Sentences with phrase «then place on»

I would love to squeeze these pumpkins and then place them on my new dining room table!
Hot glue them to a foam ball, add some ribbon and then place on top of a candle stick — so easy!
Hot glue around the stemless pumpkin's bottom as shown and then place on top of the pumpkin in the pail.
You can cook the strips of dough without doing anything special shaping or anything or if you want to make them a bit fun you can twist the dough a bit and then place on a greased baking sheet.
Keep warm in the oven until serving time, then place on hot plates (rinse plates under very hot water and dry well), or serve in a large heated bowl, topped with a teaspoon of cold butter that will melt into a well on top of the potatoes.
It's a phone I can leave the house with at 4:45 am and then place on the charger at 11 pm without having to charge it up.
Create audio recordings using GarageBand or Audacity, then place them on your website until you get the resources to turn them into a podcast.
That sounds easy enough, but first I had to move the golem onto the catapult so he could move a piece of wood in the way, then get him back to the ground, switch to Rose in order to suck the blood out of the wood, then place her on the catapult, switch to the Golem to trigger it, then finally grab the key.
For those unaware of the concept of Skylanders, through purchasing one of the games» many figurines, you then place it on a «Portal of Power» (a plastic base station) that then reads the chip in the toy and represents the character in digital form on your TV.
First attack the Magtail until it curls into a ball, then place him on the switch.
There's a comprehensive (and fun) tutorial level that players can check out which gives you lots of great tips for level building, but is you want to dive straight in without the tutorial, it's easy enough to work out anyway — Just select your tiles from the menu then place them on the grid.
The Sandbox is essentially your standard console level editor, allowing you to flick through dozens and dozens of individual objects, manipulate them, and then place them on the track.
But in order for her to show up in your campsite (from time to time), you first need to craft the Celeste's Telescope item, and then place it on your campsite.
Words don't do Plitvice Lakes justice: instead, conjure up a mental image of the Garden of Eden, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, whatever verdant paradise your heart desires, then place it on Earth and turn it up to 11.
Rolling it out, use cookie cutters for different shapes like hearts or dog bones and then place on a baking sheet to cook for about 10 - 12 minutes!
Place the design pattern wherever you like on the sheet of felt, and then place that on top of the sponge.
Your servicer will determine which plans you qualify for and will then place you on the plan with the lowest monthly payment.
The teacher projects an image or text onto the whiteboard and asks students individually or in groups to provide a written response / comment / explanation which they then place on the relevant area.
It is a toys to life game that allows players to build their characters in real life out of LEGO bricks and then place them on a game portal that transports the characters into the game.
Let cool in the cupcake tin for several minutes, then place on a wire rack to cool completely.
Working one cookie at a time, dip halfway into white chocolate and then place on parchment paper to set.
Roll them up to make them look polished, and then place them on the guests» beds or in the bathroom.
Let air dry according to instructions and then place them on an earring hook.
From there every day or every other day, you squeeze a small amount of the whitening gel into the inside of the mold and then place on teeth in a upward pressing motion.
Brush vegetables on both sides with marinade; sprinkle with sea salt, then place on prepared grill.
Roll the ball in the sugar, then place it on the prepared pan (you can space them very close together to freeze; you will use another sheet pan to bake off).
Rest biscuits in the fridge for about 15 minutes until marshmallow is firm then place on a cake rack and spread over melted chocolate.
Remove from the oven, allow to cool in the tin for 10 minutes until cool enough to handle, then place on a wire rack to cool completely.
Once your dough is chilled, take 2 tablespoons of dough and roll into a ball and then place on your prepared baking tray.
Roll the balls in the coconut, then place on a plate or sheet of parchment.
Dip a piece of cotton (I use a small piece if a cotton pad) in ACV, ring out a bit then place it on your wart, skin tag or mole, then place a bandaid over it.
Dip a piece of cotton (I use a small piece if a cotton pad) in ACV, ring out a bit then place it on your skin tag then place a bandaid over it.
Using a cookie scoop, scoop up the mix and scrape off the bottom of the cookie scoop then place them on a butter greased baking dish.
Roll each ball in the lime coating sugar, then place on a parchment paper lined baking sheet and use the bottom of a glass to press the ball into a little disk with a 1/3» thickness, keep atleast 1.5» between cookies to allow for spreading.
Toss in the bowl until all the veggies are coated and then place them on a baking tray or dish and into the oven for about 30 minutes.
Place the flex bands around the Kettlebells and then place them on both ends of the bar.
Use a slotted spoon to drain the eggs, then place on top.
Brush each potato with oil and then place on the baking tray.
Soak a couple washcloths in diluted apple cider vinegar (1 part vinegar and 2 parts water), then place them on the forehead and tummy, or add a cup to a warm bath.
As you start to lower yourself, take one leg off the ground and over your body, and then place it on the ground.
Turn the lamb over and cook for a further 5 minutes, then place on a board and leave to rest while you heat the naan on the barbecue.
Bring your right elbow and left knee together under your body, then extend them back out, then place them on the floor in the original start position.
Preheat the oven to 350 deg F, 180 deg C. Slice the banana in half lengthways, then place on a piece of foil.
Brush the outer crust of the pizza with olive oil, then place it on the lowest rack in an oven that's been preheated to 500 degrees.
Many parents snuggle their baby into the Moses basket and then place it on a bed, table or the kitchen counter.
Step 3: Wrap wet potatoes in foil then place on the lowest rack in your oven.
Fold the tortilla over into a semi-circle, then place it on a warmed skillet (frying pan).
After rinsing, blot off most of the water with clean towels, then place on dry towels to air dry.
My sister said to give her a cold shower when she goes in her pants then place her on the potty everytime she doesn't go in the potty.
When putting on a shield, you turn it almost inside out (at least half - way inside out) and then place it on the nipple and flip it back, so it sucks in a little of your breast tissue and creates a seal to help it stay... [Read more]
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