Sentences with phrase «then ramps»

From the examples above, it is clear that wind is most useful where there is fossil fuel baseload power, which then ramps down when the wind blows.
I can get through the first 6 or 7 levels without dying, but the difficulty then ramps up like it is trying to out jump Mortal Kombat on the difficulty curve.
It's all fun and games on the first 20 tracks but then it ramps up hahah
Then it ramps up with interactive puzzles and action.
A preset challenge will issue waves of enemies that start out small and then ramps up in difficulty and numbers.
Among other things, the project improves the system frame rate to make it consistent at 60 frames per second and includes a power - saving measure that dials back a device's CPU to a lower frequency and then ramps up when a user touches the screen.
Mission Mode consists of a series of more interactive tutorials — these start out simple with stuff like how to move, tag and combo, but then ramps up into a series of ten character - specific challenges for each character in the game.
It starts off slower so it will give your body a chance to recover some more then it ramps up.
Higher amounts of β - glucosidase can be added to the commercial preparations, which then ramps up the cost of converting oil palm biomass into biofuel and bioplastic.
«Then it ramped up again.»
There's nothing to stop the likes of DICE simply using the Neo spec to cut out 900p upscaling, then ramping up the quality presets.
To begin, you may start with 5 percent and then ramp up 2 to 3 percent each year.
And then the ramp up to Christmas with all the holiday parties, and girls lunches and dinners.
If He Is Easily Upset Start gently, perhaps with massage and music, and then ramp it up over time while making sure to stay in tune with his temperament.
Waking in the wee hours to discover I was in labor, only to have it stall during the daylight hours and then ramp back up after the sun set.
Developers then ramped up their contributions to help Republicans regain the Senate, giving at least $ 560,000 before year's end.
Previous experiments during eclipses have shown that the degree of ionization doesn't simply die down and then ramp back up again, as you might expect.
Then they ramped up levels of CO2 to see how the algae would respond to the resulting warming, the extra carbon dioxide itself, and changes in sea ice.
Then ramp it up slowly, without overly stressing your body.
Drop the setting and your pace to a jog for half a minute, then ramp it up again for another 10 straight minutes.
Then I ramp up on the weights on the exercise I'm doing until I feel ready for my working sets.
You start at a steady jog... then ramp it up to a faster run... drop it down to a slow jog... ramp it up to a near sprint... drop it down... ramp it up... drop in down... ramp it up... etc...
A word of warning though — start slowly and then ramp up gradually as too high an initial dose of probiotics may temporarily worsen your symptoms.
Removing the inflammatory elements of your diet, including gluten, dairy, and possibly eggs, is the first step; then ramp up the amount of vegetables.
It will help you get started and then ramp you up quickly with intensity and skill.
Then they ramp up the comedy with a terrific propaganda montage before getting into the heroism.
However, as states began enacting legislation to create and spread charter schools — beginning with Minnesota in 1991, then ramping up significantly under the presidential administration of Bill Clinton — there was a «more conservative vision» repeated again and again that reinforced charter schools as «competitors» to the public school system — even to the extent of replacing public schools, some argued.
What Duncan continually fails to acknowledge is that the underlying reason for that had to do with the gamesmanship by states that didn't make their standards and proficiency targets more - rigorous in the first place, then ramped them up just a few years before the 2014 target would come into play.
Then it will then ramp everything up to Formula One ferocity as speeds build.
In 2013, the Harper government increased the TFSA annual contribution limit to $ 5,500, and then ramped it up to $ 10,000 this year.
If, however, you are seeking a flexible early retirement and have no problem adjusting your plans given a major market pullback, then ramp up the risk.
He suggests lowering your position size during rough patches and then ramping up again as you come out of them.
Actually, I played through the games on standard settings and then ramped up the difficulties, just like I used to play them.
But, still, that shape is what the way you'd expect that model data to look like if you start at equilibrium and then ramp the forcing up with time.
Constraining the fit to have a reasonable base CO2 level will cause it to under - estimate almost all of the Keeling period then ramp up at a totally impossible rate once it crosses Keeling at the second forced fit point.
Now imagine that you start at Tc = 0 and then ramp it up.
(They will then ramp up to full volume, as before).
Duties would be once or twice a week starting out and then ramping up t...

Not exact matches

I'm in the right lane, you flash by me in the left lane, dart over in front of me... and then brake hard so you can slow down enough to make the exit ramp, causing me to slow down, too.
Tom Hoefer, then manager of public affairs at Diavik, warned at a conference that the industry needed to ramp up exploration.
Every few months, the ongoing upheaval in the digital - music business forces its way into the public consciousness — Rdio goes bankrupt, Pandora hangs out a «For Sale» sign and then gets rid of its CEO, artists and labels ramp up their criticism of YouTube.
Massively ramp up the exercise to speed up your metabolism, and then you can push through.
Since then however, virtually all of the world's major automakers have ramped up self - driving car efforts and are currently testing prototype vehicles with various levels of autonomous capabilities.
It will be super tempting to get someone in quick so you can ramp up your sales and get growth, but if the person isn't a good fit, or not a natural seller, then it will come back to bite you.
If this phase is successful, the next step for the pilot could be to try the panels in the rest stop's parking lot, then the entrance and exit ramps.
They then seamlessly ramp up into their own self - produced longform content which takes the form of well - written copy, video and additional product photography.
Then, around 2005, the U.S. once again changed the tone, rapidly ramping up investigations.
Then I took over one in Silicon Valley, called Ramp, and that we sold to Nokia.
But since then, the company has tried to figure out how to ramp up revenue.
We've been ramping the licensing program up for a while here, starting small and then starting to think big.
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