Sentences with phrase «then reaches a consensus»

Using such insights as a guide, the group then reaches a consensus on where the company wants to be in five years.
You like to think that doctors have looked carefully at the appropriate scientific studies, understand the underlying pathophysiology in detail, then reach a consensus on treatment.

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Assuming that we reach a win - win consensus on this, then phase three is the actual build out of the project.
Then a consensus reached by scholars of different confessional and theological viewpoints becomes the really significant thing.
The consensus opinion is that distribution has to happen first, and then you can reach out to the media to help tell your story.
Since then, Democrats, Republicans and Malloy have been unable to reach a consensus on taxes, aid to municipalities, school funding, support for UConn and cuts in state services, among other things.
The five county leaders will then confer and, presumably, reach a consensus.
Since smaller groups are more likely to reach consensus, the researchers said, it would be better for a subgroup of countries to come to a consensus on its own and then bring that single proposal to the larger group.
In theory, if the SLT reached a consensus, it could make major decisions about school practices that the principal was then required to carry out.
Then the practitioners can work to reach a consensus about postoperative pain control and IV catheter placement.
«It's my understanding that the blue team makes an argument and red team tries to knock it down and the blue team then refines their argument and they go back and forth until consensus is reached.
If surface pH was in equilibrium with the atmosphere, then CO2 concentrations would have hovered around 2000 ppm, but there is no consensus that CO2 reached those levels.
If you describe «consensus» as being «reached when nobody expresses his or her opposition to one view», then there is no concensus on any scientific topic as there is no field in which there are no dissenters from the mainstream view.
Then, they discuss the substance of their findings, with the goal of reaching a class - wide consensus on the relevant rules and the answer to the question.
When patients make claims of negligence the process of discovering whether negligence occurred requires investigating medical records, interviewing the involved parties (through sworn depositions), finding experts, sorting out conflicts between the opinions of experts, reinvestigating the records and testimony as new insights are uncovered and then reaching some kind of consensus, if possible, about what actually occurred and whether those facts meet the definition of legal negligence.
At Goldman Sloan Nash & Haber LLP, a Toronto firm with 30 lawyers, there is no set formula for partner compensation, which is determined through a committee process in which committee members each reach their own conclusions, which are then shared and discussed until a consensus is reached.
They then started to reach out to other national organizations, and what they found was a growing consensus that the Bitcoin Foundation's conduct, as they perceived it, was unacceptable:
Since then, the document has been revised several times since officials could not reach a consensus on this matter.
Then, they will meet to discuss each application, and reach a consensus decision as to the best qualified, qualified, or unqualified candidates.
If you and your spouse are struggling to make a determination regarding where the children will reside after you separate, or if you can't reach consensus on various co-parenting issues, then if might be appropriate to engage a collaborative psychologist trained as a child development specialist.
These themes were then presented to client and staff participants for further feedback until consensus was reached that these were the most significant.
People fail to discuss their differences, reach a false consensus, but then continue to work at cross-purposes.
A panel of judges then reviews this group, weighing the factors mentioned above, until a consensus is reached on 50 finalists.
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