Sentences with phrase «then pipe lines»

Pipe a line of green piping icing all around the base of the bowl (helps to use a turntable when working with the shell) and then pipe lines approximately 1 ″ in length up from the piped base all around the base.
Draw a line with the icing across the middle of the top of a cupcake, then pipe a line around the perimeter of the cupcake from one side of the half way line to the other.

Not exact matches

Simply pipe other colors onto the flooded surface in patterns or lines which you can either leave as that or then drag a toothpick through to make marbling patterns.
Piping it may work, but I just patted in into messy logs on flour - lined parchment and then chilled till it was firm enough to cut (we used a knife and it was no problem).
Taking one cheesecake at a time, pipe a cobweb design by piping four straight lines to make an «asterisk» and then connecting the lines by piping two circles, one circle around the outer edge of each cheesecake and another circle halfway to the center of each cheesecake.
Then add your meringue to the pastry bag and pipe it on to a lined baking sheet.
I've seen homemade sprinkles before, but the only ones I've seen have been made with royal icing, piped into lines, and then broken into smaller pieces.
Lightly score the buns with a cross pattern, then pipe a lattice of the paste mixture into the scored lines (I find it easiest to do all of the «length of the tin» lines, followed by the «width» lines).
Line piping bag with 4 lines of red food coloring (about halfway up the bag) and then add frosting and top cupcakes
If Wenger wants to develop players and not buy superstars, then he should at least be aware that there is no potential in the pipe line... at least in the striking department.
Simply slice your apple in four lines about the core and then put it back together with a pipe cleaner!
Then there's the havoc that the frozen water pipes and lines would wreak on the nearby sidewalk and street.
To construct the stools we had to hammer in water line pipes to the tops of the tires — this is where one sits — then we had to dig the holes where we would anchor the tires.
20.5.4 If CO2 concentration could be stabilised at its current value of 390 ppm, then Charney estimates temperature increase already in the pipe - line as 0.8 ºC.
From the Windows command line, Loewen piped data output by a Windows command to openSuse and then into Ubuntu, before printing the result.
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