: educators, parents, and other adults are desperately needed to offer guidance, to act as models (we hope), to pose challenges that promote moral growth, and to help children understand the effects of their actions on other people, thereby tapping and nurturing a concern for others that is present in children from a very young age.
When it comes to flourishing in school nowadays, scientific evidence is mounting that confirms what many of us have suspected all along — that if we want children to truly learn, and to perform better in life as both students and citizens, then we have to educate them in an environment that they see as safe, caring and nurturing.
review of a book by Judith Rich Harris In a very interesting book, Ms. Harris presents considerable psychological and anthropological data to reexamine the «Nurture Assumption,» or the belief that nurturing your children will lead to happy well - adjusted children, and that if your children grow up otherwise then logically you didn't nurturNurture Assumption,» or the belief that nurturing your children will lead to happy well - adjusted children, and that if your children grow up otherwise then logically you didn't nurturenurture them.
If the childrens» best interests are taken into account, then it is clear that the couple will seek the training and support necessary to raise the children in as positive and nurturing an environment as possible.
I ended the day inspired, invigorated and absolutely certain that the way to change the world for alienated children is to prepare and plant seeds in as many places of the world as possible and then water and nurture them and support them to flourish.
Pre-children (when we knew bog all about what life would be like with little people to nurture and be wholly responsible for) we'd talk of how even when we were blessed with children we'd still ensure we had lots of quality time together as a couple, doing the things we enjoyed back then.
The idea that parents and caregivers might proactively build the rudiments of resilience is not without precedent.67, 68 Vygotsky suggested that the role of parents, caregivers, and teachers is to work within the child's zone of proximal development so the child will learn to master skills that were previously beyond their independent ability.69 This is the theory behind both Reach Out and Read70, 71 and more recent efforts to decrease obesity by nurturing the foundational motor skills needed for an active lifestyle.72 — 74 The current challenge, then, is for pediatricians, home visitors, and early educators to collaboratively increase the capacity of caregivers and communities to nurture those rudimentary but foundational SE, language, and cognitive skills as they emerge developmentally.
They see how their choices have affected their children and they learn how to become better role models for their children, who can then grow up in safe, nurturing, supportive and loving environments.
The truth is, if one was not nurtured as a child, then of course they would not know how to nurture some imaginary part of themselves that is called an inner child.
and one last one that was big really for me... after god, each individual parent has to be the priority for that specific parent, then the spouse is the priority, then the children (people can only make themselves happy, then they can focus on nurturing their marriage as much as they nurturing the kids).
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